Maze Game

For this week’s assignment, I made a simple maze game. The game has two modes: one player and two players. For the one player mode, the player uses keys to move the dot around the maze. The player wins once he reaches the end of the maze. For the two players mode, two players start out on different sides of the maze. Then they move the dot to reach the opposite side of the maze. The one who reaches the other side first wins the game. In both modes, players need to move the dot carefully so as not to touch any edge of the maze. If the dot is in contact with the edge, the player loses the game. (p.s. Don’t try to crash the dots. You will die.)

Screen Shot 2015-11-01 at 1.30.49 PM

Here are some basic instructions for my game.

‘a’ – move dot 1 to the left

‘d’ – move dot 1 to the right

‘w’ – move dot 1 up

’s’ – move dot 1 down

‘j’ – move dot 2 to the left

‘l’ – move dot 2 to the right

‘i’ – move dot 2 up

’k’ – move dot 2 down

‘+’ – increase speed

“-” – decrease speed

space – start the game

’n’ – restart

My code is attached below.

boolean start = false;
boolean moveU1 = false;
boolean moveL1 = false;
boolean moveR1 = false;
boolean moveD1 = false;
boolean moveU2 = false;
boolean moveL2 = false;
boolean moveR2 = false;
boolean moveD2 = false;
boolean move = true;
float gap1 = 10; //distance from the edge
float direction; //direction that the dot moves
float xPos1;
float yPos1;
float xPos2;
float yPos2;
float diam = 15;
float xSpeed = 1;
float ySpeed = 1;
int dead1 = 0;
int dead2 = 0;
int num_player = 0;

void setup() {
  size(720, 720);

void draw() {
  int time = second();
  float unitL = (width-gap1*2)/10;


  if (move == true) {

  //one player
  if (num_player == 1) {
    maze(); //draw background maze

    if  (start == false && dead1 == 0) {
      changingDot(gap1+unitL*0.5, gap1+unitL*3.5);
      xPos1 = gap1+unitL*0.5;
      yPos1 = gap1+unitL*3.5;
    if (start == true) {
      fill(255, 255, 0); //yellow
      ellipse(xPos1, yPos1, diam, diam);


  //two players
  if (num_player == 2) {
    maze(); //draw background maze

    if  (start == false && dead1 == 0 && dead2 == 0) {
      changingDot(gap1+unitL*0.5, gap1+unitL*3.5);
      changingDot(gap1+unitL*9.5, gap1+unitL*1.5);

      xPos2 = gap1+unitL*9.5;
      yPos2 = gap1+unitL*1.5;

      xPos1 = gap1+unitL*0.5;
      yPos1 = gap1+unitL*3.5;
    if (start == true) {
      fill(255, 255, 0); //yellow
      ellipse(xPos1, yPos1, diam, diam); //player 1 dot
      ellipse(xPos2, yPos2, diam, diam); //player 2 dot


      if (dist(xPos1, yPos1, xPos2, yPos2) <= diam) {
        dead1 = 1;
        dead2 = 1;
        println("THEY ARE DESTROYED");

void keyPressed() {
  if (key == ' ' ) { //press space to start the game
    start = true;

  if (key == 'n') { //restart the game
    start = false;
    dead1 = 0;
    dead2 = 0;
    num_player = 0;
    move = true;
    xSpeed = 1;
    ySpeed = 1;

  //change speed
  if (key == '=') {
    xSpeed += 1;
    ySpeed += 1;
  if (key == '-') {
    xSpeed -= 1;
    ySpeed -= 1;

  //player 1 direction
  if (key == 'a') {
    moveL1 = true;
  if (key == 'd') {
    moveR1 = true;
  if (key == 'w') {
    moveU1 = true;
  if (key == 's') {
    moveD1 = true;

  //player 2 direction
  if (key == 'j') {
    moveL2 = true;
  if (key == 'l') {
    moveR2 = true;
  if (key == 'i') {
    moveU2 = true;
  if (key == 'k') {
    moveD2 = true;

void keyReleased() {
  if (key == 'a') {
    moveL1 = false;
  if (key == 'd') {
    moveR1 = false;
  if (key == 'w') {
    moveU1 = false;
  if (key == 's') {
    moveD1 = false;

  if (key == 'j') {
    moveL2 = false;
  if (key == 'l') {
    moveR2 = false;
  if (key == 'i') {
    moveU2 = false;
  if (key == 'k') {
    moveD2 = false;

void mousePressed() {
  float unitL = (width-gap1*2)/10;

  if (mouseX >= gap1+unitL*2 && mouseX <= gap1+unitL*8) {
    if (mouseY >= gap1+unitL*3 && mouseY <= gap1+unitL*4.5) {
      num_player = 1;

  if (mouseX >= gap1+unitL*2 && mouseX <= gap1+unitL*8) {
    if (mouseY >= gap1+unitL*5 && mouseY <= gap1+unitL*6.5) {
      num_player = 2;

void basic_setup() {
  float unitL = (width-gap1*2)/10;

  rect(gap1+unitL*2, gap1+unitL*3, unitL*6, unitL*1.5); //rect for one player
  rect(gap1+unitL*2, gap1+unitL*5, unitL*6, unitL*1.5); //rect for two player
  fill(255, 0, 0);//red
  text("ONE PLAYER", gap1+unitL*2.5, gap1+unitL*4);
  text("TWO PLAYERS", gap1+unitL*2.5, gap1+unitL*6);

void maze() {
  float unitL = (width-gap1*2)/10;

  //draw horizontal lines
  line(gap1, gap1, width-gap1, gap1); //end of line 0
  line(gap1+unitL, gap1+unitL, gap1+unitL*2, gap1+unitL);
  line(gap1+unitL*4, gap1+unitL, gap1+unitL*5, gap1+unitL);
  line(gap1+unitL*6, gap1+unitL, gap1+unitL*8, gap1+unitL); //end of line 1
  line(gap1+unitL*2, gap1+unitL*2, gap1+unitL*7, gap1+unitL*2);//end of line 2
  line(gap1+unitL*3, gap1+unitL*3, gap1+unitL*8, gap1+unitL*3);//end of line 3
  line(gap1+unitL*0, gap1+unitL*4, gap1+unitL*1, gap1+unitL*4);
  line(gap1+unitL*5, gap1+unitL*4, gap1+unitL*7, gap1+unitL*4);//end of line 4
  line(gap1+unitL*3, gap1+unitL*5, gap1+unitL*4, gap1+unitL*5);//end of line 5
  line(gap1+unitL*4, gap1+unitL*6, gap1+unitL*5, gap1+unitL*6);//end of line 6
  line(gap1+unitL*2, gap1+unitL*7, gap1+unitL*6, gap1+unitL*7);//end of line 7
  line(gap1+unitL*3, gap1+unitL*8, gap1+unitL*7, gap1+unitL*8);
  line(gap1+unitL*8, gap1+unitL*8, gap1+unitL*9, gap1+unitL*8);//end of line 8
  line(gap1+unitL*0, gap1+unitL*9, gap1+unitL*9, gap1+unitL*9);//end of line 9
  line(gap1, height-gap1, width-gap1, height-gap1); //end of line 10

  //draw vertical lines
  line(gap1, gap1, gap1, gap1+unitL*3); 
  line(gap1, gap1+unitL*4, gap1, height-gap1); // end of column 0
  line(gap1+unitL, gap1+unitL, gap1+unitL, gap1+unitL*8); //end of column 1
  line(gap1+unitL*2, gap1+unitL*2, gap1+unitL*2, gap1+unitL*6);
  line(gap1+unitL*2, gap1+unitL*7, gap1+unitL*2, gap1+unitL*8); // end of column 2
  line(gap1+unitL*3, gap1, gap1+unitL*3, gap1+unitL*2);
  line(gap1+unitL*3, gap1+unitL*3, gap1+unitL*3, gap1+unitL*4);
  line(gap1+unitL*3, gap1+unitL*5, gap1+unitL*3, gap1+unitL*6); //end of column 3
  line(gap1+unitL*4, gap1+unitL*4, gap1+unitL*4, gap1+unitL*5);//end of column 4
  line(gap1+unitL*5, gap1, gap1+unitL*5, gap1+unitL);
  line(gap1+unitL*5, gap1+unitL*4, gap1+unitL*5, gap1+unitL*6); //end of column 5
  line(gap1+unitL*6, gap1+unitL*5, gap1+unitL*6, gap1+unitL*7); //end of column 6
  line(gap1+unitL*7, gap1+unitL*1, gap1+unitL*7, gap1+unitL*2);
  line(gap1+unitL*7, gap1+unitL*4, gap1+unitL*7, gap1+unitL*8); //end of column 7
  line(gap1+unitL*8, gap1+unitL*2, gap1+unitL*8, gap1+unitL*8);//end of column 8
  line(gap1+unitL*9, gap1+unitL*1, gap1+unitL*9, gap1+unitL*7);
  line(gap1+unitL*9, gap1+unitL*8, gap1+unitL*9, gap1+unitL*9);//end of column 9
  line(gap1+unitL*10, gap1, gap1+unitL*10, gap1+unitL*1);
  line(gap1+unitL*10, gap1+unitL*2, gap1+unitL*10, gap1+unitL*10);//end of column 10

void changingDot(float x_, float y_) {
  float unitL = (width-gap1*2)/10;
  int time = second();

  //xPos1 = gap1+unitL*0.5;
  //yPos1 = gap1+unitL*3.5;

  if (time % 2 == 0) {
    fill(255, 0, 0); //red
    ellipse(x_, y_, diam, diam);
  } else {
    ellipse(x_, y_, diam, diam);

void checkDeath1() {
  float unitL = (width-gap1*2)/10;

  if (xPos1 <= gap1 || yPos1 <= 0 || yPos1 >= height) { //exceed the boundary
    dead1 = 1;

  //check the columns
  if (xPos1 >= gap1+unitL-diam/2 && xPos1 <= gap1+unitL+diam/2) { //column 1
    if (yPos1 >=  gap1+unitL && yPos1 <= gap1+unitL*8) {
      dead1 = 1;

  if (xPos1 >= gap1+unitL*2-diam/2 && xPos1 <= gap1+unitL*2+diam/2) { //column 2
    if (yPos1 >=  gap1+unitL*2 && yPos1 <= gap1+unitL*6) {
      dead1 = 1;
    if (yPos1 >=  gap1+unitL*7 && yPos1 <= gap1+unitL*8) {
      dead1 = 1;

  if (xPos1 >= gap1+unitL*3-diam/2 && xPos1 <= gap1+unitL*3+diam/2 ) { //column 3
    if (yPos1 >=  gap1+unitL*0 && yPos1 <= gap1+unitL*2) {
      dead1 = 1;
    if (yPos1 >=  gap1+unitL*3 && yPos1 <= gap1+unitL*4) {
      dead1 = 1;
    if (yPos1 >=  gap1+unitL*5 && yPos1 <= gap1+unitL*6) {
      dead1 = 1;

  if (xPos1 >= gap1+unitL*4-diam/2 && xPos1 <= gap1+unitL*4+diam/2) { //column 4
    if (yPos1 >=  gap1+unitL*4 && yPos1 <= gap1+unitL*5) {
      dead1 = 1;

  if (xPos1 >= gap1+unitL*5-diam/2 && xPos1 <= gap1+unitL*5+diam/2) { //column 5
    if (yPos1 >=  gap1+unitL*0 && yPos1 <= gap1+unitL*1) {
      dead1 = 1;
    if (yPos1 >=  gap1+unitL*4 && yPos1 <= gap1+unitL*6) {
      dead1 = 1;

  if (xPos1 >= gap1+unitL*6-diam/2 && xPos1 <= gap1+unitL*6+diam/2) { //column 6
    if (yPos1 >=  gap1+unitL*5 && yPos1 <= gap1+unitL*7) {
      dead1 = 1;

  if (xPos1 >= gap1+unitL*7-diam/2 && xPos1 <= gap1+unitL*7+diam/2) { //column 7
    if (yPos1 >=  gap1+unitL*1 && yPos1 <= gap1+unitL*2) {
      dead1 = 1;
    if (yPos1 >=  gap1+unitL*4 && yPos1 <= gap1+unitL*8) {
      dead1 = 1;

  if (xPos1 >= gap1+unitL*8-diam/2 && xPos1 <= gap1+unitL*8+diam/2) { //column 8
    if (yPos1 >=  gap1+unitL*2 && yPos1 <= gap1+unitL*8) {
      dead1 = 1;

  if (xPos1 >= gap1+unitL*9-diam/2 && xPos1 <= gap1+unitL*9+diam/2) { //column 9
    if (yPos1 >=  gap1+unitL*1 && yPos1 <= gap1+unitL*7) {
      dead1 = 1;
    if (yPos1 >=  gap1+unitL*8 && yPos1 <= gap1+unitL*9) {
      dead1 = 1;

  if (xPos1 >= gap1+unitL*10-diam/2 && xPos1 <= gap1+unitL*10+diam/2) { //column 10
    if (yPos1 >=  gap1+unitL*0 && yPos1 <= gap1+unitL*1) {
      dead1 = 1;
    if (yPos1 >=  gap1+unitL*2 && yPos1 <= gap1+unitL*10) {
      dead1 = 1;

  //check the lines
  if (yPos1 >= gap1 + unitL*1-diam/2 && yPos1 <= gap1 + unitL*1+diam/2) { //line 1
    if (xPos1 >= gap1+unitL*1 && xPos1 <= gap1+unitL*2) {
      dead1 = 1;
    if (xPos1 >= gap1+unitL*4 && xPos1 <= gap1+unitL*5) {
      dead1 = 1;
    if (xPos1 >= gap1+unitL*6 && xPos1 <= gap1+unitL*8) {
      dead1 = 1;

  if (yPos1 >= gap1 + unitL*2-diam/2 && yPos1 <= gap1 + unitL*2+diam/2) { //line 2
    if (xPos1 >= gap1+unitL*2 && xPos1 <= gap1+unitL*7) {
      dead1 = 1;

  if (yPos1 >= gap1 + unitL*3-diam/2 && yPos1 <= gap1 + unitL*3+diam/2) { //line 3
    if (xPos1 >= gap1+unitL*3 && xPos1 <= gap1+unitL*8) {
      dead1 = 1;

  if (yPos1 >= gap1 + unitL*4-diam/2 && yPos1 <= gap1 + unitL*4+diam/2) { //line 4
    if (xPos1 >= gap1+unitL*0 && xPos1 <= gap1+unitL*1) {
      dead1 = 1;
    if (xPos1 >= gap1+unitL*5 && xPos1 <= gap1+unitL*7) {
      dead1 = 1;

  if (yPos1 >= gap1 + unitL*5-diam/2 && yPos1 <= gap1 + unitL*5+diam/2) { //line 5
    if (xPos1 >= gap1+unitL*3 && xPos1 <= gap1+unitL*4) {
      dead1 = 1;

  if (yPos1 >= gap1 + unitL*6-diam/2 && yPos1 <= gap1 + unitL*6+diam/2) { //line 6
    if (xPos1 >= gap1+unitL*4 && xPos1 <= gap1+unitL*5) {
      dead1 = 1;

  if (yPos1 >= gap1 + unitL*7-diam/2 && yPos1 <= gap1 + unitL*7+diam/2) { //line 7
    if (xPos1 >= gap1+unitL*2 && xPos1 <= gap1+unitL*6) {
      dead1 = 1;

  if (yPos1 >= gap1 + unitL*8-diam/2 && yPos1 <= gap1 + unitL*8+diam/2) { //line 8
    if (xPos1 >= gap1+unitL*3 && xPos1 <= gap1+unitL*7) {
      dead1 = 1;
    if (xPos1 >= gap1+unitL*8 && xPos1 <= gap1+unitL*9) {
      dead1 = 1;

  if (yPos1 >= gap1 + unitL*9-diam/2 && yPos1 <= gap1 + unitL*9+diam/2) { //line 9
    if (xPos1 >= gap1+unitL*0 && xPos1 <= gap1+unitL*9) {
      dead1 = 1;

  if (dead1 == 1 && dead2 != 1) {
    println("P1 DEAD");
    fill(255, 0, 0);//red
    text("PLAYER 1 LOST", 30, width/2);
    move = false;

void checkDeath2() {
  float unitL = (width-gap1*2)/10;
  if (xPos2 >= gap1+unitL*10 || yPos2 <= 0 || yPos2 >= height) { //exceed the boundary
    dead2 = 1;

  //check the columns
  if (xPos2 >= gap1+unitL-diam/2 && xPos2 <= gap1+unitL+diam/2) { //column 1
    if (yPos2 >=  gap1+unitL && yPos2 <= gap1+unitL*8) {
      dead2 = 1;

  if (xPos2 >= gap1+unitL*2-diam/2 && xPos2 <= gap1+unitL*2+diam/2) { //column 2
    if (yPos2 >=  gap1+unitL*2 && yPos2 <= gap1+unitL*6) {
      dead2 = 1;
    if (yPos2 >=  gap1+unitL*7 && yPos2 <= gap1+unitL*8) {
      dead2 = 1;

  if (xPos2 >= gap1+unitL*3-diam/2 && xPos2 <= gap1+unitL*3+diam/2 ) { //column 3
    if (yPos2 >=  gap1+unitL*0 && yPos2 <= gap1+unitL*2) {
      dead2 = 1;
    if (yPos2 >=  gap1+unitL*3 && yPos2 <= gap1+unitL*4) {
      dead2 = 1;
    if (yPos2 >=  gap1+unitL*5 && yPos2 <= gap1+unitL*6) {
      dead2 = 1;

  if (xPos2 >= gap1+unitL*4-diam/2 && xPos2 <= gap1+unitL*4+diam/2) { //column 4
    if (yPos2 >=  gap1+unitL*4 && yPos2 <= gap1+unitL*5) {
      dead2 = 1;

  if (xPos2 >= gap1+unitL*5-diam/2 && xPos2 <= gap1+unitL*5+diam/2) { //column 5
    if (yPos2 >=  gap1+unitL*0 && yPos2 <= gap1+unitL*1) {
      dead2 = 1;
    if (yPos2 >=  gap1+unitL*4 && yPos2 <= gap1+unitL*6) {
      dead2 = 1;

  if (xPos2 >= gap1+unitL*6-diam/2 && xPos2 <= gap1+unitL*6+diam/2) { //column 6
    if (yPos2 >=  gap1+unitL*5 && yPos2 <= gap1+unitL*7) {
      dead2 = 1;

  if (xPos2 >= gap1+unitL*7-diam/2 && xPos2 <= gap1+unitL*7+diam/2) { //column 7
    if (yPos2 >=  gap1+unitL*1 && yPos2 <= gap1+unitL*2) {
      dead2 = 1;
    if (yPos2 >=  gap1+unitL*4 && yPos2 <= gap1+unitL*8) {
      dead2 = 1;

  if (xPos2 >= gap1+unitL*8-diam/2 && xPos2 <= gap1+unitL*8+diam/2) { //column 8
    if (yPos2 >=  gap1+unitL*2 && yPos2 <= gap1+unitL*8) {
      dead2 = 1;

  if (xPos2 >= gap1+unitL*9-diam/2 && xPos2 <= gap1+unitL*9+diam/2) { //column 9
    if (yPos2 >=  gap1+unitL*1 && yPos2 <= gap1+unitL*7) {
      dead2 = 1;
    if (yPos1 >=  gap1+unitL*8 && yPos1 <= gap1+unitL*9) {
      dead2 = 1;

  if (xPos2 >= gap1+unitL*10-diam/2 && xPos2 <= gap1+unitL*10+diam/2) { //column 10
    if (yPos2 >=  gap1+unitL*0 && yPos2 <= gap1+unitL*1) {
      dead2 = 1;
    if (yPos2 >=  gap1+unitL*2 && yPos2 <= gap1+unitL*10) {
      dead2 = 1;

  //check the lines
  if (yPos2 >= gap1 + unitL*1-diam/2 && yPos2 <= gap1 + unitL*1+diam/2) { //line 1
    if (xPos2 >= gap1+unitL*1 && xPos2 <= gap1+unitL*2) {
      dead2 = 1;
    if (xPos2 >= gap1+unitL*4 && xPos2 <= gap1+unitL*5) {
      dead2 = 1;
    if (xPos2 >= gap1+unitL*6 && xPos2 <= gap1+unitL*8) {
      dead2 = 1;

  if (yPos2 >= gap1 + unitL*2-diam/2 && yPos2 <= gap1 + unitL*2+diam/2) { //line 2
    if (xPos2 >= gap1+unitL*2 && xPos2 <= gap1+unitL*7) {
      dead2 = 1;

  if (yPos2 >= gap1 + unitL*3-diam/2 && yPos2 <= gap1 + unitL*3+diam/2) { //line 3
    if (xPos2 >= gap1+unitL*3 && xPos2 <= gap1+unitL*8) {
      dead2 = 1;

  if (yPos2 >= gap1 + unitL*4-diam/2 && yPos2 <= gap1 + unitL*4+diam/2) { //line 4
    if (xPos2 >= gap1+unitL*0 && xPos2 <= gap1+unitL*1) {
      dead2 = 1;
    if (xPos2 >= gap1+unitL*5 && xPos2 <= gap1+unitL*7) {
      dead2 = 1;

  if (yPos2 >= gap1 + unitL*5-diam/2 && yPos2 <= gap1 + unitL*5+diam/2) { //line 5
    if (xPos2 >= gap1+unitL*3 && xPos2 <= gap1+unitL*4) {
      dead2 = 1;

  if (yPos2 >= gap1 + unitL*6-diam/2 && yPos2 <= gap1 + unitL*6+diam/2) { //line 6
    if (xPos2 >= gap1+unitL*4 && xPos2 <= gap1+unitL*5) {
      dead2 = 1;

  if (yPos2 >= gap1 + unitL*7-diam/2 && yPos2 <= gap1 + unitL*7+diam/2) { //line 7
    if (xPos2 >= gap1+unitL*2 && xPos2 <= gap1+unitL*6) {
      dead2 = 1;

  if (yPos2 >= gap1 + unitL*8-diam/2 && yPos2 <= gap1 + unitL*8+diam/2) { //line 8
    if (xPos2 >= gap1+unitL*3 && xPos2 <= gap1+unitL*7) {
      dead2 = 1;
    if (xPos2 >= gap1+unitL*8 && xPos2 <= gap1+unitL*9) {
      dead2 = 1;

  if (yPos2 >= gap1 + unitL*9-diam/2 && yPos2 <= gap1 + unitL*9+diam/2) { //line 9
    if (xPos2 >= gap1+unitL*0 && xPos2 <= gap1+unitL*9) {
      dead2 = 1;

  if (dead2 == 1 && dead1 != 1) {
    println("P2 DEAD");
    fill(255, 0, 0);//red
    text("PLAYER 2 LOST", 30, width/2);
    move = false;

void checkWin1() {
  float unitL = (width-gap1*2)/10;

  if (dead1 == 0) {
    if (xPos1 >= gap1+unitL*10-diam/2) {
      if (yPos1 > gap1+unitL*1 && yPos1 < gap1+unitL*2) {
        println("P1 WIN");
        fill(255, 0, 0);//red
        text("PLAYER 1 WON!!", gap1, width/2);
        move = false;

void checkWin2() {
  float unitL = (width-gap1*2)/10;

  if (dead2 == 0) {
    if (xPos2 <= gap1) {
      if (yPos2 > gap1+unitL*3 && yPos1 < gap1+unitL*4) {
        println("P2 WIN");
        fill(255, 0, 0);//red
        text("PLAYER 2 WON!!", gap1, width/2);
        move = false;

void destroyed() {
  fill(255, 0, 0);//red
  text("GAME OVER", 125, height/2);

void ani_end() {
  float xPosH = width/2;
  float yPosH1 = height;
  float yPosH2 = 0;

  float xSpeedH = random (-30, 30);
  float ySpeedH1 = random (-30, -10);
  float ySpeedH2 = random (0, 30);

  fill(255, 0, 0); //red
  ellipse(xPosH, yPosH1, 5, 5);
  ellipse(xPosH, yPosH2, 5, 5);

  for (int j = 0; j < 30; j += 1) {
    xPosH += xSpeedH;
    yPosH1 += ySpeedH1;
    ellipse(xPosH, yPosH1, 5, 5);

  for (int i = 0; i < 30; i += 1) {
    xPosH += xSpeedH;
    yPosH2 += ySpeedH2;
    ellipse(xPosH, yPosH2, 5, 5);

void move1() {
  if (moveL1 == true) {
    xPos1 -= xSpeed;
  if (moveR1 == true) {
    xPos1 += xSpeed;
  if (moveU1 == true) {
    yPos1 -= xSpeed;
  if (moveD1 == true) {
    yPos1 += xSpeed;

void move2() {
  if (moveL2 == true) {
    xPos2 -= xSpeed;
  if (moveR2 == true) {
    xPos2 += xSpeed;
  if (moveU2 == true) {
    yPos2 -= xSpeed;
  if (moveD2 == true) {
    yPos2 += xSpeed;


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