This week, I‘m diving deep into the technical heart of my project: establishing a seamless connection between the flipdots and p5.js. It‘s all about laying the foundation for the interactive magic.
Concept Reminder:
Just a quick recap – the goal is to create a dynamic display using flip dots, where the visuals are driven by sensor data interpreted and translated by p5.js. The Arduino acts as the bridge, collecting sensor information and sending it to p5.js for processing and visual representation.
The focus of the Week:
This week, I‘m putting the sensors and Arduino aside to focus specifically on the connection between the flipdots and p5.js. This involves:
Researching Flipdot Control: I‘ll delve into how to control individual flipdots, including the communication protocols and libraries needed to interface with them from my laptop.
p5.js Communication: I‘ll explore options for sending instructions from p5.js to the flipdots, considering both direct connection methods and potential intermediary software if necessary.
Prototyping: I‘ll create a basic p5.js sketch that can send simple commands to a small set of flipdots, testing the connection and ensuring smooth communication.
Next Steps & Anticipation:
Once I‘ve established a reliable connection and control mechanism between the flipdots and p5.js, I‘ll be ready to integrate the Arduino and sensors into the mix. This will allow me to start testing the entire data flow from the physical environment to the visual display, bringing the project one step closer to reality.
I‘m excited to see the flipdots come to life with the power of p5.js, and I can‘t wait to share the progress with you all! Stay tuned for updates as this project flips into its next exciting phase.