Week 1 – Self Portrait

The first assignment was about experimenting with shapes and Processing functions in order to create a self-portrait. I decided to add some flavour to it through a representation of my tongue touching my nose, something I am extremely proud of. And yes, this is exactly how the rest of my face looks like when I try showcasing my talents.

I have learnt a lot about the use of shapes during this process of making the self-portrait. Some of the shapes I used were triangle(), rect(), arc(), ellipse(), circle() and line(). I used functions for different parts of the face which made it easier for me to work with them individually.

The most challenging part for me was experimenting with the coordinates so that everything could appear in the right place. Some of the features of coding using Processing really helped me here, such as using a circle to represent the ears. Although I have used full circles to represent the ears, they do not appear as full circles because the colour used was the same as that of the rest of the face, leading to an overlap.

Also, I used two different hairstyles (one of them is commented). Once again, allowing the hair to appear over the face (because code is executed line by line) helped me avoid dealing with awkward shapes.

int centerX;
int centerY;
int faceCenter;
float faceWidth = 140;
float faceHeight = 175;

void setup() {
  size(640, 480);
  background(255, 255, 0);
  centerX = width / 2;
  centerY = height / 2;

void draw() {

void face() {
  fill(247, 194, 168);
  //ellipse(centerX, centerY - 45, faceWidth, faceHeight);
  rect(260, 140, 120, 90);
  arc(320, 230, 120, 70, 0, PI);
  ellipse(385, 180, 20, 25);
  ellipse(255, 180, 20, 25);
  stroke(255, 160, 180);
  ellipse(253, 180, 10, 15);
  ellipse(386, 180, 10, 15);

void nose() {
  line(centerX, centerY - 55, centerX - 7, centerY - 35);
  line(centerX, centerY - 55, centerX + 7, centerY - 35);
  line(centerX - 7, centerY - 35, centerX, centerY - 33);
  line(centerX + 7, centerY - 35, centerX, centerY - 33);

void hair() {
  arc(320, 140, 118, 50, PI, PI*2);
  triangle(260, 140, 360, 150, 379, 140);
  //the two lines below can be used to present another version of the hair
  //arc(290, 140, 60, 25, 0, PI);
  //arc(350, 140, 60, 25, 0, PI);

void eyes() {
  arc(290, 170, 25, 10, PI, PI*2);
  arc(350, 170, 25, 10, PI, PI*2);
  ellipse(290, 178, 25, 10);
  ellipse(350, 178, 25, 10);
  circle(290, 178, 5);
  circle(350, 178, 5);

void lips() {
  arc(320, 230, 32, 15, 0, PI);
  //line(300, 230, 340, 230);
  //arc(320, 230, 32, 10, PI, 2*PI);
  fill(220, 133, 146);
  arc(320, 230, 32, 48, PI, 2*PI);
  fill(247, 194, 168);
  arc(320, 230, 32, 10, PI, 2*PI);

void body() {
  fill(247, 194, 168);
  rect(300, 262, 40, 40);
  fill(0, 255, 255);



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