<Artistic Collage>
An artistic collage intake on the fruits image using the get() function with different tint appliance at different positions.
Source Code
PImage fruits; void setup() { size(512, 512); fruits = loadImage("fruits.png"); } void draw() { noStroke(); background(255); pushStyle(); tint(255, 100, 100); image(fruits, 150, 100); popStyle(); PImage sectionOne = fruits.get(0, 0, 200, 200); PImage sectionTwo = fruits.get(200, 0, 300, 200); tint(0, 100, 100); image(sectionOne, 30, 40); tint(200, 0, 200); image(sectionTwo, 50, 250); }
<Playing With Pixels With Two Images>
A merge of pixels from the fruits image on to the baboon (or mandril), fixed on the pixels with R-value above 210 – mainly targeting the nose color!
Source Code
PImage baboon; PImage fruits; void setup() { size(512, 512); baboon = loadImage("baboon.png"); fruits = loadImage("fruits.png"); } void draw() { background(255); baboon.loadPixels(); fruits.loadPixels(); for (int y=0; y<height; y++) { for (int x=0; x<width; x++) { int index = x + y * width; float r = red(baboon.pixels[index]); if ( r >= 210 ) { baboon.pixels[index] = fruits.pixels[index]; } } } baboon.updatePixels(); image(baboon, 0, 0); }
<Exploding Pixels>
Trying to imitate an exploding facebook logo!
Source Code
PImage facebook; int increment = 20; void setup() { size(512, 512, P3D); facebook = loadImage("facebook.png"); } void draw() { noStroke(); background(0); facebook.resize(0, 512); facebook.loadPixels(); for (int y=0; y<facebook.height; y+= increment) { for (int x=0; x<facebook.width; x+= increment) { int index = x + y * facebook.width; color pix = facebook.pixels[index]; fill(pix); float z = map(brightness(pix), 0, 255, 0, mouseX); pushMatrix(); translate(x,y,z); fill(pix); rectMode(CENTER); rect(0,0,increment,increment); popMatrix(); } } }