Final Project – ThumbWave Studio – Final Report – Dachi


My final project mostly stays true to its initial goal – except I combined both of my ideas. This project is an interactive art project that allows you to both visualize and create your own visual art. At core of its project are sin wave structures, which in simple term serve as fundamental graphical elements (used OpenGL for 3D) to create dynamic flowing patterns. The user is free to control them with various gestures and interactions all of which are natural with our hands to perform. For example, pinching your thumb and index finger together and moving your hand up and down. There is also a layer of Arduino integration which serves to expand the functionality with ultrasonic sensor, dictating the zoom level of the canvas, and three buttons which serve different functions. Red one is responsible for toggling Trail mode which lets you create a dynamic painting, the yellow one lets you stop the drawing to then save your work with green button as a form of a screenshot. This simple concept can be expanded to bigger scales. I could imagine this implemented in science or other classes where we demonstrate different mathematical equations or models with which students are able to interact with simple gestures. Conversely, they are able to adjust individual parameters and really see whats going on under the hood. The gestures make it much more intuitive and fun to do so. Moreover, they are free to experiment with trails, creating abstract drawing of their own and coming up with creative ways to combine and fuse different shapes and patterns to come up with beautiful renders.


Example sketches:







Building Arduino interface:


User Testing:

My friend Adi who has already taken this class and has experience in Interactive Media figured it out quite quickly. Before we even started, he told me he had worked with ML5 before and knew of its strengths and weaknesses and what to watch out for. Despite, this he still made some mistakes initially where he did not fully know how to do gestures. I showed him instruction paged and after confirming some of his doubts with hand orientations with me we started testing it second time where I tried to only explain after he did things on his own. He said it was pretty smooth and there were no major delays. I feel like one way to make this more clear for people unlike Adi who have never worked with ML5 before, is to instead of putting pictures and texts, record short GIFS or videos of visual demonstrations so they can see whats happening in 3 dimensions since the project itself is very much three dimensional. It will be interesting to see how people react to it during IM showcase which I will update in the respective section. Here is Adi’s second run:

More on:



Interaction Design:

The interaction design revolves around using hand gestures to control various parameters of the visual art. Each gesture is mapped to a specific parameter, allowing the user to intuitively manipulate the shapes and patterns. For example, pinching the thumb and index finger together and moving the hand up and down controls the X-axis rotation. Conversely, thumb and middle finger controls number of shapes. Thumb and ring finger controls shape detail and thumb and pink changes perceived rotation speed (zAngle). Additionally, using two hands they can change zScale which visually demonstrates larger movement across Z, sort of like pulsing. Moving two hands like accordion further adds to fun and visual candy. Users can also use the physical box with three buttons and distance sensor to change zoom, toggle trail mode, stop/continue drawing and save a screenshot. The use of gestures makes the interaction more engaging and natural, enabling users to explore and experiment with the artwork in a hands-on manner.

Arduino Code:

const int trigPin = 9;
const int echoPin = 10;
const int buttonPin = 2;
const int ledPin = 13;
const int trailButtonPin = 4;
const int trailLedPin = 7;
const int screenshotButtonPin = 12;
const int screenshotLedPin = 8;
const int adminButtonPin = 6;

long duration;
int distance;
int buttonState = 0;
int trailButtonState = 0;
int screenshotButtonState = 0;
int adminButtonState = 0;

void setup() {
  pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(echoPin, INPUT);
  pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT);
  pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(trailButtonPin, INPUT);
  pinMode(trailLedPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(screenshotButtonPin, INPUT);
  pinMode(screenshotLedPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(adminButtonPin, INPUT);

void loop() {
  // Read distance from ultrasonic sensor
  digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
  digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
  duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);
  distance = duration * 0.034 / 2; //calculate distanse
  distance = constrain(distance, 1, 20); //constraint

  // Read button states
  buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin);
  trailButtonState = digitalRead(trailButtonPin);
  screenshotButtonState = digitalRead(screenshotButtonPin);
  adminButtonState = digitalRead(adminButtonPin);

  // Control LEDs based on button states
  digitalWrite(ledPin, buttonState);
  digitalWrite(trailLedPin, trailButtonState);
  digitalWrite(screenshotLedPin, screenshotButtonState);

  // Send data to p5.js


The Arduino code is responsible for reading data from the ultrasonic sensor and button states, and sending this information to the p5.js sketch. It continuously measures the distance using the ultrasonic sensor, which is then mapped to control the zoom level of the canvas. The code also reads the states of three buttons: a red button for toggling the trail mode, a yellow button for stopping the drawing, and a green button for taking a screenshot. The button states and distance data are sent to p5.js via serial communication.

Description of p5.js code:

The p5.js code handles the visual rendering and interaction of the artwork. It uses the ML5 library for hand pose detection, allowing the sketch to recognize and track hand gestures. The code maps each gesture to a specific parameter of the visual elements, such as X-axis rotation, number of shapes, shape detail, and Z-axis rotation. It also incorporates the data received from the Arduino, using the ultrasonic sensor readings to control the zoom level and the button states to toggle trail mode, stop drawing, and take screenshots. The code creates a dynamic and interactive experience by combining the hand gesture controls with the Arduino inputs.

I have three main sketch files. Sketch.js is the main one and is responsible for drawing the artwork as well as declaring, initializing variables, creating buttons, sliders, other helpers and toggles. It binds whole program together and keeps it running.


let handPose; // ml5.js hand pose object
let video; 
let hands = []; // stores hand data from the pose detector
let rotateXAngle = 60;
let rotateZAngle = 60;
let numShapes = 50; // number of geometric shapes displayed
let shapeDetail = 360 / 60;  // detail level of each shape
let radialScale = 3;
let zScale = 50; 
let gestureActivated = false;
let zoom = 1; 
let trailsEnabled = false;
let drawingEnabled = true;
let osc;
let adminMode = false; //for debugging + additional controls
let instructionsVisible = false;

//based on instruction on vs off
function updateButtonVisibility() {
  let buttons = selectAll('button:not(#backButton)');
  for (let i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) {
    buttons[i].style('display', instructionsVisible ? 'none' : 'inline-block');

function createInstructionsButton() {
  let buttonContainer = createDiv("");"position", "absolute");"right", "229px");"top", "20px");

  let instructionsButton = createButton("Instructions");

function toggleInstructions() {
  instructionsVisible = !instructionsVisible;

function hideInstructions() {
  instructionsVisible = false;
  backButtonPressed = true;

function createBackButton() {
  let buttonContainer = createDiv("");"position", "absolute");"left", "20px");"top", "20px");

  let backButton = createButton("↑");

function toggleAdminMode() {
  adminMode = !adminMode;

function updateAdminElements() {
  let elements = selectAll('button:not(#adminButton):not(#fullscreenButton):not(#instructionsButton):not(#backButton), input[type="range"]');
  for (let i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
    elements[i].style('display', adminMode && !instructionsVisible ? 'inline-block' : 'none');

function createAdminButton() {
  let buttonContainer = createDiv("");"position", "absolute");"right", "20px");"top", "20px");

  let adminButton = createButton("Admin");

function createFullscreenButton() {
  let buttonContainer = createDiv("");"position", "absolute");"right", "110px");"top", "20px");

  let fullscreenButton = createButton("Fullscreen");

function styleButton(button) {"background-color", "#4CAF50");"border", "none");"color", "white");"padding", "10px 20px");"text-align", "center");"text-decoration", "none");"display", "inline-block");"font-size", "16px");"border-radius", "4px");"cursor", "pointer");

function createSliders() { //visible in admin mode
  let sliderContainer = createDiv("");"sliderContainer");"position", "absolute");"left", "20px");"top", "20px");"display", "flex");"flex-direction", "column");

  let rotateZSlider = createSlider(10, 180, rotateZAngle);
  rotateZSlider.parent(sliderContainer);"width", "200px");
  rotateZSlider.input(() => updateRotateZAngle(rotateZSlider.value()));

  let numShapesSlider = createSlider(10, 100, numShapes, 1);
  numShapesSlider.parent(sliderContainer);"width", "200px");
  numShapesSlider.input(() => updateNumShapes(numShapesSlider.value()));

  let shapeDetailSlider = createSlider(3, 60, 6, 1);
  shapeDetailSlider.parent(sliderContainer);"width", "200px");
  shapeDetailSlider.input(() => updateShapeDetail(shapeDetailSlider.value()));

  let radialScaleSlider = createSlider(1, 10, radialScale, 0.1);
  radialScaleSlider.parent(sliderContainer);"width", "200px");
  radialScaleSlider.input(() => updateRadialScale(radialScaleSlider.value()));

  let zScaleSlider = createSlider(10, 100, zScale, 1);
  zScaleSlider.parent(sliderContainer);"width", "200px");
  zScaleSlider.input(() => updateZScale(zScaleSlider.value()));

  let zoomSlider = createSlider(0.1, 2, zoom, 0.1);
  zoomSlider.parent(sliderContainer);"width", "200px");
  zoomSlider.input(() => updateZoom(zoomSlider.value()));

function toggleFullscreen() {
  if (!document.fullscreenElement) {
    if (document.documentElement.requestFullscreen) {
    } else if (document.documentElement.webkitRequestFullscreen) { // Safari
    } else if (document.documentElement.msRequestFullscreen) { // IE/Edge
  } else {
    if (document.exitFullscreen) {
    } else if (document.webkitExitFullscreen) { // Safari
    } else if (document.msExitFullscreen) { // IE/Edge
function windowResized() {
  if (document.fullscreenElement) {
    resizeCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);
    instructionsGraphics.resizeCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight * 2); //for fullscreen

  } else {
    resizeCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);
    instructionsGraphics.resizeCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight * 2);


function updatePitch(value) { //sound
  let freq = map(value, 1, 200, 50, 400);

function updateFrequency(value) {  //different shape sound, reversed
  let freq = map(value, 10, 180, 400, 50);

function preload() {
  handPose = ml5.handPose();
  img1 = loadImage('gestures.png');
  img2 = loadImage('box.png');

function createScreenshotButton() {
  let buttonContainer = createDiv("");"position", "absolute");"left", "20px");"top", "260px");

  let screenshotButton = createButton("Take Screenshot");

function takeScreenshot() {
  saveCanvas('screenshot', 'png');

