Week 2: Simple Work of Art


This project consisted of creating a simple work of art using for() or while() loops. 



For this assignment, I had a hard time coming up with an idea so I decided to take a look at the old computer magazines provided for inspiration. I found an interesting piece of art called “Structure” by Zdenek Sykora in the Computer Graphics and Art Magazine. I really liked the composition and I thought it would accurately represent the use of for loops. While I was coming up with the composition of the artwork, I heard my friend talking about Euphoria and I saw an image. This inspired me to use the color palette represented by this television series. 


One of the main challenges in this project was calculating the initial and final angle of the arc. I am still learning how to calculate the angles of the circle to make the arc I want to make. Another significant challenge was coming up with randomizing the colors of the square in the background. After trying to include specific colors in the program I found a website for color palettes. Through this website, I realized that I could get the colors I wanted by keeping the blue and green values in the RGB constant while changing the red value within a specific range. 



For this project, I first tried to recreate several squares using for loops. Then I tried to create several arcs of the same angle and design. After accomplishing this I worked on randomizing the angles of the arcs to have different positions of arcs while maintaining the same size. Finally, I worked on the randomizing of colors for the squares and circles. 



Overall I think I got to practice with the for loop and how to think about two-dimensional art. Also, this project helped me work with random numbers and use RGB colors. Last assignment I mentioned that I struggled with hardcoding. However, I think for this assignment I improved on using more variables instead of constant numbers in my code. Although I haven’t been able to completely fix the habit of hardcoding, I think I have significantly improved in this area. Overall, I really liked the outcome of this project because it resembled perfectly what I wanted to make initially.


int rowofSquares = 10;
int lengthofSquares = 60;
int colorcircle;

void setup(){
  size(600, 600);

void draw(){
    for(int y = 0; y < rowofSquares; y++){
    for(int x = 0; x < rowofSquares; x++){
      color colorsquare = color(int(random(30,180)), 0, 250);
      rect(lengthofSquares * x, lengthofSquares * y, lengthofSquares, lengthofSquares);
  for(int y = 0; y < rowofSquares; y++){
    for(int x = 0; x < rowofSquares; x++){
      float r = random(0,4);
      int position = (int)r;
      int colorcircle = (255*int(random(0,2)));
      arc(lengthofSquares * x + lengthofSquares*0.5,
      lengthofSquares * y + lengthofSquares*0.5, lengthofSquares,
      lengthofSquares, position*HALF_PI, (position+2)*HALF_PI, CHORD);
      if(position == 0){
        int randpos = int(random(0,2));
        if(randpos == 0){
          colorcircle = (255*int(random(0,2)));
          arc(lengthofSquares * x + lengthofSquares*0.5,
          lengthofSquares * y + lengthofSquares*0.5 , lengthofSquares,
          lengthofSquares, (position+2)*HALF_PI, (position+4)*HALF_PI, CHORD);
          colorcircle = (255*int(random(0,2)));
          arc(lengthofSquares * x + lengthofSquares*0.5,
          lengthofSquares * y, lengthofSquares,
          lengthofSquares, (position)*HALF_PI, (position+2)*HALF_PI, CHORD);



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