Night-Light Daniel Basurto


The idea for this concept comes from a point of laziness,  as in my room, when I want to turn the lights off, I need to immediately go to sleep, as I don’t have a nightlight for when I want to sleep.

Therefore, with my little understanding of Arduino hardware and coding, I decided to do a simple enough project but also being functional.

When making the circuit I needed help, and I was looking into many YouTube videos in order to find a way to properly understand it, I took what I could from the videos and made my circuit and code accordingly.


Here is the schematic for the circuit:

And here is the project in action:

There weren’t many problems with the circuit working, however, I do wish I could have added more to make it more complex, however that will only come as I get more experienced with Arduino and coding for it.


I was lost as to how to write the code, and found a code in one of the videos I found.

  LDR sensor

void setup() {
void loop() {
  float sensorValue = analogRead(A0);
  // Reads the analog input ranging from 0 to 1023

Now that I am looking back to the project after days of making it, I realize that the code is not as complex as I thought as the beginning. I do comprehend it now, however at the time I made the circuit I did not know.

Further Improvements

I would have preferred for this project to have taken less time, however I am satisfied with what I did. Maybe I’d like to add a kill-switch or a way for the circuit to end after amount of time.


Week 8: Unusual Switch- Productivity Detector!


The objective of this week’s assignment was to create a hands-free switch in a simple circuit. For this, I came up with an idea to create a circuit that with a led that turns on when I close my laptop lid. My laptop battery drains when the lid is open, even if the screen is asleep. Sometimes, I would go to bed without closing my laptop lid and my laptop would die in the morning without me even using it. Hence, a led to detect that!

To implement this, I used tiny thin strips of aluminum foil on my laptop deck and the top of the laptop screen and aligned them so that they touch each other when the lid is closed. The aluminum strips are connected to the jumper and the circuit is completed on the breadboard.

Things to improve:

With code, I could create a more functional circuit which would be red when the lid is opened signaling battery drain and would turn green when the lid is closed.

Musical Instrument (Pseudo-Theremin)

A theremin is an electronic musical instrument which is played by the performer without physical contact. By the use of the hands suspended in the air over antennas, one hand controls the volume and the other controls the pitch or frequency.  The player plays different frequency ranges  at different volumes by moving the hands at different distances.

My idea was to mimic a pseudo-theremin by using ultrasonic sensors and a buzzer. I arranged two ultrasonic sensors at different orientations to track the distance of the hand. I then mapped the two ultrasonic sensors to frequency and volume by mapping the values read from the sensors to specific frequency and volume ranges.

The schematic and code:

Name: Mbebo Nonna
Date: 10/14/2022
Project: Pseudo-theremin build

input: (2,3) (6,7)
2 ultrasonic sensors 

output: (9,10)


#include <NewPing.h>
#include <toneAC.h>

//defining the max_distance of the theremin
const int max_d = 35;

//ultrasonic sensor to control frequency;
const int trig_f = 3;
const int vol_f = 2;

//ultrasonic sensor to control volume;
const int trig_v = 6;
const int vol_v = 7;

NewPing freq(trig_f, vol_f, max_d);
NewPing vol(trig_v, vol_v, max_d);

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:

void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
  //read the distance from the ultrasonic sensor for frequency
  int f = freq.ping_cm();
  Serial.print("freq ");

  //read the distance from the ultrasonic sensor for volume
  int v = vol.ping_cm();
  Serial.print("vol ");

  //map the values to specific ranges
  int volume = map(v, 0, 15, 0, 10);
  int frequency = map(f, 5, 30, 1000, 15000);

  //play the sound on the buzzer with the frequency and volume
  toneAC(frequency, volume);

  //delay for 200ms


Video of me playing the pseudo-theremin:


I used two new libraries, NewPing.h and toneAC.h. NewPing makes working with ultrasonic sensors easy and toneAC makes working with buzzers or speakers simple. In generally, it was really fun playing the instrument and experimenting with different delays and frequency ranges.

Week 10: Musical Instrument


We wanted to make a device that allows artists to simulate high-hats in drill beats according how they bob their heads. We realized that sound engineers move their body in a unique way. We used an ultrasonic sensor and novel equation to track this movement and produce a drill beat with a correlated frequency.

