Good day everyone!
So my project went as planned, except for some small changes. It is a tilt maze which actually work pretty well! Less detail, here is the video:
Here is my code which operates 2 servos and 2 pressure sensors.
#include <Servo.h> Servo myServo; Servo myServo1; void setup() { myServo.attach(9); Serial.begin(9600); myServo1.attach(10); } void loop() { int pressure1 = analogRead(A0); int pressure2 = analogRead(A3); Serial.print(pressure1); Serial.print(" "); Serial.println(pressure2); int angle1 = map(pressure1, 0,970,90,30); int angle2 = map(pressure2, 0,970,110,30); myServo.write(angle1); myServo1.write(angle2); }