For the first assignment for Intro To IM for Fall 2020, we were required to create a self portrait using processing. At the beginning the process seemed a bit daunting as I only had experience create visuals for the web or for print using design tools like Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. I completed this project by breaking up the feature of the portrait into in different parts and then break up those features [if required] into more parts.
Feature of the face [or the further broken down feature] was a function. I opted to make my the self portrait this way because it made it easy to layer features since I would only have move one line of code to this since a feature is encapsulated as a single function.
The main components of the self portraits were the face neck and hair. Each of these features were different functions and were called from the “draw” function.
The face was further broken down into components. These were forehead, chin, eyes, eyesbrows, nose and lips.
void setup() { size(640, 480); background(111, 143, 114); } int scale = 2; int faceWidth = 80; float centerX = 320; float centerY = 240; void draw() { neck(); face(); hair(); } void face() { fill(210, 153, 108); //skin color middleOfFace(); foreHead(); chin(); eye(); eyeBrows(); nose(); lips(); } void foreHead() { arc(centerX, centerY-100, faceWidth*scale, 50*scale, PI, 2*PI, OPEN); } void middleOfFace() { rect(centerX-faceWidth*scale/2, centerY-102, faceWidth*scale, 84); } void chin() { arc(centerX, centerY-20, faceWidth*scale, 85*scale, 0, PI); } void hair() { pushStyle(); fill(0, 0, 0); arc(centerX, centerY-105, 160, 105, PI, 2*PI); triangle(centerX-faceWidth, centerY-105, centerX-faceWidth+20, centerY-105, centerX-faceWidth, centerY-40); triangle(centerX+faceWidth, centerY-105, centerX+faceWidth-20, centerY-105, centerX+faceWidth, centerY-40); popStyle(); } void eye() { //left sclera fill(255, 255, 255); arc(centerX-30, centerY-80, 30, 13, PI, PI*2); arc(centerX-30, centerY-80, 30, 13, 0, PI); //right sclera fill(255, 255, 255); arc(centerX+30, centerY-80, 30, 13, PI, PI*2); arc(centerX+30, centerY-80, 30, 13, 0, PI); //iris pushStyle(); fill(0, 0, 0); circle(centerX-30, centerY-80, 8); circle(centerX+30, centerY-80, 8 ); popStyle(); } void eyeBrows() { pushStyle(); noFill(); stroke(0, 0, 0); strokeWeight(2); arc(centerX-30, centerY-87, 38, 8, PI, PI*2); //left eyebrow arc(centerX+30, centerY-87, 38, 8, PI, PI*2); //right eyebrow popStyle(); } void neck() { pushStyle(); fill(210, 153, 108); //skin color noStroke(); int neckWidth = 55; rect(centerX-neckWidth/2, centerY+50, neckWidth, 70); popStyle(); } void nose() { int noseWidth=30; int yShift = -10; fill(217, 168, 130); quad(centerX, centerY-45+yShift, centerX-noseWidth/2, centerY+yShift, centerX, centerY+5+yShift, centerX+noseWidth/2, centerY+yShift); } void lips() { pushStyle(); fill(210, 153, 133); int lipsWidth = 50; int lipsHeight = 16; ellipse(centerX, centerY+25, lipsWidth, lipsHeight); arc(centerX, centerY+23, lipsWidth, 6, 0, PI); popStyle(); }