After thinking for what felt like forever and hating a ton of games i tried to design an idea came to my mind, why not go old school and turn a physical game into a digital game and what’s better than using my favorite stress relief game “Wack-a-mole”, the game that generations have played, so why not give it a modern twist.
Description: A game where moles appear from various holes on a hill and the user must “whack” them by clicking on them. The aim is to get as many moles as possible within a certain time frame.
This is the inspo i want to recreate:
And this is the rough sketch i came up with so far:
I choose to leave the visuals till later and start off with what was frightening me the most at the time which was having the mole appear in exact random holes and for the mouse click to be able to detect it no matter where it’s touched which I was able to fix using a dist() function, ensuring precise and reliable click detection. However, other challenges remain such as making the game visually appealing to fit the inspo picture as much as possible and in general just look good and fun, adding the score, and as time gets closer to finish the game becomes harder yet remaining seamless.
Risks and ways to minimize them:
- Game becomes boring: The speed gets faster as time goes by
User Interaction Design:
The end result will have:
- Start Screen: Press “Start” to begin the game with instructions above.
- Gameplay: Moles pop up from holes at random intervals. The player clicks on them to score points. (I’m thinking of making the mouse be a mallet and have the mallet hit the moles but i’m not really sure how to do that)
- Timer at the bottom: A long 40 sec bar that runs down as time passes that changes color based on time left and in the last 10 second it will print the remaining time under
- Sound feedback: Every time a mole is hit a funny sound will play
- Difficulty increase:As the timer gets close to running out the moles will become faster at disappearing
- Scoring: Player earns points for each mole whacked.
- End Screen: Displays score when time runs out and an option to replay.