For my first assignment using java, my main goal was to get used to the language. I just finished studying python in the previous semester, so I found that there are some useful similarities while I was coding this project. In general, doing this small exercise proved to be a good introduction to java, helping me develop important coding habits that relate to java.
Project wise, we were asked to draw a not-so-accurate self-portrait of ourselves, so I took that requirement to somewhat of an extreme. I never really excelled at detailed intricate art anyways, so I decided to go a bit crazy and draw a demon version of myself. I have one red eye, red hair, and I knew demons can be scary for some people so I threw in some dad styles to cheer the picture up.
A big drawback to this week’s project is that I didn’t try to avoid hard coding that much, I felt like I wanted to start off just getting to know the language. In next week’s project, I want to design my code better and make it much more aesthetically pleasing.
void setup() { size(700, 900); background(128,128,128); } void draw() { ground(); hair(); face(); eyes(); body(); Nathan(); Gotmilk(); } void Nathan() { textSize(32); fill(255, 102, 178); text("Friendly Demon Nathan", 10, 30); } void Gotmilk() { textSize(30); fill(255, 255, 255); text(" Got \nMilk?\n :)", 310, 370); } void face() { //skin fill(255, 255, 51); ellipse(350, 200, 100, 140); noStroke(); //mouth fill(0, 0, 0); noStroke(); arc(350, 230, 50, 40, 0, PI, PIE); } void hair() { fill(255, 0, 0); noStroke(); arc(350, 140, 130, 180, 0, PI, PIE); } void eyes() { //sclera fill(255, 255, 255); stroke(0, 0, 0); strokeWeight(0.5); ellipse(350, 180, 40, 50); //pupil fill(255, 0, 0); noStroke(); ellipse(350, 190, 20, 20); } void body() { //arms stroke(255, 255, 51); strokeWeight(30); line(280, 320, 220, 400); stroke(255, 255, 51); strokeWeight(30); line(220, 400, 200, 530); stroke(255, 255, 51); strokeWeight(30); line(420, 330, 470, 400); stroke(255, 255, 51); strokeWeight(30); line(470, 400, 490, 530); //neck stroke(255, 255, 51); strokeWeight(9); line(350, 270, 350, 290); //T-shirt fill(0,0,0); noStroke(); rect(275, 290, 150, 250, 15); //pants fill(0,76,153); quad(275, 515, 270, 820, 340, 820, 350, 515); fill(0,76,153); quad(350, 515, 355, 820, 425, 820, 425, 515); fill(102,51,0); rect(270, 515, 160, 20); stroke(255, 255, 51); strokeWeight(30); line(290, 835, 320, 835); line(375, 835, 405, 835); //sleeves noStroke(); fill(0,0,0); triangle(285, 290, 240, 330, 275, 360); fill(0,0,0); triangle(415, 290, 410, 370, 460, 330); } void ground() { noStroke(); fill(0, 0, 0); rect(0, 700, 700, 900); }