function setup() {
  createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight, WEBGL);
  video = createCapture(VIDEO);
  video.size(640, 480); //og resolution'transform', 'scale(-1, 1)'); //reverse if need to test video
  video.hide(); //if need to test for video
  handPose.detectStart(video, gotHands);
  oscZScale = new p5.Oscillator('triangle');
  oscRotateZAngle = new p5.Oscillator('sawtooth'); //waveform sawtooth
  envZScale = new p5.Envelope(); //used to ocntrol amplitude
  envZScale.setADSR(0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 0.5); //controls attack decay sustain and release
  envZScale.setRange(0.2, 0); //silence  after sustained phase

  oscZScale = new p5.Oscillator('triangle'); //waveform triangle

  // updateFrequency(rotateZAngle); //initial frequency
  updateAdminElements(); // make admin initially not visible
  instructionsGraphics = createGraphics(width, height * 2); //new graphics buffer for instructions
function keyPressed() { //spacebar to select serial port
  if (key === ' ') {

let backButtonPressed = false;

function draw() {
  if (!trailsEnabled || backButtonPressed) {
    background(30); //clear background
    backButtonPressed = false;

  if (instructionsVisible) {
    // Clear the instructions graphics buffer
    instructionsGraphics.fill(0); //rectangle background black
    instructionsGraphics.rect(0, 0, width, 2*height);
    instructionsGraphics.textAlign(LEFT, TOP); //align text
    // Adjust text size based on fullscreen mode
    let textSize = document.fullscreenElement ? 24 : 16;


    // instruction paragraphs
    let paragraph1 = `Welcome to ThumbWave studio where you can explore interactive mathematical graphics with your hand gestures. Different hand gestures are assigned to different parameter. Holding your thumb and index finger together alters the tilt of the visuals, mimicking the effect of changing your perspective. Bringing your thumb and middle finger together adjusts the number of shapes on the display, allowing you to fill the screen with complexity or clear it for simplicity. Connecting your thumb to your ring finger modifies the intricacy of each shape, adding a layer of detail with further movements.`;
    let paragraph2 = `Keep in mind, while you hold these gestures you can change the value of individual parameter by moving your hand up and down (for X-axis rotation) or side to side (for the rest). Finally, a touch between your thumb and pinkie will spin the shapes around the Z-axis, injecting motion into the scene. For a more dramatic effect, use both hands as if handling an accordion: moving your hands together and apart changes the scale and depth of the shapes on the screen and alters the pitch of the background sounds to match your movements, enhancing the sensory experience.`;

    // each paragraph with appropriate spacing
    let padding = 20;
    let topPadding = 80; // top padding before the first paragraph
    let maxTextWidth = width * 0.9;
    let lineSpacing = document.fullscreenElement ? 60 : 50;

    drawParagraph(instructionsGraphics, paragraph1, padding, topPadding + padding, maxTextWidth, lineSpacing);
    let paragraph1Height = calculateParagraphHeight(instructionsGraphics, paragraph1, maxTextWidth, lineSpacing);

    // first image after the first paragraph
    let img1Width = width * 0.8;
    let img1Height = img1.height * (img1Width / img1.width);
    let img1X = (width - img1Width) / 2;
    let img1Y = topPadding + padding + paragraph1Height + lineSpacing;
    instructionsGraphics.image(img1, img1X, img1Y, img1Width, img1Height);

    drawParagraph(instructionsGraphics, paragraph2, padding, img1Y + img1Height + lineSpacing, maxTextWidth, lineSpacing);
    let paragraph2Height = calculateParagraphHeight(instructionsGraphics, paragraph2, maxTextWidth, lineSpacing);

    // second image after the second paragraph
    let img2Width = width * 0.8;
    let img2Height = img2.height * (img2Width / img2.width);
    let img2X = (width - img2Width) / 2;
    let img2Y = img1Y + img1Height + lineSpacing + paragraph2Height + lineSpacing;
    instructionsGraphics.image(img2, img2X, img2Y, img2Width, img2Height);
    let scrollPosition;
    if (document.fullscreenElement) {
      scrollPosition = map(mouseY, 0, windowHeight, 0, instructionsGraphics.height - windowHeight);
    } else {
      scrollPosition = map(mouseY, 0, height, 0, instructionsGraphics.height - height);
    image(instructionsGraphics, -width / 2, -height / 2, width, height, 0, scrollPosition, width, height);

    //  the back button
    select("#backButton").style("display", "inline-block");
  } else { //dynamic rendering of 3D geometric shapes
    if (drawingEnabled) {
      for (let i = 0; i < numShapes; i++) { //dynamic color assignment
        let r = map(sin(frameCount / 2), -1, 1, 100, 200);
        let g = map(i, 0, numShapes, 100, 200);
        let b = map(cos(frameCount), -1, 1, 200, 100);
        stroke(r, g, b);
        rotate(frameCount / rotateZAngle); //rotate shape around z axis
        for (let j = 0; j < 360; j += shapeDetail) { //3D cordinates for each vertex of shape
          let rad = j * radialScale;
          let x = rad * cos(j);
          let y = rad * sin(j);
          let z = sin(frameCount * 2 + i * 5) * zScale;
          vertex(x, y, z);

    // Hide the back button
    select("#backButton").style("display", "none");

// Helper function to draw a paragraph of text
function drawParagraph(graphics, text, x, y, maxWidth, lineSpacing) {
  let words = text.split(' ');
  let currentLine = '';
  let yPos = y;
  //split text in individual words
  for (let i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
    let word = words[i];
    let testLine = currentLine + ' ' + word; //add to current line
    let testWidth = graphics.textWidth(testLine);

    if (testWidth > maxWidth && currentLine !== '') { //exceed max
      graphics.text(currentLine, x, yPos); //we draw currentline on graphics
      currentLine = word;
      yPos += lineSpacing;
    } else {
      currentLine = testLine; //word added to current line
  graphics.text(currentLine, x, yPos); // draw the last line

function calculateParagraphHeight(graphics, text, maxWidth, lineSpacing) {
  let words = text.split(' ');
  let currentLine = '';
  let height = 0;

  for (let i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
    let word = words[i];
    let testLine = currentLine + ' ' + word;
    let testWidth = graphics.textWidth(testLine);

    if (testWidth > maxWidth && currentLine !== '') { 
      currentLine = word;
      height += lineSpacing; //increments height counter
    } else {
      currentLine = testLine;
  height += lineSpacing; // Add the last line's spacing
  return height;

function createStopDrawingButton() {
  let buttonContainer = createDiv("");"position", "absolute");"left", "20px");"top", "230px");

  let stopDrawingButton = createButton("Stop Drawing");
function toggleDrawing() {
  drawingEnabled = !drawingEnabled;

function createTrailButton() {
  let buttonContainer = createDiv("");"position", "absolute");"left", "20px");"top", "200px");

  let trailButton = createButton("Toggle Trails");

function toggleTrails() {
  trailsEnabled = !trailsEnabled;

let rotateXAngleHistory = [];
let rotateXAngleHistorySize = 10;
let rotateXAngleSmoothingFactor = 0.2; //used for smoothing X with moving average

function updateRotateZAngle(value) {
  rotateZAngle = value;

function updateNumShapes(value) {
  numShapes = value;

function updateShapeDetail(value) {
  shapeDetail = 360 / value;

function updateRadialScale(value) {
  radialScale = value;

function updateZScale(value) {
  zScale = value;

function updateZoom(value) {
  zoom = value;

The other file is gestures.js which is the heart of the project. It handles detection of gestures as I described above. It is commented well for general functions and you are free to inspect for particular mechanisms/logic.


function gotHands(results) {
  hands = results; //store data
  if (hands.length === 2) { //two hand detection
    let leftWrist = hands[0].keypoints[0];
    let rightWrist = hands[1].keypoints[0];
    //get wrist positions and then calculate wrist distanse
    let wristDistance = dist(leftWrist.x, leftWrist.y, rightWrist.x, rightWrist.y);

    let minDistance = 100;
    let maxDistance = 400;
    //normalize wrist constraints
    let mappedDistance = constrain(wristDistance, minDistance, maxDistance);
    let zScaleNew = map(mappedDistance, minDistance, maxDistance, 1, 200); //we map it to z scale
    zScale = zScaleNew; //update global value
    if (adminMode) {
      console.log("Two hands gesture - zScale:", zScale);
  } else if (hands.length > 0) { //if at least one is detected
    if (adminMode) {
      console.log("Pinch gesture - rotateXAngle:", rotateXAngle);
      console.log("Middle-thumb gesture - numShapes:", numShapes);
      console.log("Ring-thumb gesture - shapeDetail:", shapeDetail);
      console.log("Pinkie-thumb gesture - rotateZAngle:", rotateZAngle);
    //fingertips for vairous gestures
    let indexFingerTip = hands[0].keypoints[8];
    let thumbTip = hands[0].keypoints[4];
    let pinchDistance = dist(indexFingerTip.x, indexFingerTip.y, thumbTip.x, thumbTip.y);

    let middleFingerTip = hands[0].keypoints[12];
    let middleThumbDistance = dist(middleFingerTip.x, middleFingerTip.y, thumbTip.x, thumbTip.y);

    let ringFingerTip = hands[0].keypoints[16];
    let ringThumbDistance = dist(ringFingerTip.x, ringFingerTip.y, thumbTip.x, thumbTip.y);

    let pinkieFingerTip = hands[0].keypoints[20];
    let pinkieThumbDistance = dist(pinkieFingerTip.x, pinkieFingerTip.y, thumbTip.x, thumbTip.y);

    //thumb to index gesture
    if (pinchDistance < 20) {
      gestureActivated = true;
      let wristY = hands[0].keypoints[0].y;
      let centerY = video.height * 0.6;
      let range = video.height / 10;
      let mappedY = constrain(wristY, centerY - range, centerY + range);
      let rotateXAngleNew = map(mappedY, centerY - range, centerY + range, 200, 0);

      //we maintain history of rotateX angles to smoothen transition
      if (rotateXAngleHistory.length > rotateXAngleHistorySize) {

      let rotateXAngleAverage = rotateXAngleHistory.reduce((sum, value) => sum + value, 0) / rotateXAngleHistory.length;

      rotateXAngle = lerp(rotateXAngle, rotateXAngleAverage, rotateXAngleSmoothingFactor);

    } else if (middleThumbDistance < 20) { //thumb gesture and middle finger
      let wristX = hands[0].keypoints[0].x;
      let centerX = video.width * 0.5;
      let range = video.width / 8;
      let mappedX = constrain(wristX, centerX - range, centerX + range);
      let numShapesNew = round(map(mappedX, centerX - range, centerX + range, 100, 1));
      numShapes = numShapesNew;

    } else if (ringThumbDistance < 20) { //ring and thumn gesture
      let wristX = hands[0].keypoints[0].x;
      let centerX = video.width * 0.5;
      let range = video.width / 8;
      let mappedX = constrain(wristX, centerX - range, centerX + range);
      let shapeDetailNew = round(map(mappedX, centerX - range, centerX + range, 3, 60));
      shapeDetail = 360 / shapeDetailNew;
    } else if (pinkieThumbDistance < 20) { //pinkie thumb gesture
      let wristX = hands[0].keypoints[0].x;
      let centerX = video.width * 0.5;
      let range = video.width / 8;
      let mappedX = constrain(wristX, centerX - range, centerX + range);
      let rotateZAngleNew = round(map(mappedX, centerX - range, centerX + range, 10, 180));
      rotateZAngle = rotateZAngleNew;

    } else {
      gestureActivated = false;

Last but not least is the Arduino file. This code sets up and runs the serial communication between the Arduino and p5.js. It reads data from the Arduino, which includes the ultrasonic sensor distance and button states, and updates the corresponding variables in the p5.js sketch. The setUpSerial function initializes the serial communication, while the runSerial function continuously reads data from the serial port. The readSerial function parses the received data and updates the p5.js sketch accordingly. The distance value from the ultrasonic sensor controls the zoom level of the canvas using a smoothing technique. The button states toggle various functionalities, such as enabling/disabling drawing, trails, and taking screenshots. If adminMode is enabled, the code logs relevant information to the console for debugging purposes.


async function setUpSerial() {
  ({ reader, writer } = await getPort());
  serialActive = true;

async function runSerial() {
  try {
    while (true) {
      if (serialActive) {
        const { value, done } = await;
        if (done) {
      } else {
  } catch (e) {

let zoomPrev = zoom;
let zoomSmoothingFactor = 0.1;
let zoomHistory = [];
let zoomHistorySize = 10;

let previousButtonState = 0;
let previousTrailButtonState = 0;
let previousScreenshotButtonState = 0;

let previousAdminButtonState = 0;

function readSerial(data) {
  let values = data.trim().split(",");
  if (values.length === 5) {
    let distance = parseInt(values[0]);
    let buttonState = parseInt(values[1]);
    let trailButtonState = parseInt(values[2]);
    let screenshotButtonState = parseInt(values[3]);
    let adminButtonState = parseInt(values[4]);

    if (!isNaN(distance) && !isNaN(buttonState) && !isNaN(trailButtonState) && !isNaN(screenshotButtonState) && !isNaN(adminButtonState)) {
      let zoomNew = map(distance, 1, 20, 4, 0.2);
      if (zoomHistory.length > zoomHistorySize) {
      let zoomAverage = zoomHistory.reduce((sum, value) => sum + value, 0) / zoomHistory.length;
      zoom = lerp(zoomPrev, zoomAverage, zoomSmoothingFactor);
      zoomPrev = zoom;
      if (adminMode) {
        console.log("Distance sensor - zoom:", zoom);

      if (buttonState === 1 && previousButtonState === 0) {
        drawingEnabled = !drawingEnabled;
        if (adminMode) {
          console.log("Drawing state toggled:", drawingEnabled);
      previousButtonState = buttonState;

      if (trailButtonState === 1 && previousTrailButtonState === 0) {
        trailsEnabled = !trailsEnabled;
        if (adminMode) {
          console.log("Trails state toggled:", trailsEnabled);
      previousTrailButtonState = trailButtonState;

      if (screenshotButtonState === 1 && previousScreenshotButtonState === 0) {
        saveCanvas('screenshot', 'png');
        if (adminMode) {
          console.log("Screenshot taken");
      previousScreenshotButtonState = screenshotButtonState;

The communication between Arduino and p5.js:

As we said, the Arduino code sends the ultrasonic sensor distance and button states as a comma-separated string to p5.js. The p5.js code listens for the serial data and parses the received string to extract the distance and button states. This parsed data is then used to update the corresponding variables in the p5.js sketch, allowing the Arduino inputs to influence the visual output in real-time. The seamless communication between Arduino and p5.js enables the integration of physical interactions with the digital artwork.

Sketch Embed

Link for testing:

What I am proud of:

I am proud of making ML5 integration with Handpose as smooth as it is. For the most part, the experience is seamless with minor delay. I am glad that visualization is working and due to the flexible nature of this project, this could be expanded to other mathematical demonstrations.

I am also proud of the fact that I did not necessarily fix myself to one idea. I experimented with both and found a way to combine them. Allowing users to not just test but also create something of their own is true interaction and I feel like this project accomplishes this task by integrating numerous hardware, software and design principles we learned in the class.


Resources I used:

For sine wave form visualizations I followed Colorful Coding videos:

For general knowledge about ML5, I used ML5 project website:

For Handpose detection model, I used following Github repository with next gen ml5:

For general principle, knowledge, troubleshooting – I used open web, provided slides and other available resources.

Challenges I faced and how I overcame them:

Throughout the development of this project, I encountered several challenges that tested my problem-solving skills and pushed me to think creatively. One of the main challenges I faced was ensuring a smooth and responsive interaction between the hand gestures and the visual elements. Initially, the gestures felt sluggish and unreliable, leading to a frustrating user experience. To overcome this, I spent a considerable amount of time fine-tuning the gesture recognition and mapping algorithms, experimenting with different thresholds and smoothing techniques. (Ended up with moving average method). Through trial and error, I managed to strike a balance between responsiveness and stability, resulting in a more intuitive and enjoyable interaction.

Another challenge I faced was different graphics buffers. Sometime’s drawings would get messed up and not display at all, or display on each other or not fully. Again it took lots of trials and errors but I eventually found what worked. There were several other minor bugs that might not have been immediately noticeable by users but I tried to polished them out so that whole experience remained coherent. Last aspect was just improving CSS and styling and make presentation visually pleasing. The audio aspect was also a bit confusing. I tried to keep constant audio but that got annoyed after a file. The dynamic audio which is only audible during logical (e.g. stretching across Z) movements is much more satisfying.

I also took a few suggestions from friends/professors to improve the interface. For example I added visuals to instructions page to make it more user friendly. Additionally I added a piece of plywood inside the box as a counterweight to keep the box from moving when users would press the buttons. Perhaps, cramming everything together in one box was the most nerve wracking part as I was using double sided tape and only had one shot at making it work. I planned it in my had many, many times before I actually committed to cutting out cardboard shapes and putting my components in without disconnecting. The most annoying issue I faced was perhaps something I could not control at all, because my USB hub, which never gives me issues, does not properly work with Arduino. Sometimes it just refused to work and I had to use other hubs when it would miraculously start working again.

Areas for Future Improvement:

There are several directions this project can be extended in. Firstly, I would love to integrate more advanced machine learning algorithms or perhaps one day learn to write one myself to make the whole experience even smoother. With more accurate detection, you could get even more nuanced gestures which could further ameliorate user experience and make the whole process run faster.

Additionally, I would like to expand and add more mathematical models for this project and its educational context. Perhaps by making modular design, I could let users pick their desired mathematical or other science based concepts from biology or chemistry and have their own visualization running in as little time as possible. They could assign their own parameters and have more flexibility with all the movements. Perhaps, having a more advanced model would also help with more than one person demonstrations, where multiple people can engage with single visualization, either by observing it or by producing their own art. Of course, polishing current code, improving casing for Arduino, adding more sensors are all viable avenues as well. It would be cool to add vibration motors so users could also feel the movement in real time, making the experience much more tactile and intuitive.

In the end, I am very glad with how my project turned out and despite facing numerous challenges, overall I had a lot of fun and would love to come up with more creative projects like this in the feature. Hope you guys liked it too!


Final Project User Testing

For user testing, I asked two of my friends to come in and try interacting with my piece. I have so far managed to bring everything together: 1) construct the box that would come to enclose the Arduino and whose surface would act as a canvas for the sketch to be projected on, 2) make the butterfly body out of printed laminated paper and attach the wings to the servos, 3) secure the butterfly atop the surface, and 4) attach two wires, shaped like butterfly antennas, beneath the wings to convey touch signals to the p5 sketch and activate the animation and the butterfly flutters. I knew that upon seeing the piece, users might not get the intuition to touch the butterfly. They also might shy away from touching it, out of fear of ruining the butterfly’s delicate structure, or assume that some other automatic process would have to trigger the movement of the piece. To counter that, I will be displaying a name next to my piece that indicates, but does not outright reveal, that a touch signal is necessary. I have not yet settled on a name, but have told my two friends that it would be called “catch a butterfly” or “pet a butterfly” and they immediately figured out that they had to use their hands in some way. I placed the antennas facing them so that they were more likely to come into contact with them and I was glad that they did end up placing their touch close enough to the wires for the signal to be captured.

They both loved seeing the butterfly in action, but gave the following feedback, which was mainly focused on the sketch itself:

  1. add different colors to the butterflies in the sketch
  2. experiment with different movement paths for the projected butterflies (inward movement from outside the sketch bounds or having multiple center points for their emergence, for example) or smoothen/slow down their movement.

I expected the feedback I got from them, as I have been planning to implement those two features after I had the basic version of the project implemented. I will be working on that over the next couple of days, as well as decorating the surface some more (adding flowers to cover the base of the servos and on different parts of the surface).

Final Project User Texting – Darko Skulikj

The project is well on its way, and I have some updates for all of you!

First of all, let’s start with the good things, and that is that the boat structure has been successfully 3d printed and is waterproof. Yaay. The arduino as well as all the batteries and breadboard fit comfortably on the structure so the sizing was correct (for the most part).

There is a few things I need to tackle which I realized during the user testing. Firstly, the fan that I have is not strong enough to move the boat, I will need to find, or make a bigger and better one. The boats construction also needs some styrofoam on the bottom since the boat is too heavy to float, as seen in the video below.

Over the next two days I want to solve the problem with the floating and the movement on the boat so I can leave the controls for the last day.

Hopefully everything works out fine!

Afra Binjerais – User Testing

As I was conducting user testing for my game, an actual storm was hitting Abu Dhabi, echoing the storm scenario in my game and making the experience feel all the more relatable.

I enlisted my sister to test the game without any prior instructions, which was a great decision as the game proved to be intuitive—she knew immediately that she needed to press the button. However, since I haven’t yet built the controller box, I had to hold it for her. For the wooden block, I explained that she should imagine it as a car moving on the screen.

To my surprise, she played better than I did! It was really enjoyable to watch my game perform exactly as intended. She managed to figure everything out smoothly; the only hiccup was the wooden block. If it had actually looked like a car, I wouldn’t have needed to explain anything. I also handled connecting to the serial port since she wasn’t familiar with it. For the actual exhibition, I’ll provide short written instructions for the connection to assist anyone if I’m not around.

Area for improvement:

The game runs smoothly overall, but the collision detection between the hail and the car is glitchy. Sometimes it triggers a game over even when it shouldn’t, which is quite frustrating. I plan to resolve this issue before the exhibition for sure.



Final Project Update and Progress – Marcos Hernández

Changes done to the project:

From the two suggested ideas, I decided to work on the first one since it would be the most realistic option. Now, the original first idea consisted in creating a platformer that would interact via the traditional directional moving buttons and a photoresistor, that would move the scenario according to how much light it received. Although, since I have already done a platform and time constraints, I had to modify this idea.

The idea still has the directional movement and photoresistor to interact with the game differently, but now there are significant changes such as:

  • It is now going to be from a top-down perspective, instead from a traditional 2-D.
  • It will feature enemies in the form of ghosts.
  • Time will serve as a metric for progression.
  • It now has a flashlight mechanic which serves to reveal the current position of enemies, but at the cost of an initial high consumption of battery and increased draining battery speed. This battery remaining for this mechanic will be display via LEDs that indicate, according to the scale of Green > Green > Yellow > Red. If the red LED light dims, the player will lose.
  • It has a “flashlight recharge station” which helps in increasing the current battery.
  • The enemies (Ghosts) can be detected, according to their current location and distance, via sound with the piezo speakers; in other words, if they are too near or far, the piezo speaker will make sounds according to it.
  • Random outcomes in every match due to the location of the player, enemies, and battery charges.
  • The photoresistor is now going to serve as to how fast the battery will charge. I am still going to allow external factors to interact with it to let the player have a certain degree of freedom. For example, the normal speed at which the battery charges in the stations are of 1x, but if a smartphone flashlight interacts with the photoresistor, it can increase up to 4x.

All of this has been implemented at the moment, but still need bug fixes, further improvements and user testing.

Current progress of the game:

You can move with the keys ESDF and you can use backspace to turn ON or OFF the lights. Keep in mind, because an Arduino is needed, the sound will not be played to locate the enemies, as also the external modification for the speed at which the battery is recharged.

Current Arduino Progress

My current Arduino looks something like this at the moment:

I still need to implement the design and the buttons to move, but since I was mostly worried about the game mechanics and logic first, the design is something that I know will be straightforward to implement. Although, definitively, still time-consuming.


Raya Tabassum: Final Project User Testing

Here’s my video of user testing:

So till now I incorporated one rose out of 4/5 I’m planning to show. It’s working fine with one so I’m hoping it’d be able to detect all of the roses lighting up and flowers blooming along with it. I’m also hoping to incorporate sound with each rose and have all the samples ready – just have to put it in the code (hope that’d be easy).

Week 12 – Reading response Shereena alnuaimi

Reading Response:

“Design Meets Disability” delves into a provocative reevaluation of how design interacts with disability, challenging the traditional ethos that design for disability should aim for invisibility and discretion. This text argues that such designs, exemplified by the Eameses’ leg splints and contemporary medical devices, need not shy away from aesthetics in pursuit of functionality. Instead, it suggests that these designs can embrace both, much like eyeglasses have evolved from mere medical necessity to fashion statements.

The core thesis of the book seems to be a call to shift perceptions—away from designing disability aids that blend in, towards creating products that stand out, empowering users and making a statement. This reflects a broader cultural shift in how disability and aids are perceived, a move from viewing them as merely corrective devices to seeing them as integral parts of one’s identity that can express personal style.

The examples of Hearwear and the work of designers like Sam Hecht and Ross Lovegrove underscore the potential for medical devices to be both functional and fashionable. The discussion extends to prosthetics, where figures like Aimee Mullins have not only redefined performance through innovative designs but have also challenged the very aesthetics of disability. Mullins, by using prosthetics that are visually striking, shifts the narrative from loss to empowerment.

The text critically engages with the notion of universal design and its practical applications. It reflects on the complexity inherent in designing products that are universally accessible yet simple and intuitive to use, a challenge that echoes through the design community.

“Design Meets Disability” advocates for a design philosophy that respects both function and fashion, which can transform products for disability into symbols of identity and empowerment. This approach doesn’t just serve the disabled community but enriches our cultural fabric, advocating for inclusivity and diversity in design practices. This reading fosters a deeper appreciation for the intersections between design, technology, and social values, urging us to reconsider our approach to disability not as a deficit to be concealed but as an aspect of human diversity to be celebrated.

Week 12: Khalifa Alshamsi, Snehil Ahuja, and Saeed Lootah

  1. Make something that uses only one sensor  on Arduino and makes the ellipse in p5 move on the horizontal axis, in the middle of the screen, and nothing on Arduino is controlled by p5
  2. Make something that controls the LED brightness from p5

For these two exercises, we made it so that the potentiometer that is connected to the Arduino controls the LED on the breadboard and the ellipse in the p5 sketch in the middle of the screen, and also when the keyboard keys are pressed up or down it would change the brightness of that LED light.

P5.js Code:

let LEDbrightness = 0;

function setup()
  createCanvas(400, 400);

function textDisplay() //display text in the starting
  text("PRESS SPACE TO START SERIAL PORT", width/2 - 109, height/2 - 5);

function draw()


  if (serialActive) //if serial is active
    text("CONNECTED", width/2 - 27, height/2 - 5);
    text("PRESS UP/DOWN ARROW KEYS TO CHANGE BRIGHTNESS!", width/2 -180, height/2 + 15);

function keyPressed() //built in function
  if (key == " ") //if space is pressed then
    setUpSerial(); //setup the serial
  else if (keyCode == DOWN_ARROW)
    if (LEDbrightness != 0)
      LEDbrightness = LEDbrightness - 20;
  else if (keyCode == UP_ARROW)
    if (LEDbrightness != 250)
      LEDbrightness = LEDbrightness + 20;


//callback function
function readSerial(data)
    let sendToArduino = LEDbrightness + "\n"; //add the next line to dimness counter
    writeSerial(sendToArduino); //write serial and send to arduino

Arduino Code:

const int LED_PIN = 5;
int brightness = 0;

void setup()

  pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT);

  while (Serial.available() <= 0)
    Serial.println("CONNECTION STARTED");
void loop()

    while (Serial.available())
      brightness = Serial.parseInt();

      if ( == '\n')
        analogWrite(LED_PIN, brightness);

Video and Photos for Exercise 1:

For exercise 1, since we were just getting started, the main problem was understanding how serial communication works. We had some kind of idea when it was being presented to us, but until we started working, we didn’t really know. Other than that, there weren’t really any specific challenges. We didn’t need to use the trim() method, we had one value coming in from the Arduino, which was the potentiometer, and we had some troubles at first, but once we casted it as an integer value (it’s received as a string), then mapped it to the width and made the mapped value the x-position of the ellipse the project was done.

You’ll notice in the image that there’s an LED. The LED was there to test whether or not there was power being outputted from the potentiometer. We added it while we were debugging.

Video and Photos for Exercise 2:

Like the previous exercise there was only one value that was being communicated between the arduino and the p5js code so it was fairly simple. The hard part was just getting it such that tapping it reduced the brightness value by a specific amount and increasing it by a certain amount.

3. Take the gravity wind example and make it so every time the ball bounces one led lights up and then turns off, and you can control the wind from one analog sensor

For this exercise, the code creation uses p5, where physics principles like gravity and wind influence the ellipse’s motion. The sketch also communicates with the Arduino, which can control an LED based on the object’s motion, specifically if it bounces.

P5.js Code:

let dragForce = 0.99;
let mass = 20;
let ledState = 0;
let velocity;
let gravity;
let position;
let acceleration;
let wind;
let force;
let bounced = false;

function setup() {
  createCanvas(640, 480);
  position = createVector(width / 2, 0);
  velocity = createVector(0, 0);
  acceleration = createVector(0, 0);
  gravity = createVector(0, 0.3 * mass);
  wind = createVector(0, 0);

function draw() {
  // background(0);
  // background(255);

  if (!serialActive) {
    text("Press Space Bar to select Serial Port", 20, 30);
  } else {

    force = p5.Vector.div(wind, mass);
    force = 0;
    force = p5.Vector.div(gravity, mass);
    force = 0;

    ellipse(position.x, position.y, mass, mass);
    if (position.y > (height - mass / 2)-30 ) {
      velocity.y *= -0.9;
      position.y = (height - mass / 2)-30;
      ledState= 1;
      if (!bounced) {
        fill(255, 0, 0); // Red when just bounced
        bounced = true; // Update bounce state
      } else {
        fill(255); // White otherwise
        bounced = false; // Reset bounce state
    } else {
      ledState = 0;


function keyPressed() {
  if (key == " ") {
    // important to have in order to start the serial connection!!

function readSerial(data) {
  if (data != null) {
    // make sure there is actually a message
    // split the message
    let fromArduino = split(trim(data), ",");
    // if the right length, then proceed
    if (fromArduino.length == 1) {
      let windCurrent = int(fromArduino[0]);
      wind.x = map(windCurrent, 0, 1023, -1, 1);

    //SEND TO ARDUINO HERE (handshake)
    let sendToArduino = ledState + "\n";

Arduino code:

int ledPin = 5;
int potPin = A0;

void setup() {


  // Outputs on these pins
  pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);

  // start the handshake
  while (Serial.available() <= 0) {
    digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); // on/blink while waiting for serial data
    Serial.println("0"); // send a starting message
    delay(300);            // wait 1/3 second
    digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);

void loop() {
  // wait for data from p5 before doing something
  while (Serial.available()) {
    digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); // led on while receiving data

    int right = Serial.parseInt();
    if ( == '\n') {
      digitalWrite(ledPin, right);
      int potValue = analogRead(potPin);

Video and Photos for Exercise 3:

Understandably, this was the hardest of the 3. We first manipulated the code given to us (which had the wind and ball code). We changed the wind global variable in much the same way as the first exercise: The potentiometer value was mapped to the wind variable. The hard part was the bouncing. There was a point during the exercise where we felt we had written everything correctly, and after going through the code together, we couldn’t see what was wrong. We made a variable called bounced and had it such that inside of the if statement, which would be called upon when the ball was supposed to bounce, the variable would be the opposite of what it was previously (if true then false, if its false then true). We then realized we were initializing the bounced variable inside of the draw function. We made it a global variable, and then it worked.