Back To Childhood: Tic-Tac-Toe

For this weeks assignment I decided to recreate a game that I played alot with my siblings when power was out during hurricanes seasons in a digital. I decided to make the game tic-tac-toe however instead of uses X’s and  O’s I decided that each piece will be a square box that it will be filled in each of the spots. The reason for this was utilize the entire canvas that processing provide.

I utilized a snapping motion to determine where the player was currently

was and the piece would be put should the player click the mouse button.

For the object oriented portion of the game all of the game logic is encapsulated in a game class. The game class uses a 2D-array to store the “pieces” either as a 0 for red, 1 for green or a -1 for empty. This array is used during the entire time that the game is in session to render the pieces as well do various logic work. For instance, if the value is not -1 then the piece should not be played. The game class also used this array to check the winning condition of the game.\\

void setup() {
  size(1000, 1000);
//global variables
float boxWidth = 1000/3;
Game myGame = new Game();
int turn = 0; //0 is red, 1 is green
boolean gameRunning = true;
String gameWonBy = "";
int piecesIn = 0;

void draw() {
  background(255, 255, 255);
  if (gameRunning == true)

  //fill(255, 255, 255);
  fill(0, 0, 0);
  if (gameWonBy == "Red") {
    text("This game was won by red", width/2, height/2);
    //println("should display text");
  } else if (gameWonBy == "Green") {
    text("This game was won by green", width/2, height/2);
    //println("should display text");
  } else if (gameWonBy == "Tie") {
    text("This game ended in a tie", width/2, height/2);
    //println("should display text");

void board() {
  //first vertical line
  line(width/3, 0, width/3, height);
  //second vertical line
  line(2* width/3, 0, 2*width/3, height);

  //first horizontal line
  line(0, height/3, width, height/3);
  //second horizontal line
  line(0, 2*height/3, width, 2*height/3);

void cursorHover() {
  //make the light green/red box over the position
  if (turn%2==0)
    fill(255, 0, 0, 180);
  } else if (turn%2==1) {
    fill(0, 255, 0, 180);
  //origin of the hover box
  int[] origin = getIndices();
  //draw the position
  rect(origin[1]*boxWidth, origin[0]*boxWidth, boxWidth, boxWidth);

void mouseClicked() {

int[] getIndices() {
  int[] indices = new int[2];
  //x is index 0, y is index 1
  indices[0] = floor(mouseY/boxWidth);
  indices[1] = floor(mouseX/boxWidth);
  return indices;

class Game {
  int[][] positions = new int[3][3];
  Game() {
    for (int i=0; i<positions.length; i++) {
      for (int j=0; j<positions[i].length; j++) {
  void updatePosition(int[] indices) {
    if (gameRunning)
      if (positions[indices[0]][indices[1]] == -1) {
        positions[indices[0]][indices[1]] = turn%2;

  void printPositions() {
    for (int i=0; i<positions.length; i++) {
      for (int j=0; j<positions[i].length; j++) {
        //print(positions[i][j]+" ");

  void colorPieces() {
    for (int i=0; i<positions.length; i++) {
      for (int j=0; j<positions[i].length; j++) {
        //if position is 0 then color the position red
        if (positions[j][i]==0) {
          fill(255, 0, 0);
          rect(i*boxWidth, j*boxWidth, boxWidth, boxWidth);
        //if position is 1 then color the position green
        else if (positions[j][i]==1) {
          fill(0, 255, 0);
          rect(i*boxWidth, j*boxWidth, boxWidth, boxWidth);

  void checkWin() {
    //tie check
    if (piecesIn == 9 && gameRunning==true) {
      gameRunning = false;
      gameWonBy = "Tie";
    //row check
    for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
      if (positions[i][0]==0 && positions[i][1]==0 && positions[i][2]==0) {
        gameRunning = false;
        gameWonBy = "Red";
        //println("gameWonBy Red");
      } else if (positions[i][0]==1 && positions[i][1]==1 && positions[i][2]==1) {
        gameRunning = false;
        gameWonBy = "Green";
        //println("gameWonBy Green");
    // column check
    for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
      if (positions[0][i]==0 && positions[1][i]==0 && positions[2][i]==0) {
        gameRunning = false;
        gameWonBy = "Red";
        //println("gameWonBy Red");
      } else if (positions[0][i]==1 && positions[1][i]==1 && positions[2][i]==1) {
        gameRunning = false;
        gameWonBy = "Green";
        //println("gameWonBy Green");

    // diagonal check y=-x
    if (positions[0][0]==0 && positions[1][1]==0 && positions[2][2]==0) {
      gameRunning = false;
      gameWonBy = "Red";
      //println("gameWonBy Red");
    } else if (positions[0][0]==1 && positions[1][1]==1 && positions[2][2]==1) {
      gameRunning = false;
      gameWonBy = "Green";
      //println("gameWonBy Green");

    // diagonal check y=x
    if (positions[0][2]==0 && positions[1][1]==0 && positions[2][0]==0) {
      gameRunning = false;
      gameWonBy = "Red";
      //println("gameWonBy Red");
    } else if (positions[0][2]==1 && positions[1][1]==1 && positions[2][0]==1) {
      gameRunning = false;
      gameWonBy = "Green";
      //println("gameWonBy Green");


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