Code & Schematic

We used an ultrasonic sensor to obtain distance measurements, a switch to implement a function to introduce delay and slow the sound down.  Also the inspiration for the code to produce a melody was inspired by Prof. Michael Shiloh’s implementation.

We used these inputs to make a device that produces a sound continuously sampled and responds to the distance of the user from the sensor.

Here are the schematics for the circuit implementation:

#include "pitches.h"
#define echoPin 2 
#define trigPin 3 

int pushButton = 7;
const int sPin = 1;
int melody[] = {

int noteDurations[] = {

unsigned long currentNoteStartedAt = 0;

int thisNote = 0;

int millisToNextNote = 0;

int currentLedState = LOW;
unsigned long currentLedStateStartedAt = 0;
long ledDelay = 100;

long duration;
int distance; 

void setup() {
  pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT); 
  pinMode(echoPin, INPUT); 
  pinMode(pushButton, INPUT);
void loop() {
  digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
  digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
  duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);
  distance = duration * 0.034 / 2; 
    unsigned long currentMillis = millis();

  if (currentMillis - currentNoteStartedAt >= millisToNextNote) {

    int noteDuration = 1000 / noteDurations[thisNote];

    tone(3, melody[thisNote], noteDuration);
    millisToNextNote = log10(distance) * 1300;
    currentNoteStartedAt = currentMillis;

    if ( thisNote >= 8 ) {
      thisNote = 0;

  if (currentMillis - currentLedStateStartedAt >= ledDelay) {

    if (currentLedState == LOW) {
      currentLedState = HIGH;
    } else {
      currentLedState = LOW;
    currentLedStateStartedAt = currentMillis;

  int buttonState = digitalRead(pushButton);
  if (buttonState==true){


Result / Future improvements

We wanted to implement a loudness altering function to the piezo speaker and tested the schematic on tinker cad as well, however during the implementation it did not seem to work out. Some improvements that could made are the ability to give the user more flexibility with what sounds to choose.

Week 10- Musical Instrument (Drill beat maker)


We wanted to make a device that allows artists to simulate high-hats in drill beats according how they bob their heads. We realized that sound engineers move their body in a unique way. We used a ultrasonic sensor and novel equation to track this movement and produce a drill beat with a correlated frequency.


#include "pitches.h"
#define echoPin 2 
#define trigPin 3 

int pushButton = 7;
const int sPin = 1;
int melody[] = {

int noteDurations[] = {

unsigned long currentNoteStartedAt = 0;

int thisNote = 0;

int millisToNextNote = 0;

int currentLedState = LOW;
unsigned long currentLedStateStartedAt = 0;
long ledDelay = 100;

long duration;
int distance; 

void setup() {
  pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT); 
  pinMode(echoPin, INPUT); 
  pinMode(pushButton, INPUT);
void loop() {
  digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
  digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
  duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);
  distance = duration * 0.034 / 2; 
    unsigned long currentMillis = millis();

  if (currentMillis - currentNoteStartedAt >= millisToNextNote) {

    int noteDuration = 1000 / noteDurations[thisNote];

    tone(3, melody[thisNote], noteDuration);
    millisToNextNote = log10(distance) * 1300;
    currentNoteStartedAt = currentMillis;

    if ( thisNote >= 8 ) {
      thisNote = 0;

  if (currentMillis - currentLedStateStartedAt >= ledDelay) {

    if (currentLedState == LOW) {
      currentLedState = HIGH;
    } else {
      currentLedState = LOW;
    currentLedStateStartedAt = currentMillis;

  int buttonState = digitalRead(pushButton);
  if (buttonState==true){


We used a ultrasonic senor to obtain distance measurements, a switch to implement a function to introduce delay and slow the sound down.  Also the inspiration for the code to produce a melody was inspired by Prof. Michael Shiloh’s implementation.

We used these inputs to make a device that produces a sound continuously sampled and responds to the distance of the user from the sensor.

Here are the schematics for the circuit implementation:


We wanted to implement a loudness altering function to the piezo speaker and tested the schematic on tinker cad as well, however during the implementation it did not seem to work out. Some improvements that could made are the ability to give the user more flexibility with what sounds to choose.


Musical Instrument


For this week’s assignment, Daniel and I constructed a musical instrument that measures the distance between the ultrasonic sensor and anything placed in front of it (i.e., your hand). Depending on how far you place your hand/ an object from the sensor, the piezo buzzer will play one of 8 different notes we inputted into the code.

To do this, we used a force-sensing resistor that you had to press on whenever you wanted the ultrasonic sensor to detect your hand and a piezo buzzer that would play the sound as output.




int trig = 10; // digital 10
int echo = 11; // digital 11
long duration;
long distance;
int force;
void setup() {
 // runs once
 pinMode(echo, INPUT); // digital 11 
 pinMode(trig, OUTPUT); // digital 10
 Serial.begin(9600); // open serial monitor to track
void loop() {
 // runs repeatedly
 digitalWrite(trig, LOW);
 digitalWrite(trig, HIGH);
 digitalWrite(trig, LOW);
 duration = pulseIn(echo, HIGH);
 distance = (duration / 2 * 0.0344);
 int notes[7] = {233, 261, 293, 311, 349, 392, 440};
 //              Bb    C   D     Eb    F   G   A    
 force = analogRead(A0); // analog 0
 if (distance < 0 || distance > 50 || force < 100){
 } else if (force > 100){
   int sound = map (distance, 0, 50, 0, 7);
   tone(12, notes[sound]);

The seven notes we inputted are:

  • Do (233)
  • Re (261)
  • Mi (293)
  • Fa (311)
  • So (349)
  • La (392)
  • Ti (440)


Daniel is shown playing Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star using the instrument.

Link to video

Reflection and Improvements

  • The ultrasonic sensor was very sensitive to movement very close to it, but the farthest note (Ti), was very hard to detect just because it was so far away from the sensor. This made the sound laggy when it came out of the piezo buzzer, which made the song sound very untuned and the note inconsistent.

Progress Report: Midterm Assignment

The Professor has not put any constraints on our projects other than the requirement of being creative. This really forced me to think out of the box and go back to my interests in high school. In high school, I took a class called Global Perspectives. For the final, I wrote an essay on the roles of Big Tech companies and their chokehold on the modern market.

This sparked the idea.


How about a chess game? Since that is what people claim life is. But instead of being a fair game of the minds and strategy, it is absurd and completely one-sided. Also similar to what life is like.

Enter Capitalism Chess. The game is supposed to be an ironic commentary on the ‘subscribe-to-enjoy’ culture created with all the subscription-based services that are popular nowadays.  The game should have playable pieces for the player to give some semblance of fairness but no matter what move is being made, thee player should always lose.

Some inspiration and guidance:

Build A Chessboard In P5JS (Part 1) | Math + Code For Primary and Highschool

Chess – powered by p5js

Assignment 10- Musical Instrument


For this assignment, we decided to remake a piano, but add some adjustments to its stage presence. We all know that there are a lot of stage lights mechanisms when a pianist performs, but what happens when there is no light or lights are directed at people? Our piano changes its tunes and how it sounds. The main technology behind this piano is the usage of the photoresistor which sends different sensor values and with the changing frequency of the sensor, the note fluctuates.

Materials used-

  • LED
  • 3 Switches (digital)
  • Photoresistor (analog)
  • Wires 
  • Resistors – 10 K ohm and 330 ohm

Here is the spotlight session in progress,


Code and Schematic

The code that we used starts off with the assignment of a variable to each component of the circuit. The piezo buzzer is connected to three switches that produce a different tone each time a different switch is pressed. After arranging the switches in a series, we added an LED that lights up every time a piano note is played. We mainly added the tone() function to generate a square wave of a certain frequency on three pins that were attached to their respective switches.  Lastly, to play with the concept of a stage spotlight, we added a photoresistor and mapped the values within it so that the frequency of the note that is playing fluctuates when a flashlight is shone or the stage is put in the dark.

int piezoPin = 8;

int LED = 13;

int button1 = 5; //Set up the input pins connected to the buttons. 
int button2 = 4; 
int button3 = 3; 

int frequency = 0; 

int sensorPin = 0;
int sensorValue = 0;

const int delayTime = 500; //Set up a constant for the variable of delay time in the tone() function.
void setup() {
pinMode(button1, INPUT_PULLUP); 
pinMode(button2, INPUT_PULLUP); 
pinMode(button3, INPUT_PULLUP); 
pinMode(LED, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
  sensorValue = analogRead(sensorPin);
  //Map the different values of the potentiometer to a set of frequencies for each of the three buttons. 
  if (digitalRead(button1) == LOW) {
  frequency = map(sensorValue, 0, 1023, 400, 499); 
  else if (digitalRead(button2) == LOW) {
    frequency = map(sensorValue, 0, 1023, 300, 599); 
  else if (digitalRead(button3) == LOW) {
    frequency = map(sensorValue, 0, 1023, 500, 599); 
  else {
    frequency = 0; 
  tone(piezoPin, frequency, delayTime); //Set up the tone() functions with variables. 

