Week 12: Final Project Proposal & Progress


For my final project, I am yet again choosing to go with a butterfly theme. This time, however, I plan to give it a little life – in the real physical sense. With the ability of bringing hardware components together, and controlling them programmatically, we can simulate many things. I will attempt to do just that and bring a little life to a small butterfly.

My final project will essentially be a physical, mini-interface with a butterfly that reacts to human touch. The interface will display a butterfly atop a flower, undisturbed and resting peacefully. Once touched, its wings will flutter, awakening a swarm of butterflies that begins to flap away from beneath. The interface itself will be a physical surface on a table, with the animation, designed and implemented in p5.js, projected onto it. The interface will have a physical butterfly prototype (made from paper and laminated, perhaps) protruding in the middle. Once a sensor (a capacitive touch sensor) that is connected to it senses a signal, its wings will be activated and so will the butterflies’ animation in the backdrop. Its wings will be attached to two servo motors that will move once a signal is received from p5.

Materials and Hardware

  1. Arduino Uno and breadboard
  2. Capacitive touch sensor
  3. Two servo motors
  4. A general-purpose tripod
  5. A projector


The p5.js sketch is responsible for creating and controlling the animation. For the creation of butterfly objects, I tried experimenting with generative art, but it proved to be quite challenging as I needed to simulate the smooth motion of flapping wings. I, hence, will be using standard images (spritesheets) to display the graphics. The p5.js sketch will consistently read the messages transmitted from the Arduino program, waiting for a touch signal to activate the motion of the butterfly wings and the subsequent animation. Once the animation begins, it will send messages to the Arduino program, communicating that the animation is still underway. These messages are going to be used to keep the servo motors, controlling the wings, in motion. Once the animation stops, as indicated by all the smaller butterflies that escaped from beneath the central butterfly leaving the screen display, the sketch will send a terminating message to the Arduino, which will be used to bring the motion of the servos to a halt.

In order to ensure a seamless mapping experience between the sketch and the physical surface, I will be using p5.mapper. This library allows you to calibrate your sketches dynamically in order to match the dimensions of your sketch with that of a surface, once projected.


The Arduino program will have a touch sensor as an input and servo motors as output. The touch sensor sends a signal to p5 indicating a touch is detected and will receive messages used to control the duration of the motor-controlled wing flaps.



So far, I have the major parts of my sketch (the animation, serial communication, and projection mapping) completed for the most part. I want to work on the aesthetics of it a little more next and will have to modify the serial communication implementation to synchronize the movement of the motors.



The main circuitry is wired up to connect the touch sensor and the motors. The program sends the sensor signal over to p5 for detection of touch. I, additionally, implemented the wing flap motion with the motors. However, I still need to work on the synchronization between the animation and the servo movements. I also need to figure out a way to conveniently and securely place the wings on the motor flaps and stabilize the components.

Sketch mapped onto a surface

Next Steps

The main next step is putting it all together and completing the technical aspects of synchronizing the animation with the physical components. I also need to work on designing a neat interface with stable components as I would like to reduce the overhead of setting up (and the possibility of things falling apart or out-of-sync) as much as possible.

Week 12: Final Project – Defuse Dash

Bomb Defusal Game: Defuse Dash


The bomb defusal game is an interactive physical and digital game where players must complete a series of tasks using a combination of hardware components and a computer interface to “defuse” an Arduino bomb within a set time limit. Each task involves different components such as buttons, a potentiometer, and an ultrasonic sensor, providing a variety of challenges that test the player’s reaction speed, precision, and problem-solving skills.


  • P5.js
    • Visual Display: Renders the game interface, including task instructions, status updates, and timers.
    • User Interaction: Processes and displays inputs received from the Arduino, allowing players to see the results of their actions in real time.
    • Game Feedback: Provides immediate visual feedback based on player actions, such as changing colors or displaying messages to indicate success or failure.
  • Arduino
    • Input Reading: Collects and processes inputs from physical game controls (buttons, potentiometer, ultrasonic sensor).
    • Logic Handling: Executes the core game mechanics based on player interactions and sends the status to P5.js.
    • Output Control: Manages physical outputs like sounds (buzzer or servo) to enhance gameplay interaction.

Game Mechanics

Task-Based Gameplay: Players face multiple tasks that they must complete to defuse the bomb. Each task uses different components:

  • Button Presses: Used for tasks like code entry, where players must press the correct sequence of buttons.
  • Potentiometer Adjustments: This might involve setting a dial to match a specific level displayed on the P5.js interface.
  • Ultrasonic Sensor: Requires players to move an object to the correct distance from the sensor as shown by the computer interface.
  • LEDs: Used to provide visual feedback on task status (e.g., success, warning, error). The Arduino controls these LEDs based on the game state and player inputs.
  • Piezo Speaker: Can emit different tones or alerts based on game events like task success, failure, or warnings.

