Week 4 Circuits & Code – Analog Write, Servo, Buzzer, Tone Library


const int knobPin = A0;
const int ledPin = 3; // be sure to use a PWM pin!

void setup() {
  pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
  // read the potentiometer value
  int knobValue = analogRead(knobPin);
  // analog write takes values between 0 and 255
  // map the knob value to be be between 0 and 255
  int brightness = map(knobValue,0,1023,0,255);

  // use the brightness value for the LED analog write
  analogWrite(ledPin, brightness);



#include <Servo.h>

Servo myServo;

const int knobPin = A0;

void setup() {
  // attach the servo to pin number 9


void loop() {
  // read the potentiometer value
  int knobValue = analogRead(knobPin);
  // the servo only moves between 0 and 180
  // map the knob value to be be between 0 and 180
  int angle = map(knobValue,0,1023,0,180);

  // use the mapped angle to set the servo's rotation

  // wait a very short bit for the servo to move to the location



int buzzerPin = 4;

void setup() {
  pinMode(buzzerPin, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
  // arguments are pin, frequency, and duration
  tone(buzzerPin, 440, 200);
  // since the tone is lasting 200 milliseconds
  // delay for 400, so 200 on and then 200 off

  // you could also do without the duration argument if you wanted a steady tone:
  //  tone(buzzerPin, 440);

Install the Tone Library by Brett Hagman to use more than one Buzzer:

// install the Tone Library by Brett Hagman to use multiple buzzers

#include <Tone.h>

// arrays to hold the note values
int notes[10] = {NOTE_C4, NOTE_D4, NOTE_E4, NOTE_F4, NOTE_G4, NOTE_A4, NOTE_B4, NOTE_C5, NOTE_D5, NOTE_E5};

Tone player0, player1;

// length in milliseconds
int duration = 250;

//variable to change note for player0
int whichNote = 0;

void setup() {
  // use pin 5 for buzzer 0
  // use pin 6 for buzzer 1

void loop() {
  // player0's notes change according to the number in whichNote
  player0.play(notes[whichNote], duration);

  // player1's note stays the same
  player1.play(notes[9], duration);

  // set whichNote to equal itself + 1
  // then modulo that number by 8, which creates a loop between 0-7 (8 digits)
  whichNote = (whichNote + 1) % 8; //do plus 1 to go up major scale, try others numbers like plus 3

  //wait for the notes to stop playing before going to the next note




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