Reflections and Future Improvements

Overall, we are happy with the playfulness of the output but would like to experiment with other notes. We had some difficulties with creating more audible differences when the light settings changed. Perhaps, it was due to the little difference photoresistor could detect, or we could play around changing the value, but it didn’t really work out as it was making the noise bad as the mapped values were being changed. Moreover, the LED just switches on and off when the switch is pressed perhaps its brightness could also be changed when a new note is played.





Assignment 10: Musical intstrument


For this assignment, we decided to remake a piano, but add some adjustments to its stage presence. We all know that there are a lot of stage lights mechanisms when a pianist performs, but what happens when there is no light or lights are directed at people? Our piano changes its tunes and how it sounds. The main technology behind this piano is the usage of the photoresistor which sends different sensor values and with the changing frequency of the sensor, the note fluctuates.

Materials used


3 Switches (digital)

Photoresistor (analog)


Resistors – 10 K ohm and 330 ohm



Code starts off with the assignment of a variable to each component of the circuit 

The tone() function is used to generate a square wave of a certain frequency on three pins that are attached to their respective switches.  

int piezoPin = 8;
int LED = 13;
int button1 = 5; //Set up the input pins connected to the buttons.
int button2 = 4;
int button3 = 3;
int frequency = 0;
int sensor = 0;
int value = 0;
const int delayTime = 500; 
void setup() {
pinMode(button1, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(button2, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(button3, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(LED, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
 value = analogRead(sensor);
 //Map the different values of the photoresist to a set of frequencies for each of the three buttons.
 if (digitalRead(button1) == LOW) {
 frequency = map(value, 0, 1023, 400, 499);
 else if (digitalRead(button2) == LOW) {
   frequency = map(value, 0, 1023, 300, 599);
 else if (digitalRead(button3) == LOW) {
   frequency = map(value, 0, 1023, 500, 599);
 else {
   frequency = 0;
 tone(piezoPin, frequency, delayTime); //plays a tone() functions mapped frequencies.


An LED also lights up when a note is played

The photoresistor also causes the fluctuation in the tone i.e. the frequency when the sensor value is mapped.


Happy with the playfulness of the output but would like to experiment with other notes. We had some difficulties with creating more hearable differences when the light setting changed. Perhaps, it was due to the little difference photoresistor could detect, or we could play around changing the value, but it didn’t really work out as it was making the noise bad. Moreover, the LED just switches on and off when the switch is pressed perhaps its brightness could also be changed when a new note is played.

[Assignment 10] Creative Instrument


For this project, we decided on creating a creative musical instrument using a distance sensor. The device calculates the distance of an object (in this case, the object behaves as a percussion beater), and based on its location, tunes of varying frequencies are produced. The device allows the user to set the base note using a pushdown switch; once the switch is pressed, the distance calculated at that phase is used as an initial point. Thus, the user can move the beater to and fro in order to create a musical track. Similarly, using the potentiometer, the user can further control the duration and type of sound produced by the buzzer.

The devices used in the system are:

    • One ultrasonic distance sensor
    • One potentiometer
    • One piezo buzzer
    • One pushdown switch
    • One 10 000 ohm resistor

The design of the instrument is based on the schematics as shown below:


Our code mainly consists of 4 parts: ultrasonic sensor reading, button reading, potentiometer reading, and piezo buzzer output. We first started with ultrasonic sensors, referring to online code for simple distance measurement (Reference). We have slightly modified the original code to our needs.

int findDistance() 
  digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);

  // Sets the trigPin on HIGH state for 10 micro seconds
  digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);

  // Reads the echoPin, returns the sound wave travel time in microseconds
  long duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);
  return (duration * 0.034 / 2);

This code above is a function that we used to measure distance using the ultrasonic sensor for each loop. Depending on the position of the object, the buzzer will produce different pitches of sound.