Time Limit: The game is timed, adding pressure and requiring quick thinking and fast responses. Failing to complete tasks within the time limit results in a game-over scenario.

Current Progress

  • Circuit Setup: Configured a basic circuit with 2 buttons, 1 potentiometer, and 1 ultrasonic sensor connected to an Arduino Uno.
  • Arduino Programming: Developed code to read inputs from the hardware components and send this data to the P5.js application via serial communication.
  • P5.js Programming: Set up a P5.js sketch to receive data from Arduino and visually display game elements such as task instructions, player inputs, and a timer.

Week 12: Reading Response

The reading “Design Meets Disability” explores the relationship between beautiful design and practical usability while arguing for a change in perceptions of the design of items intended for people with disabilities.

The growth of eyeglasses from a stigmatized medical device to a stylish accessory demonstrates how design has the ability to alter views. In the past, glasses were frequently associated with social shame and were only considered useful instruments for correcting vision. But by adding fashion components to its designs, eyewear has evolved into an item that is for use and visual appeal.

Aimee Mullins, a model and athlete, has demonstrated how creatively she uses prosthetic limbs to emphasize the need for cross-disciplinary collaboration between fashion designers and disability product designers. Her prostheses, which are both artistically beautiful and practical, are a prime example of how incorporating fashion into disability design can defy stereotypes and turn medical devices into fashion statements.

Is it possible for the aesthetics of assistive devices to impact how society views and treats people with disabilities? If yes, how can designers use this authority to promote greater acceptance and inclusion?

Final Project Update

So far for my final project I have narrowed down all the ideas I have and created most of the graphics needed, I also started getting into the code and researching tutorials I might need.

I have split my game into 3 stages, each requiring a different sensor: a Potentiometer, a Joystick, and a button. Through these 3 sensors, I will go through the 3 cooking steps to create the final dish. I haven’t gone to much into audio yet but I think I have a general idea.

Below you’ll find the sketch so far (still not much going on) and some of the art I’ve created for now.


Assignment #12 – Stefania Petre (with Amal and Afra)

Initial connection and wiring from the schematic:

Exercise 1:

This was probably the easiest exercise, we just had to edit the code that was in the Week 12 Lecture Notes.

P5.js Code:

let potentiometer = 0;

function setup() {
  createCanvas(640, 480);

function draw() {
  if (!serialActive) {
    text("Press Space Bar to select Serial Port", 20, 30);
  } else {
    text("Connected", 20, 30);
    text('Potentiometer = ' + potentiometer, 20, 70);

  let ellipseX = map(potentiometer, 0, 1023, 0, width);
  ellipse(ellipseX, height / 2, 50, 50);

function keyPressed() {
  if (key === ' ') {

function readSerial(data) {
  if (data != null) {
    let trimmedData = trim(data);
    if (!isNaN(trimmedData)) {
      potentiometer = int(trimmedData);

Arduino Code:

void setup() {

  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);

void loop() {
  int sensorValue = analogRead(A1);



reading response – Design meets disability

Reading “Design Meets Disability” felt like a light bulb turning on in my head. I’d never really thought about disability as something created by society, you know? It made me realize how much design impacts people’s lives, either by opening doors or putting up walls.
The part about universal design really stuck with me. It’s like, why wouldn’t we want to make things that everyone can use and enjoy? It just makes sense! It’s like that curb cut example – it helps so many people, not just those in wheelchairs. It shows how good design can be helpful and just plain smart.
The book also reminded me of the saying, “Nothing About Us Without Us,” which is all about giving disabled people a voice. It made me think about how important it is for designers to actually listen to the people they’re designing for, especially when it comes to accessibility. Their experiences are what matters most, and they can help create designs that truly work for everyone.
This book really got me thinking. How can we get more designers on board with inclusive design? How can we work together to make sure accessibility isn’t just an afterthought? These are big questions, but I think finding answers is super important for creating a world where everyone feels welcome and valued.

Design Meets Disability Reading Reflection – Stefania Petre

I found “Designer Meets Disability” to be really meaningful. Not only was it a thought-provoking read, but it also made me consider my own design methods and prejudices. I was forced to reconsider what good design actually entails after reading this book, particularly in light of accessibility.

I remember a project I worked on where I had to use p5.js to create an interactive experience. At first, all I concentrated on was making things look good and work well enough for the average user. But reading this book made me see how important it is to take into account the people who might interact with my work in a different way. This realisation completely changed the way I approached design.

Especially inspirational was the notion that disability may spur innovation rather than hinder it. It has forced me to take a more expansive view, realising that include accessibility from the outset benefits everyone by enhancing both the design process and the final product, rather than just being about ethics or compliance.

I’m more dedicated than ever to making sure that my designs are not just aesthetically pleasing and useful, but also widely accessible as I work on my interactive media projects. Regardless of a person’s ability, I aim to create experiences that they can all enjoy and profit from.

Reading response week 12 – Hamdah AlSuwaidi

The reading from “Design Meets Disability” suggests a profound paradigm shift in the approach to design, particularly for products meant to be accessible for all, including those with disabilities. This shift moves away from a focus on mere functionality and discretion toward a more holistic view that embraces aesthetic appeal, personal identity, and cultural relevance.

The text draws attention to the meticulous process behind achieving the apparent simplicity of designs like the iPod, which balances minimalism with functionality and accessibility. It emphasizes the idea that while simplicity in design is often celebrated, the complexity involved in achieving it is substantial and not necessarily apparent to the end-user.

Further discussed is the idea of “spimes,” a term coined by Bruce Sterling to describe objects that are more than their physical form; they are information-rich, context-aware, and sustainable. This represents a vision of the future where products are integrated into our lives in a way that is both meaningful and mindful of the larger ecological and informational ecosystems they inhabit.

Moreover, the reading posits that designs should not be solely driven by the technological capability or the imperative of universality but should consider the nuanced needs and preferences of individual users, which includes emotional and psychological responses. It illustrates that designing for disability isn’t just about providing a function; it’s about creating an experience and empowering the user.

the challenge presented to designers: to forge a path that neither patronizes nor alienates but instead enriches the user’s life. It calls for a commitment to design that is not only inclusive in its utility but also in its beauty and its ability to resonate with users on a personal level. The aim is to push the envelope of what is possible, creating products that are not just usable by everyone but also desirable by everyone, thus fostering a more inclusive and empathetic society.

Afra Binjerais – Week 12 reading response

I initially gave the idea to professor to make this reading optional since we have a lot on our plate with the final being due, but since its extra credit, it automatically became crucial for me to complete 🙂

So while reading “Design Meets Disability” by Graham Pullin, it has profoundly shifted my view on the design of assistive devices. Pullin advocates for merging functionality with aesthetic appeal, an approach that resonates deeply with current trends in consumer technology. For example, the transformation of eyeglasses from functional items to fashion statements illustrates the potential for assistive devices to follow a similar trajectory.

However, the reality in the market shows a lag in adopting this inclusive design philosophy. Many devices, especially those for less visible disabilities, remain primarily functional, highlighting a gap between Pullin’s ideal and the industry’s current practices. This discrepancy might be due to cost constraints and a lack of awareness among designers about how to integrate aesthetics without compromising functionality.

Reflecting on this, I am more aware of the biases that might exist in the design community and society’s perception of disability. Pullin’s optimism is inspiring, yet it also brings to light the practical challenges of such a vision. It raises crucial questions about balancing cost and style and how the industry can be motivated to embrace this more holistic approach to design.




Week 12 Reading Response – Khalifa Alshamsi

Reflecting on “Design Meets Disability,” the book pushes the boundaries of traditional views on assistive device design by advocating for a blend of functionality and aesthetic appeal. This approach resonates strongly with the current trends in consumer technology, where design and personal expression play pivotal roles. For instance, eyewear, originally a purely functional item for vision correction, has evolved into a fashion statement, highlighting the argument that assistive devices can similarly be fashion-forward and not just functional. However, while Pullin champions a more inclusive design philosophy, evidence from the current market for assistive devices shows a lag in the widespread adoption of this philosophy. Many products, particularly for less visible disabilities, remain starkly functional, suggesting a discrepancy between Pullin’s ideal and the industry’s execution. This gap may stem from various factors, including cost constraints and limited awareness among designers about the possibilities for aesthetic integration without compromising functionality.

The reading subtly nudges one to consider potential biases in how society and designers view disability and assistive technologies. Pullin seems optimistic about the convergence of design and disability, which might seem biased to those who see significant structural and societal barriers still in place. This optimism does not fully address the economic and practical challenges of redesigning assistive devices as fashionable items, which could be perceived as an oversight or a bias towards a more idealistic outlook. The reading has shifted my perspective, making me more aware of the need for a holistic approach to design—one that considers both function and form. It raises questions about the feasibility of such integration: How can designers balance the cost implications with the desire for style? How can the industry be incentivized to adopt this approach? These questions underline the complexities of implementing Pullin’s vision in real-world settings, suggesting the need for a broader dialogue among designers, manufacturers, and users within the disability community.