Within the process of creating my self portrait , I struggled with a lot of different things ranging from simple writings and ordering of codes to changing various colors, shapes and sizes of different figures, and many more. I have absolutely zero experience with coding, therefore I was only able to create this five-year-old-like-drawing of mine. However, I hope to be able to get better at coding in the future and it would be really appreciated if any of you guys could give me tips or recommendations for websites that could help me with my coding skills so I wouldn’t have to look like a snowman.
int backgroundColor = 255; int x=200; int y=200; float a= 100; float b=100; float start=180; void setup(){ size(500,600); x=width/2; y=height/2;} void draw() { background(backgroundColor); //face shape ellipse(250, 320, 400, 400); //nose triangle(250,380,200,380,250,330); //spectacles rect(100,275,100,60); rect(300,275,100,60); line(100, 300,50,300); line (400, 300, 450, 300); // Lips pushStyle(); fill(210, 153, 133); arc(250, 400, 80,80,0, PI, PIE); popStyle(); // Eye shape ellipse(150, 300, 60, 30); ellipse (350, 300, 60, 30); //eye color pushStyle(); fill(0); ellipse(150, 300, 20, 20); ellipse (350, 300, 20, 20); popStyle(); //eyebrow pushStyle(); fill(0); rect(100,250,70,20,7); rect(320,250,70,20,7); popStyle(); }