Then, the button comes in. Button is used to offset the starting position of the instrument. By placing an object in front of the sensor and pushing the button, the object’s position will automatically be set as a C4 note. Using this button, a player can adjust the instrument in a way that he or she is most comfortable with.

  if (millis() - currentTime > 200 || currentTime == 0) 
    // If the switch is pressed, reset the offset
    if (digitalRead(11) == 1) 
      distanceOffset = findDistance();
      Serial.print("new offset: ");
      currentTime = millis();

  int distance = findDistance() - distanceOffset;

As shown above, when the button is pressed, the program will subtract the offset from the sensor reading.

int pitch_ = intoNotes(map(distance, 0, 20, 1, 7)); 

int pitch = pitch_ * myList[0];
int toneDuration = myList[1];

if(distance <= 20)
    tone(pPin, pitch,toneDuration);                              // Controls 1. PinNumber, 2. Frequency, 3. Time Duration

float intoNotes(int x)
    case 1:
      return 261.63;
    case 2:
      return 293.66;
    case 3:
      return 329.63;
    case 4:
      return 349.23;
    case 5:
      return 392.00;
    case 6:
      return 440.00;
    case 7:
      return 493.88;
      return 0;

The code above is how a program produces different pitches depending on the distance. The program maps 20 cm into 7 different integers; depending on the value of the mapped value, intoNotes() will return a specific pitch value accordingly. If the distance is above 20cm, the instrument will simply not produce a sound.

The code consists of two more functionalities which is facilitated by the function titled “noteModifier()”. It is a void function that takes the data read from the potentiometer as an argument.

void noteModifier(int volt)
  float val1 = 0;

  if (volt > 4 && volt <= 4.6)
    val1 = 5;
  else if (volt > 3 && volt <= 4)
    val1 = 4;
  else if (volt > 2 && volt <= 3)
    val1 = 3;
  else if (volt > 1 && volt <= 2)
    val1 = 2;
    val1 = 1;

  myList[0] = val1;
  myList[1] = val1 * 1000;


As a potentiometer is an analog sensor, it is connected to the A0 pin for a contiguous set of data that ranges from 0 to 1023. Before using this data as input, the values are mapped to a new scale of (1.0 to 5.0) V as the maximum emf in the circuit is 5V. The conversion is done by these lines of code at the beginning of the loop() function.

pVoltRead = analogRead(potentioPin);
trueVolt = (pVoltRead * 5.0/1023);

Once the true volt in the potentiometer is calculated, the function noteModifier() uses a set of if-conditions to determine the value of a variable named ‘val1’. As seen in the code, the value of ‘val1’ varies based on the range of the true volt argument. The true purpose of using val1 is to alter the content of a global list “myList[]” declared at the beginning of the project. The list consists of two elements: (1) the first element is a coefficient that scales the frequency of the sound produced by the buzzer and (2) the second element is the duration of a single tone produced by the buzzer.

This way, the function determines two primary arguments — frequency and time duration — of the Arduino’s inbuilt function tone().

The idea here is to replicate the real-life application of the project. A user can rotate the knob in the potentiometer; consequently, different tones are produced for varying lengths of time. In short, including a potentiometer provides one additional layer of user interaction to the system. The second demo clip shows the functionality of the potentiometer and how it can be used to produce different tunes.

Reflection / Future Improvements

Working on this assignment was very entertaining and exciting. We were able to use different sensors in the kit and use them to create an object that we can physically interact with, unlike p5js. We believe the instrument came out as we initially expected, but there are a few points that we can improve upon:

      • Ultrasonic Sensor
        • Ultrasonic sensor uses sound waves to measure the distance. This means the measurement can be inaccurate and unreliable depending on the surface of the object the wave is hitting. Due to this, we found out our instrument malfunctions when trying to play it with our own hands. To improve this, we would like to use a laser distance sensor that is less affected by the object’s surface.
      • Piezo Buzzer
        • Piezo Buzzer is very simple to use, but its sound quality is great. If we use a better speaker, we may be able to add more interesting functionalities, such as producing different sounds of instruments when a button is pressed.

Watch demos of the instrument here:

Without potentiometer:

With potentiometer: