Final Project – User Testing

Strengths of the Project

Users understood the relationship between their actions and the game responses well. This was particularly true for tasks involving direct interactions like pressing buttons.

  • Engagement with Tasks: The distance sensing tasks were well-received, as participants found them to be intuitive and fun.
  • Sensor Integration: The integration of the potentiometer within the game mechanics worked smoothly, providing a satisfying challenge to the players.

Areas for Improvement

  • Animation Speed: There was a noticeable slowdown in animation frames as the game progressed, which affected the overall experience. This issue needs to be addressed to ensure smooth gameplay.
  • Keypad Usage: Although the Adafruit Trellis keypad was a central component of the game, many users needed additional instructions to use it effectively.

Enhancements and Future Steps

To make the game more user-friendly and engaging, here are some steps I plan to take based on the feedback:

  • Clarify Sensor Usage: Simplify the riddles associated with sensors or provide clearer, step-by-step tutorials that guide the users on how to interact with the game.
  • Improve Animations: Optimize the code to ensure that animation frames run smoothly throughout the game, enhancing the visual feedback that is crucial for interactive gameplay.

Video for 1st user test/feedback

Video for 2nd user test/feedback

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