I can’t decide if I really enjoy processing or find it really frustrating (probably both). Although, I played around with with the beginShape() endShape() functions and also the vertex() function, I couldn’t make them nice enough to include in the final sketch. So instead, I decided to stick to a simple version of myself made with all sorts of shapes (this part was fun).
void setup () { size(400, 430); background(255, 200, 200); } void draw() { smooth(); // hijab? fill(0, 0, 0); ellipse(200, 240, 300, 400); // face fill(184, 153, 120); ellipse(200, 195, 197, 235); //eye fill(200, 200, 200); ellipse(165, 150, 45, 22); //eye fill(200, 200, 200); ellipse(235, 150, 45, 22); //pupil fill(40, 0, 0); ellipse(165, 150, 20, 20); //pupil fill(40, 0, 0); ellipse(235, 150, 20, 20); //eyebrow fill(20, 0, 0); arc(235, 132, 55, 15, PI, TWO_PI); //eyebrow fill(20, 0, 0); arc(165, 132, 55, 15, PI, TWO_PI); //nose stroke(0,0,0); strokeWeight(1); fill(184, 153, 120); ellipse(202, 200, 35,15); //nose noStroke(); fill(184, 153, 120); ellipse(202, 192, 35,15); //mouth stroke(140,20,10); strokeWeight(5); noFill(); arc(202, 239, 72, 40, 0, PI); //shoulders fill(0, 0, 0); noStroke(); rect(0, 350, 800, 600); }