There is a game played a while back that I really liked, and as recreating that game will take much longer than the time I have now, I got an idea that is similar in a way, but simpler.
The game I got inspired by is called HUE.
In this game, hue needs to save his mom by collecting pieces of the color ring in the picture above.
My Idea:
My idea, similarly, the student needs to collect a few questions and the exam to pass.
Game Parts:
– The player/student needs to collect all the questions on the screen and get to the final before the timer ends.
– If the student collects all the questions, they can collect the final exam paper and get the full grade on the exam. Otherwise, they get points for the questions they collected.
-each question is guarded by a monster(monsters are inspired by the monsters that face students like anxiety, procrastination, and distractions).
This is a rough draft of what the game is supposed to look like:
I started with the background. Instead of using a still image, I used loadPixels() to make the background look something like a night sky.
class Bg {
float[] x = new float[50];
float[] y = new float[50];
Bg() {
for (int i=0; i<50; i++) {
x[i] = random(0, widthh);
y[i] = random(0, heightt);
void drawBG() {
for (int y=0; y<heightt; y++) {
for (int x=0; x<widthh; x++) {
float n = noise(x*.002, y*.005);
//n = frameCount%width+n;
//n= map(n,0,width,0,255);
if (frameCount%5==0) {
for (int i=0; i<50; i++) {
x[i] = random(0, width);
y[i] = random(0, height);
for (int i=0; i<50; i++) {
for (int j=0; j<10; j++) {
fill(255, 25);
ellipse(x[i], y[i], 1+j, 1+j);
I added platforms, which the questions and monsters will be on at random, saved, x-locations:
class Platforms {
PVector pos; //mid point
float pHeight;
float pWidth;
float widths;
Platforms(float x, float y, float w, float h) {
pos = new PVector(x, y);
//println(pos.x, pos.y);
pHeight = h;
pWidth = w;
void display() {
rect(pos.x, pos.y, pWidth, pHeight);
// float distance(Objects other){
// }
My code is mainly classes for each thing on the screen and one for the whole game that controls everything.
I made one creature’s class that will be a superclass for the player, monsters, questions, and the final.
The class still has a few errors that I am working on.
class Creature {
// Attributes
PVector pos;
PVector speed;
boolean alive;
float ground;
float size;
PVector imgSize;
int numFrames;
PImage img;
int frame;
boolean dir; //left = 0 right = 1
Creature(float x,float y,float r,float g,float img,float w,float h,int num_frames,float xl,float xr) {
pos= new PVector(x,y);
speed=new PVector(0,0);
alive = true;
ground = g;
size = r;
imgSize = new PVector(w,h);
numFrames = num_frames;
img = new PImage(loadImage("player.png"));
frame = 0;
dir = true;
void gravity() {
if (pos.y+size >= ground) {
} else {
speed.y +=0.3;
if (pos.y+size+speed.y>ground) {
speed.y = ground-(pos.y+size);
for (int p=0; p<game.plats.length; p++) {
if (game.plats[p].pos.y + size <= game.plats[p].pos.y && pos.x+size>=game.plats[p].pos.x && pos.x-size <= game.plats[p].pos.x+game.plats[p].pos.x) {
ground = game.plats[p].pos.y;
} else {
ground = game.ground;
void update(){
pos.x += speed.x;
pos.y += speed.y;
void display(){
if (dir && alive){
image(img, pos.x-imgSize.x/2 , pos.y-imgSize.y/2, frame*imgSize.x,0,(frame+1)*imgSize.x,imgSize,imgSize.y);
else if(alive){
image(img, pos.x-imgSize.x/2 , pos.y-imgSize.y/2, frame*imgSize.x,(frame+1)*imgSize.x,0,imgSize,imgSize.y);
void startSc(){
void endSc(){
Finally, my game class and setup and draw functions that control the whole progress of the game.
the game being in a class allows me to easily restart the game if the player fails by calling a new game object again.
class Game {
int ground = 100;
// Player _player;
Platforms[] plats = new Platforms[5];
Platforms ground;
int platLocH[] = new int[5];
int platLocW[] = new int[5];
// Objects[] _monsters = new Objects[10];
// Objects _final;
// Objects[] _questions = new Objects[10];
// Bullets _bullets;
Game() {
ground = new Platforms(0, heightt-ground, widthh, ground);
for (int i=0; i<plats.length; i++) {
platLocH[i] = (heightt-250)-i*130;
platLocW[i] = int(random(0, widthh-500));
plats[i]= new Platforms(platLocW[i], platLocH[i], 500, heightt/20);
void main() {
for (int i = 0; i<5; i++) {
Bg bckgrnd = new Bg();
Game game = new Game();
void draw() {
//rect(height/2, width/2, 100,100);
void keyPressed() {
// if (_start.getflag==True) {
// }
Character Sprites:
These are my character sprites and draft sprites for the final exam and the questions:
Character(dead student):
Final Paper: