Response to Physical Computing’s Greatest Hits (and misses)

As a computer science student, I always think about what else to make especially when a lot of what I come up with has already been created in some way or another. Nothing seems revolutionary and I still think that way after reading the blog post.

I love how a lot of the project themes that were mentioned on the post were already created by us and there were so many variations of it. We’ve done musical instruments, floor pads from the first week, tilty stands, things you yell at, remote hugs, etc. I’ve also done video mirrors with Microsoft Kinect, and hand/body as cursor projects in my other classes. There are definitely room for many additions so that they become very elaborate and complicated projects. In terms of technicality, the projects seem to narrow down to similar code.

For me, it’s especially hard to come up with projects because I still have that mindset of “it’s already been done. The project I want to make won’t be very unique.” Therefore, I think the hardest part of creating projects is having the creativity to make something great.

Response to Making Interactive Art: Set the Stage, Then Shut Up and Listen

I found this blog post to be particularly interesting from the standpoint of someone who would say they do not understand art. When I go to art museums, I have no particular interest or understanding of the piece. However, when it comes to more interactive pieces, I always gravitate towards it because I don’t have to interpret the piece.

I definitely agree with Tigoe’s statement about once you have the initial statement, you should shut up. I don’t think there’s much to explain and I personally won’t bother with reading what they have to say about the piece. There’s no need to explain and offer their own interpretation on the side. It’s kind of like writing code and making a comment about what each line of the code does even though it’s obvious.

Timoe says that “if you’re thinking of an interactive artwork, don’t think of it like a finished painting or sculpture. ” I think that’s a great idea and it goes well with the listening aspect of it because it gives the artist a chance to see what people see the art piece as rather than spending so much time on convincing people to think of an art piece like the way they want them to. It’s so hard to make everyone feel the same way about a piece so the best an artist can do is listen, watch and then maybe change some aspects if they really don’t like what they are seeing.

Responses to the Reading

Making Interactive Art: Set the Stage, Then Shut Up and Listen

Don’t interpret your own work

As creators and artists, the idea of providing the user an interactive experience without description is always the hardest part of the creation. Since we are used to giving description of the “what” and “how” of a product, we are often faced with questions how to let the users flow through the interaction without these pre-described elements. Personally, I have always tried to create a unique experience for the user through my creation, but I tend to end up trying to guide the users in a certain direction – limiting them to think in different perspective on the product. After reading this blog article, I realized I have to make the operation of the product discoverable, setting only the necessary elements to “begin the conversation”. This brought me back to the importance of signifiers- to allow the users to easily navigate through the experience without the creator mentioning any instructions. Also, I realized that using personas – the different cases of the experience based on potential users – will help the creators better visualize and understand what elements are necessary to be added or omitted to make the product suitable for users to interact without the creator stepping in.

My mid-term project definitely showed this fault of having myself to explain how it works and what to expect from the product. For the final project, I will encompass these traits so that I do not have to limit the possible interactive possibilities and let the users take their own approach.

Physical Computing’s Greatest Hits (and misses)

The articles provides with a number of variations of a physical computing products as well as the necessary components involved to create the product. The article definitely opened up the various pathway that I can take for my future projects since it also provided concrete example that I can take as an influence. Especially, I was intrigued by the idea of using flex sensors in gloves – as a drum gloves. From this idea, I wanted to implement a MIDI system of multiple EDM sounds that you can manipulate using different fingers to make your own electronic song – a launch pad transferred to gloves.

Moreover, the idea of “originality” used to be one of the main aspects that I consider during my creation process. I have always believed that the products I create has to be “unique”. So, whenever I encounter an interesting idea for the product, I would search on Google to see whether there is an existing creation. If I do find on on the internet, I would try to think of something else. However, after reading this article, it led me to think again about my process. First, I have never copy & pasted an existing code to my creation. Second, if I have been influenced by an existing idea or theme, I always gave a tweak. With these two parts of the process, I realized that the product is already original. And, this led me to look back at all the different ideas that I discarded.



#1: Making Interactive Art: Set the Stage, Then Shut Up and Listen

This blog post’s main message is to not “interpret your own work”. The author argues that interactive art does not require an explanation from the creator as this takes away from the interactive element of the art in the first place. It should be the audience’s decision and interpretation of your art that allows the ‘conversation’ to occur between them, you and the art.

Personally, I agree with this sentiment to some extent. I think a very important part of interactive art is its ability to be understood and performed by everyone without the need of too much interaction or explanation on the creator’s part, as its goal should be to allow its own interpretation to take place without interference. However, I also think that some art works may need some sort of introduction to them – not to interfere with the perspectives of the audience – but maybe as a form of introduction and aims. Although, if this could be done in a discrete way in which the creator is not involved, it would be ideal.

#2: Physical Computing’s Greatest Hits (and misses)

Looking at all the examples of physical computing in the author’s list made me super excited for the endless possibilities that computing opens into the world of interactive art. Most forms of work that were listed did seem the typical projects that most of us have seen before (either on the internet, art galleries etc.); however, I agree very much with the author when he says that although these projects have been done multiple times, people shouldn’t give up as they still “allow a lot of room for originality”. I felt this constructing many of my own projects for the class as they felt “unoriginal” sometimes but adding my own layer of creativity or perspective to them is what made the projects so personal and fun to make still.

Physical Computing’s Greatest Hits

…..I feel called out.

But this reading brings up an extremely important point: just because it’s already been done, does not mean you should not do it.

My theater professor always says, “It may have already been done, but is hasn’t been done by YOU”. So maybe we’ve seen a Tilty controller before, but your own personal interests, strengths, and creativity can make it into something really interesting that should be pursued. The fact that something has already been explored before does not mean that it should not be explored further. Maybe there’s a hidden gem that the first explorer did not find before. Okay I feel like I’m gonna start getting metaphorical so I’ll change the subject.

Overall, this reading was really generative for ideas and reflective on how the class has been going so far. I saw my peer’s projects in some of the ideas presented, but I could also recall projects that the reading did not bring up. Not that those are more valuable or more creative, just that they were different.

Time to make stuff that’s already been made!

Making Interactive Art: Set the Stage and then Shut Up and Listen

Man, I am so bad at that! I always want to start my presentations with an in depth explanation of all the bells and whistles of my projects. But it’s an important thing I need to learn; let the audience interact with the piece.

One thing that really stuck with me in this article was that yes, interactive art is still self expression, but it is more of a conversation than a statement. The art piece itself is the seeds of a conversation between artist and audience. It’s important to consider that the expression will come from the experience of interacting with the piece and as they interact, more of the expression will be revealed.

It’s also important to note that the expression will be added to, as part of the conversation, by the way the audience responds to and understands the experience they had with the installation. The artist should take the time to listen to how they are interacting and responding to such.

How will the audience create their own story with the piece? Are they meant to create their own story or uncover the artist’s?

How does the audience complete the work? Is it incomplete before? At what stage is the work complete?

Secret book safe with a gesture lock

For my midterm project I wanted to make something more challenging and thought-out. After a lot of brainstorming, I noticed something that I have several of… secret storage boxes disguised as books.

I decided to make a safe that is disguised as a book, and make it so that it can only be locked/unlocked if a combination of gestures were done. I was at first going to use wood for the entire safe, but decided to use a combination of wood, cardboard, and transparent acrylic to make it more interesting. The paper part of the book is made from acrylic, so that if someone picked up the book from a shelf, they would see that it is not a normal book. So the transparent acrylic I decided to use is a twist to the point of safes, which is to keep objects hidden safe, in secret. The transparent barrier would let them see the money and valuables inside it, but no matter what they tried, they would not be able to open it, because only its owner would know the correct combination of gestures. This project was inspired by a combination of my love for Harry Potter and Sherlock Holmes. I didn’t notice this when I actually made it, but the safe box is a combination of the two storage boxes in the first image above. Although I had originally not thought of using transparency, the final result of my work was somehow subconsciously a mix of the two boxes, using the book-like shape of one and the transparent sides and solid top and bottom of the other.

I thought of adding a buzzer to make a sound when the person got the code wrong or an alarm after 3 wrong tries, but I thought that that wouldn’t make as much sense for my idea, because I want people to think that the box does not open, and a buzzer would give it away, and encourage them to try again. For this reason I also decided not to use any LEDs. I initially had a different combination of gestures, also using an up gesture, but decided to not use it as results were inconsistent with the up gesture.





-transparent acrylic

-laser cutter (for the 3 acrylic pieces)


-ZX gesture sensor



-Jumper wires

-Glue (I mainly used acrylic glue, super glue, and a glue gun)

-paper (for book cover) – I printed and used the cover of the ‘getting started with Arduino’, which was co-written by Michael Shiloh, an NYUAD IM professor. I initially thought of using this cover just as a pleasant and funny surprise for the professor, since I knew he would be there when showing our projects, but this was perfect because not only did the color of the sensor match the color scheme of the cover but there was also a UNO board on it, that I put my sensor on to disguise.

I was a bit worried that because the gesture wasn’t too complex, it would open easily if people did any gesture, but it was great, and very entertaining I might add, to watch everyone try to guess how to open it and not be able to, until they eventually gave up and let me show them how it’s done! The product turned out how I wanted it to, and worked consistently.

#include <Servo.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <ZX_Sensor.h>
//const int ZX_ADDR = 0x10;
int gestureSequence[] = {
  0, 1, 2 // 0 is right swipe and 1 is left, 2 is up

int index = 0;
const int ZX_ADDR = 0x10;
ZX_Sensor zx_sensor = ZX_Sensor(ZX_ADDR);
bool leftGestureStarted = false;
bool rightGestureStarted = false;
bool upGestureStarted = false;

int prevZ = 240;
uint8_t x_pos = 0;
uint8_t z_pos = 0;

Servo myservo;

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:

  uint8_t ver;
  Serial.println("SparkFun/GestureSense - safebox");

  if ( zx_sensor.init() ) {
    Serial.println("ZX Sensor initialization complete");
  } else {
    Serial.println("Something went wrong during ZX Sensor init!");

  ver = zx_sensor.getModelVersion();
  if ( ver == ZX_ERROR ) {
    Serial.println("Error reading model version number");
  } else {
    Serial.print("Model version: ");

  if ( ver != ZX_MODEL_VER ) {
    Serial.print("Model version needs to be ");
    Serial.print(" to work with this library. Stopping.");
    while (1);
  // Read the register map version and ensure the library will work
  ver = zx_sensor.getRegMapVersion();

  if ( ver == ZX_ERROR ) {
    Serial.println("Error reading register map version number");
  } else {
    Serial.print("Register Map Version: ");
  if ( ver != ZX_REG_MAP_VER ) {
    Serial.print("Register map version needs to be ");
    Serial.print(" to work with this library. Stopping.");
    while (1);

void loop() {

  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
  //gesture stuff
  int gesture = -1;
  if (zx_sensor.positionAvailable()) {
    x_pos = zx_sensor.readX();
    z_pos = zx_sensor.readZ();
    if (x_pos != ZX_ERROR) {
      Serial.print("X: ");
    if (z_pos != ZX_ERROR) {
      Serial.print(" Z: ");
    Serial.print(" Index: ");
    Serial.print(" Left Started: ");
    Serial.print(" Right Started: ");
    Serial.print(" Up Started: ");

    // ===================== //

    if (z_pos < 220 && index < 3) {
      //      Serial.println("z less than 100");
      if (leftGestureStarted == false && rightGestureStarted == false && upGestureStarted == false)
        if (x_pos > 130 && x_pos < 200)
          leftGestureStarted = true;
        else if (x_pos < 110 && x_pos > 80) {
          rightGestureStarted = true;
//        else if (x_pos > 110 && x_pos < 170 && z_pos < 40) {
//          upGestureStarted = true;
//        }
  } else {
    leftGestureStarted = false;
    rightGestureStarted =false;
    upGestureStarted = false;

  //then in another if statement
  if (leftGestureStarted == true) {
    if (x_pos < 100)
      gesture = 1;
      leftGestureStarted = false;

  if (rightGestureStarted == true) {
    if (x_pos > 130 )
      gesture = 0;
      rightGestureStarted = false;

//  if (upGestureStarted == true) {
//    if (z_pos > 60)
//    {
//      //Copy and Paste
//      gesture = 2;
//      upGestureStarted = false;
//    }
//  }
  // then check if the gesture is the current correct gesture:
  if (gesture >= 0) {
    if (gestureSequence[index] == gesture) {
    } else {
      index = 0;
      Serial.println("wrong gesture");
  if (index == 2) {
    // 3 in this case because we have 4 gestures so starting from gesture 0=> counting 0,1,2,3
    //    unlock safe
  } else myservo.write(90);
  prevZ = z_pos;

Little Dinosaur

I have become increasingly interested in organic movement and mimicking it via mechanical means. Considering the skills I have come to develop with servos, my first thoughts moved towards a peacock or lizard. As I began to think of materiality and found that I might enjoy the cardboard texture on a lizard as compared to a peacock, an animal meant to be stunning and pristine.

The goal was to create a simple creature that would respond to an approaching “threat”. First, at a safe distance, the creature would light up, establishing discomfort. As one walks closer, it would growl, and when too close it would flare its fan to assert its dominance over the situation.

These reactions were centred around an IR Distance Sensor, which would calculate proximity. A series of LEDs would construct the eyes, a small piezo buzzer for the growl, and two servos connected to an difficult-to-glue set of fans.

The following is the code that organizes the system.

#include <Servo.h>

//For distance sensor: Establish which pin sends the signal, and which pin will recive it.

const int trigPin = 7;
const int echoPin = 6;

const int ledPinR1 = 13;
const int ledPinR2 = 12;
const int ledPinR3 = 9;

const int ledPinL1 = 8;
const int ledPinL2 = 5;
const int ledPinL3 = 4;

const int buzzer = 3;
#define ROAR 100

//Declare the servos
Servo servo1;
Servo servo2;

int servoPin1 = 10;
int servoPin2 = 11;

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:

//The trigger pin sends the signal. THe echo pin recieves it.
  pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(echoPin, INPUT);

  pinMode (ledPinR1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode (ledPinR2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode (ledPinR3, OUTPUT);

  pinMode (ledPinL1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode (ledPinL2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode (ledPinL3, OUTPUT);

  pinMode (buzzer, OUTPUT);


  Serial.begin (9600);

void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:

//  Send a signal, the stop sending a signal.
  long duration, distance;

  digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
  digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);

//  Detect the signal sent.

  duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);
  distance = duration / 29 / 2 ;

  Serial.println (distance);

//Establish when each thing (LED, buzzer, Servos) does what, and when.

  if (distance <= 20) { // If at a CLOSE distance move the servos.
  } else {

  if (distance <= 50) { // If at a MED distance move the servos.
    tone(3, ROAR);
  } else {

  if (distance <= 100) { // If at a FAR distance move the servos.
    digitalWrite(ledPinR1, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(ledPinR2, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(ledPinR3, HIGH);

    digitalWrite(ledPinL1, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(ledPinL2, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(ledPinL3, HIGH);
  } else {
    digitalWrite(ledPinR1, LOW);
    digitalWrite(ledPinR2, LOW);
    digitalWrite(ledPinR3, LOW);

    digitalWrite(ledPinL1, LOW);
    digitalWrite(ledPinL2, LOW);
    digitalWrite(ledPinL3, LOW);







We also had to do some readings on physical computing and interactive art. Texts like these are always able to provide me with comfort in the notion of creativity as iteration. No ideas are original, but all ideas are unique.

Out readings on affordance and signalling speak to this idea, in that technology can be additive. Naturally occurring objects have particular forms of affordance, and as humans we add signals. Primitive hatchets and blades were mere sharp rocks many centuries ago. Now, however, we find ourselves in an intense era of weaponry. Of course, weapons aren’t the most advisable artistic creation, but creativity within the small scope of the 20th and 21st century can function the same way.

Instead of attempting to steal an idea, I hope to build off of others’ work. I also hope that we come to create a climate under the assumption of goodwill. If a work looks similar to another, we should praise dialogue between them. However, such ideas will take time to manifest in a capitalist structure. But I expect that we as artists, designers, and creatives reach this space.

Midterm Project: Stressful anti-stress ball game

At first I wanted to make a project that would make sounds through moving small objects – and when thinking of what would be the interactive input, I discovered the stress ball. However, talking to Aaron, who brought some insightful inspiration and ideas, pushed me incredibly in the direction very close to the final piece.

The project is a simple game that consists of two stress balls and two servo-driven boxes installed above the heads of each contestant. There is one pressure sensor on each stress ball which detects a certain range – so that the person has to press it down and release it, which counts as one press. Whoever reaches the count of 50 first, will trigger opponent’s servo and make the box tilt over their head and spill what’s inside (aluminium foil tiny balls, paper clips, pieces of paper anything). There is also a restart button included so that the game can be very easily started over.

However, there were several issues that I struggled a lot with – one of which is how fragile the pressure sensors are. I soldered wires to it to make it possible for the ball to be held in a bigger distance, taped it to a ball and sewed it in a pouch of cloth to secure the pressure sensor (and to make the ball look a bit prettier, nicer to touch as well as visually signify where to press). Yet, when I was testing it with couple of people – in the heat of the game, the soldered part was broken very easily. When it happened for the first time, I changed one sensor in terms of soldering, the second one in terms of taping. And as I found out after the class started and found one the sensors broken again – it was the way it was soldered, which put a way too much pressure on the pressure sensor (a bit of irony in that, isn’t it). Of course there were issues with getting the code as well – for example when I tried to incorporate LEDs and the servos got very lazy, but luckily there was Aaron to help me get moving.

Here is a set up of the breadboard, as well as the box and mechanism attached to a chair. 

Video of game in action:

The code:

#include <Servo.h>

//restart button SET UP
int restartButton = 2;
int prevButtonState = LOW;

//PLAYER A SET UP pressure
int pressurePinA = A0;
int pressureValueA = 0;
int prevPressureValueA = 0;
bool pressureA_enabled = true;

Servo servoA;
bool servoStateA = false;

//PLAYER B SET UP pressure pin
int pressurePinB = A1;
int pressureValueB = 0;
int prevPressureValueB = 0;
bool pressureB_enabled = true;

Servo servoB;
bool servoStateB = false;

//counting the amount of times the two players meet the pressure range ("presses the ball") - starting at 0
int triggerCounterA = 0;
int triggerCounterB = 0;

void setup() {
//  pinMode(ledPinA, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(restartButton, INPUT);


void loop() {

  //read what the pressure values of the pins are
  int pressureValueA = analogRead(pressurePinA);
  int pressureValueB = analogRead(pressurePinB);

  //trigger counter PRESSURE condition for PLAYER A
  if (pressureValueA >= 800 && pressureA_enabled == true) {
    triggerCounterA = triggerCounterA + 1;
    pressureA_enabled = false;
  if (pressureValueA < 600 && prevPressureValueA > 600) {
    pressureA_enabled = true;

  //print out the values for the trigger count and pressure of PLAYER A
//    Serial.print(pressureValueA);
    Serial.print(" ");
//    Serial.print(" | ");
//    Serial.print(pressureValueB);
    Serial.print(" ");

  //trigger counter PRESSURE condition for PLAYER B
  if (pressureValueB >= 800 && pressureB_enabled == true) {
    triggerCounterB = triggerCounterB + 1;
    pressureB_enabled = false;
  if (pressureValueB < 600 && prevPressureValueB >600) {
    pressureB_enabled = true;
  //print out the values for the trigger count and pressure of PLAYER B
//  Serial.print(pressureValueB);
//  Serial.print(" ");
//  Serial.println(triggerCounterB);

  //if the trigger count of PLAYER A is bigger or equal to 100, the servo B will trigger
  if (triggerCounterA >= 50) {
//    triggerCounterB = 0;
  } else

  //if the trigger count of PLAYER B is bigger or equal to 100, the servo A will trigger
  if (triggerCounterB >= 50) {
  } else

  //reverse the values in the end of the loop
  prevPressureValueA = pressureValueA;
  prevPressureValueB = pressureValueB;

  if (triggerCounterA >= 51) {
    triggerCounterA = 0;
    triggerCounterB = 0;
  if (triggerCounterB >= 51) {
    triggerCounterA = 0;
    triggerCounterB = 0;

//  //LED brightness loop
//  brightnessA = map(triggerCounterA, 0, 5, 0, 1023);
//  analogWrite(ledPinA, brightnessA);

  //making the button restart the whole thing
  int currentButtonState = digitalRead(restartButton);
  if (currentButtonState == HIGH && prevButtonState == LOW) {
    triggerCounterA = 0;
    triggerCounterB = 0;
  } prevButtonState = currentButtonState;


Pumped Up Kicks Studio Session

Hey all,

So for my midterm I decided to make a cover for one of my favorite songs, Pumped Up Kicks.


First things first, I needed a drum or a bass sound that would imitate the original low pitch sounds of the song itself. What I built was a drum kit of three Servos, with different sizes of foam balls and spoon heads attached to each. In order to amplify the sound, I built structures around the tapping so that the sound waves would flow through one direction that was not blocked and the spoon heads also increased the noise of tapping as inside was hollow. Below is a picture of the drum kit. The one on the middle has the top opened because I constantly need to fix the Servo as it was harder to reach than other Servos and it had some initial malfunctions. Lastly, the Servos, or bass drums, were hitting through a function called Bass() which matched the actual beat of the song.



For the sound inside, I used a Piezo Buzzer but mask-taped the buzzer so that I could amplify the sound. Most of my acoustic part was coded. Basically I had a BassHelper() function which would match with Bass() [Servo Drums] and also provide an intro to the Verse() function, which was the tone for the first verse. Then came the Chorus() function, and the song ended there. In order to run all of this together, I had to use millis() instead of delay as well as create the song from scratch by myself. Here is the whole code: It may be hard to read, but it is an easy concept: just using millis() to code every tone for each function.

#include <Servo.h>
//#ifndef _Tone_h
#define _Tone_h

#include <stdint.h>

|| Public Constants

#define NOTE_B0  31
#define NOTE_C1  33
#define NOTE_CS1 35
#define NOTE_D1  37
#define NOTE_DS1 39
#define NOTE_E1  41
#define NOTE_F1  44
#define NOTE_FS1 46
#define NOTE_G1  49
#define NOTE_GS1 52
#define NOTE_A1  55
#define NOTE_AS1 58
#define NOTE_B1  62
#define NOTE_C2  65
#define NOTE_CS2 69
#define NOTE_D2  73
#define NOTE_DS2 78
#define NOTE_E2  82
#define NOTE_F2  87
#define NOTE_FS2 93
#define NOTE_G2  98
#define NOTE_GS2 104
#define NOTE_A2  110
#define NOTE_AS2 117
#define NOTE_B2  123
#define NOTE_C3  131
#define NOTE_CS3 139
#define NOTE_D3  147
#define NOTE_DS3 156
#define NOTE_E3  165
#define NOTE_F3  175
#define NOTE_FS3 185
#define NOTE_G3  196
#define NOTE_GS3 208
#define NOTE_A3  220
#define NOTE_AS3 233
#define NOTE_B3  247
#define NOTE_C4  262
#define NOTE_CS4 277
#define NOTE_D4  294
#define NOTE_DS4 311
#define NOTE_E4  330
#define NOTE_F4  349
#define NOTE_FS4 370
#define NOTE_G4  392
#define NOTE_GS4 415
#define NOTE_A4  440
#define NOTE_AS4 466
#define NOTE_B4  494
#define NOTE_C5  523
#define NOTE_CS5 554
#define NOTE_D5  587
#define NOTE_DS5 622
#define NOTE_E5  659
#define NOTE_F5  698
#define NOTE_FS5 740
#define NOTE_G5  784
#define NOTE_GS5 831
#define NOTE_A5  880
#define NOTE_AS5 932
#define NOTE_B5  988
#define NOTE_C6  1047
#define NOTE_CS6 1109
#define NOTE_D6  1175
#define NOTE_DS6 1245
#define NOTE_E6  1319
#define NOTE_F6  1397
#define NOTE_FS6 1480
#define NOTE_G6  1568
#define NOTE_GS6 1661
#define NOTE_A6  1760
#define NOTE_AS6 1865
#define NOTE_B6  1976
#define NOTE_C7  2093
#define NOTE_CS7 2217
#define NOTE_D7  2349
#define NOTE_DS7 2489
#define NOTE_E7  2637
#define NOTE_F7  2794
#define NOTE_FS7 2960
#define NOTE_G7  3136
#define NOTE_GS7 3322
#define NOTE_A7  3520
#define NOTE_AS7 3729
#define NOTE_B7  3951
#define NOTE_C8  4186
#define NOTE_CS8 4435
#define NOTE_D8  4699
#define NOTE_DS8 4978
int button = 8;
int PBuzz = 7;
int PBuzz1 = 5;
Servo hello;
Servo hello1;
Servo hello2;
int angle = 0;
//For Bass Support
unsigned long previousMillis = 0;
int intervala[] = {750,550,300};
int currentNote = 0;

//For Chorus
unsigned long previousMillis1 = 0;
int intervalb[] = {250,300,400,500,600,450,350};
int currentNote1 = 0;

//For Verse
unsigned long previousMillis2 = 0;
int intervalc[] = {250,500,700};
int currentNote2 = 0;

//For Bass Servo
unsigned long previousMillis3 = 0;
int intervald[] = {50,250,300,450};
int currentState = 0;

//For Main
unsigned long previousMillis4 = 0;
int counter = 0;

const int ledPin = 4;
void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:

void loop() {
  int knobValue = analogRead(A0);
  if(knobValue >= 1000){
    unsigned long currentMillis4 = millis();
    if(currentMillis4 - previousMillis4 >= 10 && counter == 0){
      previousMillis4 = currentMillis4;
    if (currentMillis4-previousMillis4 >= 95 && counter == 1){
      previousMillis4 = currentMillis4;
    if(currentMillis4-previousMillis4 >= 20 && counter ==2){
      previousMillis4 = currentMillis4;

 void Bass(){
  unsigned long currentMillis3 = millis();
  //hello2 here
  if(currentMillis3 - previousMillis3 >= intervald[0] && currentState ==0){
    previousMillis3 = currentMillis3;
    currentState += 1;
  if(currentMillis3 - previousMillis3 >= intervald[2] && currentState ==1){
    previousMillis3 = currentMillis3;
    currentState += 1;
  if(currentMillis3 - previousMillis3 >= intervald[3] && currentState ==2){
    previousMillis3 = currentMillis3;
    currentState += 1;
  if(currentMillis3 - previousMillis3 >= intervald[2] && currentState ==3){
    previousMillis3 = currentMillis3;
    currentState += 1;
  if(currentMillis3 - previousMillis3 >= intervald[1] && currentState ==4){
    previousMillis3 = currentMillis3;
    currentState += 1;
  if(currentMillis3 - previousMillis3 >= intervald[2] && currentState ==5){
    previousMillis3 = currentMillis3;
    currentState += 1;
  if(currentMillis3 - previousMillis3 >= 100 && currentState ==6){
    previousMillis3 = currentMillis3;
    currentState += 1;
  if(currentMillis3 - previousMillis3 >= intervald[2] && currentState ==7){
    previousMillis3 = currentMillis3;
    currentState += 1;
  //hello1 here

  if(currentMillis3 - previousMillis3 >= intervald[0] && currentState ==8){
    previousMillis3 = currentMillis3;
    currentState += 1;
  if(currentMillis3 - previousMillis3 >= intervald[2] && currentState ==9){
    previousMillis3 = currentMillis3;
    currentState += 1;
  if(currentMillis3 - previousMillis3 >= intervald[3] && currentState ==10){
    previousMillis3 = currentMillis3;
    currentState += 1;
  if(currentMillis3 - previousMillis3 >= intervald[2] && currentState ==11){
    previousMillis3 = currentMillis3;
    currentState += 1;
  if(currentMillis3 - previousMillis3 >= intervald[1] && currentState ==12){
    previousMillis3 = currentMillis3;
    currentState += 1;
  if(currentMillis3 - previousMillis3 >= intervald[2] && currentState ==13){
    previousMillis3 = currentMillis3;
    currentState += 1;
  if(currentMillis3 - previousMillis3 >= 100 && currentState ==14){
    previousMillis3 = currentMillis3;
    currentState += 1;
  if(currentMillis3 - previousMillis3 >= intervald[2] && currentState ==15){
    previousMillis3 = currentMillis3;
    currentState += 1;

  //hello here

  if(currentMillis3 - previousMillis3 >= intervald[0] && currentState ==16){
    previousMillis3 = currentMillis3;
    currentState += 1;
  if(currentMillis3 - previousMillis3 >= intervald[2] && currentState ==17){
    previousMillis3 = currentMillis3;
    currentState += 1;
  if(currentMillis3 - previousMillis3 >= intervald[3] && currentState ==18){
    previousMillis3 = currentMillis3;
    currentState += 1;
  if(currentMillis3 - previousMillis3 >= intervald[2] && currentState ==19){
    previousMillis3 = currentMillis3;
    currentState += 1;
  if(currentMillis3 - previousMillis3 >= intervald[1] && currentState ==20){
    previousMillis3 = currentMillis3;
    currentState += 1;
  if(currentMillis3 - previousMillis3 >= intervald[2] && currentState ==21){
    previousMillis3 = currentMillis3;
    currentState += 1;
  if(currentMillis3 - previousMillis3 >= 100 && currentState ==22){
    previousMillis3 = currentMillis3;
    currentState += 1;
  if(currentMillis3 - previousMillis3 >= intervald[2] && currentState ==23){
    previousMillis3 = currentMillis3;
    currentState += 1;

  //hello1 here

   if(currentMillis3 - previousMillis3 >= intervald[0] && currentState ==24){
    previousMillis3 = currentMillis3;
    currentState += 1;
  if(currentMillis3 - previousMillis3 >= intervald[2] && currentState ==25){
    previousMillis3 = currentMillis3;
    currentState += 1;
  if(currentMillis3 - previousMillis3 >= intervald[3] && currentState ==26){
    previousMillis3 = currentMillis3;
    currentState += 1;
  if(currentMillis3 - previousMillis3 >= intervald[2] && currentState ==27){
    previousMillis3 = currentMillis3;
    currentState += 1;
  if(currentMillis3 - previousMillis3 >= intervald[1] && currentState ==28){
    previousMillis3 = currentMillis3;
    currentState += 1;
  if(currentMillis3 - previousMillis3 >= intervald[2] && currentState ==29){
    previousMillis3 = currentMillis3;
    currentState += 1;
  if(currentMillis3 - previousMillis3 >= 100 && currentState ==30){
    previousMillis3 = currentMillis3;
    currentState += 1;
  if(currentMillis3 - previousMillis3 >= intervald[2] && currentState ==31){
    previousMillis3 = currentMillis3;
    currentState = 0;

//   hello1.write(90);
//  delay(300);
//   hello.write(90);
//  delay(300);
//  hello2.write(90);
//  delay(300);
void Verse(){
  unsigned long currentMillis2 = millis();
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= 700 && currentNote2 == 0){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= intervalc[0] && currentNote2 == 1){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= intervalc[0] && currentNote2 == 2){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= intervalc[0] && currentNote2 == 3){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= intervalc[0] && currentNote2 == 4){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= intervalc[1] && currentNote2 == 5){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;

  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= intervalc[1] && currentNote2 == 6){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= 250 && currentNote2 == 7){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= 250 && currentNote2 == 8){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= 250 && currentNote2 == 9){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;

  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= intervalc[2] && currentNote2 == 10){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= intervalc[0] && currentNote2 == 11){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2>= intervalc[0] && currentNote2 == 12){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= intervalc[0] && currentNote2 == 13){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= intervalc[0] && currentNote2 == 14){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= intervalc[0] && currentNote2 == 15){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= intervalc[0] && currentNote2 == 16){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= intervalc[1] && currentNote2 == 17){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= intervalc[0] && currentNote2 == 18){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= intervalc[1] && currentNote2 == 19){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= intervalc[0] && currentNote2 == 20){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= intervalc[1] && currentNote2 == 21){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;

  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= 800 && currentNote2 == 22){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= intervalc[0] && currentNote2 == 23){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= intervalc[0] && currentNote2 == 24){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= intervalc[0] && currentNote2 == 25){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= intervalc[0] && currentNote2 == 26){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= intervalc[0] && currentNote2 == 27){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= intervalc[0] && currentNote2 == 28){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;

  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= intervalc[1] && currentNote2 == 29){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= intervalc[0] && currentNote2 == 30){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= intervalc[0] && currentNote2 == 31){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= intervalc[0] && currentNote2 == 32){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;

  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= intervalc[2] && currentNote2 == 33){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= intervalc[0] && currentNote2 == 34){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= intervalc[0] && currentNote2 == 35){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= intervalc[0] && currentNote2 == 36){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= intervalc[0] && currentNote2 == 37){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= 450 && currentNote2 == 38){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= intervalc[0] && currentNote2 == 39){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= intervalc[0] && currentNote2 == 40){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= intervalc[0] && currentNote2 == 41){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= 400 && currentNote2 == 42){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= 400 && currentNote2 == 43){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;

  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= 700 && currentNote2 == 44){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= intervalc[0] && currentNote2 == 45){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= intervalc[0] && currentNote2 == 46){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= intervalc[0] && currentNote2 == 47){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= intervalc[0] && currentNote2 == 48){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= intervalc[1] && currentNote2 == 49){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;

  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= intervalc[1] && currentNote2 == 50){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= 250 && currentNote2 == 51){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= 250 && currentNote2 == 52){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= 250 && currentNote2 == 53){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;

  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= intervalc[2] && currentNote2 == 54){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= intervalc[0] && currentNote2 == 55){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2>= intervalc[0] && currentNote2 == 56){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= intervalc[0] && currentNote2 == 57){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= intervalc[0] && currentNote2 == 58){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= intervalc[0] && currentNote2 == 59){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= intervalc[0] && currentNote2 == 60){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= intervalc[1] && currentNote2 == 61){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= intervalc[0] && currentNote2 == 62){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= intervalc[1] && currentNote2 == 63){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= intervalc[0] && currentNote2 == 64){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= intervalc[1] && currentNote2 == 65){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;

  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= 800 && currentNote2 == 66){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= intervalc[0] && currentNote2 == 67){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= intervalc[0] && currentNote2 == 68){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= intervalc[0] && currentNote2 == 69){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= intervalc[0] && currentNote2 == 70){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= intervalc[0] && currentNote2 == 71){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= intervalc[0] && currentNote2 == 72){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;

  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= intervalc[1] && currentNote2 == 73){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= 250 && currentNote2 == 74){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= 250 && currentNote2 == 75){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= 250 && currentNote2 == 76){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;

  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= intervalc[2] && currentNote2 == 77){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= intervalc[0] && currentNote2 == 78){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= intervalc[0] && currentNote2 == 79){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= intervalc[0] && currentNote2 == 80){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= intervalc[0] && currentNote2 == 81){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= 450 && currentNote2 == 82){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= intervalc[0] && currentNote2 == 83){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= intervalc[0] && currentNote2 == 84){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= intervalc[0] && currentNote2 == 85){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= 400 && currentNote2 == 86){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= 400 && currentNote2 == 87){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
  if(currentMillis2- previousMillis2 >= 800 && currentNote2 == 88){
    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;
    currentNote2 += 1;
    counter += 1;

void BassHelper(){
  //int intervala[] = {900,900,600};
    unsigned long currentMillis = millis();
      //Function 1:Bass Helper
  if(currentMillis - previousMillis >= 500 && currentNote ==0){
    previousMillis = currentMillis;
    currentNote += 1;
  if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= intervala[0] && currentNote == 1) {
    previousMillis = currentMillis;
    currentNote += 1;
  if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= intervala[1] && currentNote == 2) {
    previousMillis = currentMillis;
    currentNote +=1;
  if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= intervala[2] && currentNote == 3) {
    previousMillis = currentMillis;
    currentNote +=1 ;
  if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= intervala[1] && currentNote == 4) {
    previousMillis = currentMillis;
    currentNote += 1;
  if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= intervala[0] && currentNote == 5) {
    previousMillis = currentMillis;
    currentNote += 1;
  if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= intervala[1] && currentNote == 6) {
    previousMillis = currentMillis;
    currentNote += 1;
  if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= intervala[2] && currentNote == 7) {
    previousMillis = currentMillis;
    currentNote += 1;
  if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= intervala[1] && currentNote == 8) {
    previousMillis = currentMillis;
    currentNote += 1;
  if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= intervala[0] && currentNote == 9) {
    previousMillis = currentMillis;
    currentNote += 1;
  if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= intervala[1] && currentNote == 10) {
    previousMillis = currentMillis;
    currentNote += 1;
  if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= intervala[2] && currentNote == 11) {
    previousMillis = currentMillis;
    currentNote += 1;
  if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= intervala[1] && currentNote == 12) {
    previousMillis = currentMillis;
    currentNote += 1;
  if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= 700 && currentNote == 13) {
    previousMillis = currentMillis;
    currentNote += 1;
  if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= 450 && currentNote == 14) {
    previousMillis = currentMillis;
    currentNote += 1;
  if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= intervala[2] && currentNote == 15) {
    previousMillis = currentMillis;
    currentNote += 1;
  if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= intervala[2] && currentNote == 16) {
    previousMillis = currentMillis;
    currentNote += 1;
    //Loop One more time
  if(currentMillis - previousMillis >= 300 && currentNote ==17){
    previousMillis = currentMillis;
    currentNote += 1;
  if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= intervala[0] && currentNote == 18) {
    previousMillis = currentMillis;
    currentNote += 1;
  if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= intervala[1] && currentNote == 19) {
    previousMillis = currentMillis;
    currentNote +=1;
  if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= intervala[2] && currentNote == 20) {
    previousMillis = currentMillis;
    currentNote +=1 ;
  if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= intervala[1] && currentNote == 21) {
    previousMillis = currentMillis;
    currentNote += 1;
  if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= intervala[0] && currentNote == 22) {
    previousMillis = currentMillis;
    currentNote += 1;
  if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= intervala[1] && currentNote == 23) {
    previousMillis = currentMillis;
    currentNote += 1;
  if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= intervala[2] && currentNote == 24) {
    previousMillis = currentMillis;
    currentNote += 1;
  if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= intervala[1] && currentNote == 25) {
    previousMillis = currentMillis;
    currentNote += 1;
  if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= intervala[0] && currentNote == 26) {
    previousMillis = currentMillis;
    currentNote += 1;
  if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= intervala[1] && currentNote == 27) {
    previousMillis = currentMillis;
    currentNote += 1;
  if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= intervala[2] && currentNote == 28) {
    previousMillis = currentMillis;
    currentNote += 1;
  if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= intervala[1] && currentNote == 29) {
    previousMillis = currentMillis;
    currentNote += 1;
  if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= 700 && currentNote == 30) {
    previousMillis = currentMillis;
    currentNote += 1;
  if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= 450 && currentNote == 31) {
    previousMillis = currentMillis;
    currentNote += 1;
  if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= intervala[2] && currentNote == 32) {
    previousMillis = currentMillis;
    currentNote += 1;
  if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= intervala[2] && currentNote == 33) {
    previousMillis = currentMillis;
    currentNote += 1;

  if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= 500 && currentNote == 34) {
    previousMillis = currentMillis;
    currentNote += 1;
  if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= 500 && currentNote == 35) {
    previousMillis = currentMillis;
    currentNote += 1;
  if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= 500 && currentNote == 36) {
    previousMillis = currentMillis;
    currentNote += 1;

  if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= 1050 && currentNote == 37) {
    previousMillis = currentMillis;
    currentNote += 1;
  if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= 500 && currentNote == 38) {
    previousMillis = currentMillis;
    currentNote += 1;
  if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= 500 && currentNote == 39) {
    previousMillis = currentMillis;
    currentNote += 1;

  if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= 1050 && currentNote == 40) {
    previousMillis = currentMillis;
    currentNote += 1;
  if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= 500 && currentNote == 41) {
    previousMillis = currentMillis;
    currentNote += 1;
  if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= 500 && currentNote == 42) {
    previousMillis = currentMillis;
    currentNote += 1;

  if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= 1050 && currentNote == 43) {
    previousMillis = currentMillis;
    currentNote += 1;
  if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= 500 && currentNote == 44) {
    previousMillis = currentMillis;
    currentNote += 1;
  if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= 500 && currentNote == 45) {
    previousMillis = currentMillis;
    currentNote += 1;
    if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= 500 && currentNote == 46) {
    previousMillis = currentMillis;
    currentNote += 1;
    counter += 1;

   void Chorus(){
  //Function 2: 
  //int intervalb[] = {250,300,400,500,600,450,350,700};
  unsigned long currentMillis1 = millis();
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= 600 && currentNote1 == 0){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1 += 1;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= intervalb[2] && currentNote1 == 1){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1 += 1;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= intervalb[1] && currentNote1 == 2){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1 += 1;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= intervalb[1] && currentNote1 == 3){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1 += 1;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= intervalb[1] && currentNote1 == 4){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1 += 1;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= intervalb[5] && currentNote1 == 5){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1 += 1 ;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= intervalb[1] && currentNote1 == 6){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1 += 1 ;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= intervalb[1] && currentNote1 == 7){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1 += 1 ;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= 500 && currentNote1 == 8){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1 += 1 ;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= 500 && currentNote1 == 9){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1 += 1 ;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= 500 && currentNote1 == 10){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1 += 1 ;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= intervalb[1] && currentNote1 == 11){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1 += 1 ;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= intervalb[1] && currentNote1 == 12){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1 += 1 ;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= 400 && currentNote1 == 13){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1 += 1 ;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= intervalb[1] && currentNote1 == 14){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1 += 1 ;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= intervalb[1] && currentNote1 == 15){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1  += 1 ;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= 750 && currentNote1 == 16){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1  += 1 ;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= intervalb[3] && currentNote1 == 17){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1  += 1 ;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= 450 && currentNote1 == 18){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1  += 1 ;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= 300 && currentNote1 == 19){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1 += 1 ;
  //New loop, with added
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= 700 && currentNote1 == 20){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1 += 1;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= intervalb[2] && currentNote1 == 21){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1 += 1;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= intervalb[1] && currentNote1 == 22){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1 += 1;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= intervalb[1] && currentNote1 == 23){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1 += 1;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= intervalb[1] && currentNote1 == 24){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1 += 1;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= intervalb[5] && currentNote1 == 25){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1 += 1 ;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= intervalb[1] && currentNote1 == 26){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1 += 1 ;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= intervalb[1] && currentNote1 == 27){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1 += 1 ;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= intervalb[5] && currentNote1 == 28){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1 += 1 ;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= intervalb[5] && currentNote1 == 29){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1 += 1 ;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= intervalb[5] && currentNote1 == 30){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1 += 1 ;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= intervalb[1] && currentNote1 == 31){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1 += 1 ;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= intervalb[1] && currentNote1 == 32){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1 += 1 ;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= 400 && currentNote1 == 33){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1 += 1 ;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= intervalb[1] && currentNote1 == 34){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1 += 1 ;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= intervalb[1] && currentNote1 == 35){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1  += 1 ;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= 750 && currentNote1 == 36){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1  += 1 ;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= intervalb[3] && currentNote1 == 37){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1  += 1 ;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= 450 && currentNote1 == 38){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1  += 1 ;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= 300 && currentNote1 == 39){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1 += 1 ;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= 300 && currentNote1 == 40){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1 += 1 ;


  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= 600 && currentNote1 == 41){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1 += 1;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= intervalb[2] && currentNote1 == 42){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1 += 1;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= intervalb[1] && currentNote1 == 43){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1 += 1;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= intervalb[1] && currentNote1 == 44){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1 += 1;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= intervalb[1] && currentNote1 == 45){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1 += 1;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= intervalb[5] && currentNote1 == 46){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1 += 1 ;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= intervalb[1] && currentNote1 == 47){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1 += 1 ;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= intervalb[1] && currentNote1 == 48){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1 += 1 ;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= 500 && currentNote1 == 49){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1 += 1 ;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= 500 && currentNote1 == 50){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1 += 1 ;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= 500 && currentNote1 == 51){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1 += 1 ;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= intervalb[1] && currentNote1 == 52){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1 += 1 ;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= intervalb[1] && currentNote1 == 53){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1 += 1 ;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= 400 && currentNote1 == 54){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1 += 1 ;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= intervalb[1] && currentNote1 == 55){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1 += 1 ;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= intervalb[1] && currentNote1 == 56){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1  += 1 ;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= 750 && currentNote1 == 57){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1  += 1 ;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= intervalb[3] && currentNote1 == 58){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1  += 1 ;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= 450 && currentNote1 == 59){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1  += 1 ;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= 300 && currentNote1 == 60){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1 += 1 ;
  //New loop, with added
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= 700 && currentNote1 == 61){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1 += 1;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= intervalb[2] && currentNote1 == 62){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1 += 1;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= intervalb[1] && currentNote1 == 63){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1 += 1;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= intervalb[1] && currentNote1 == 64){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1 += 1;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= intervalb[1] && currentNote1 == 65){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1 += 1;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= intervalb[5] && currentNote1 == 66){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1 += 1 ;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= intervalb[1] && currentNote1 == 67){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1 += 1 ;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= intervalb[1] && currentNote1 == 68){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1 += 1 ;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= intervalb[5] && currentNote1 == 69){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1 += 1 ;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= intervalb[5] && currentNote1 == 70){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1 += 1 ;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= intervalb[5] && currentNote1 == 71){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1 += 1 ;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= intervalb[1] && currentNote1 == 72){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1 += 1 ;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= intervalb[1] && currentNote1 == 73){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1 += 1 ;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= 400 && currentNote1 == 74){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1 += 1 ;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= intervalb[1] && currentNote1 == 75){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1 += 1 ;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= intervalb[1] && currentNote1 == 76){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1  += 1 ;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= 750 && currentNote1 == 77){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1  += 1 ;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= intervalb[3] && currentNote1 == 78){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1  += 1 ;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= 450 && currentNote1 == 79){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1  += 1 ;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= 300 && currentNote1 == 80){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1 += 1 ;
  if(currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= 300 && currentNote1 == 81){
    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;
    currentNote1 += 1 ;




For the input, I used a potentiometer to crank up, and if the meter reached at least a value of 1000, then the bass and basshelper() would start playing. Then, I had a counter to say that when basshelper() ended, add a count and if that counter matched the number with the next function then the next function would play. Like that, I was able to play the Tone functions one at a time while having the Bass() on for the whole time. Also, I could check if my potentiometer was on by connecting the value to an ledPin and seeing if the light lit up as I cranked the value past 1000. Here is the picture of the board below.


Here is a video of a demonstration of the final product. There are also audio explanation of the features as well.
