I tried a bunch of different text generation ways. I watched a video on the coding train and now I feel I have a much deeper understanding of text generation. I decided to go with a simple text fade.
float imeInterval; float timePast; int textAlpha = 100; int textFade = 2; float timeInterval = 2000.0f; PFont f; void setup() { size(400,400); timePast = millis(); f = createFont("Zapfino", 64); } void textFade() { if (millis() > timeInterval + timePast){ timePast = millis(); textFade*= -1; } textAlpha += textFade; } void draw() { background(0); textFade(); textSize(90); textFont(f,50); fill(255,255,255, textAlpha); text("Dream", width/4, height/2); }