This assignment was more exciting for me to create than the first one. At first, I couldn’t think of a specific idea I wanted to implement, so I just went in blindly. I started coding random stuff using for loops until it hit me what I actually wanted to do.
As I mentioned before in my previous blog post, I love colorful things, so I decided to create a color wheel that has some element of randomness in it. I wanted to make it messy, but also in a way organized. I designed it in a way that it changes size and arrangement according to where the mouse is. At first, it’s a rather small organized color wheel of lines centered in the canvas, but as you move the mouse to the right (along the x-axis), it increases in size, taking up the whole canvas but maintaining its organization, giving a visual of a train going through a tunnel at full speed, kind of. As you move the mouse downwards (along the y-axis), the lines become uncentered and spaced out giving a more chaotic visual.
I wanted to add a dynamic background to my canvas because it looked too dull in my opinion. A very random thought was to make it somewhat resembling a fingerprint, But the curves were too much with the color wheel, so I decided to make it more low-key by replacing the curves with lines. The following picture was in a way what I had imagined the background to look like in the beginning.
A highlight I’m proud of:
I am proud of the way I got the background to look. I did not have that much high expectations for it but it worked out perfectly. At first, I couldn’t figure out how to make parts of the diagonal lines change stroke weight without changing the whole line, but then I changed it to be various small lines instead of one long line.
for(let i = 1; i<width; i += 10){
for(let j = 1; j< height; j+= 10){
Reflection and ideas for future work or improvements:
For now, I am glad with the outcome, but I would like to practice creating more advanced sketches with more interactivity. Additionally, I would like to work on using other functions and techniques as well, because I tend to stick to the ones I already know.
On another note, for this assignment I tried my best to make my code as brief as possible while delivering a cool piece of artwork.