Reading 1 – week 2 – Eyeo2012 – Casey Reas

My eyes were awakened to the ways in which art and technology collide when I watched Casey Reas’s presentation at Eyeo2012. The way that Reas discusses randomness in digital art is very innovative and fascinating.

It occurred to me that, because humans are accustomed to following rules and procedures, computers are able to produce patterns and randomness in ways that humans simply cannot. This entire concept gets me thinking about how our society is set up; everything is really rigid and organized.

Reas’s words, “Make your own reality, your own world,” truly resonated with me. We all need to hear that, in my opinion, especially in this day and age. Reas suggests that in order to break up the monotony and repetition of life, we need unpredictability.

I consider myself a very rigid person and in recent years I’ve found out that some randomness and flow in life is necessary and it makes you live happier and less worried.

Moreover, this reading made me reflect on this question: do gods create order out of chaos? It is, after all, a large topic that connects to the idea of having a balance between order and randomness in all that we do, not just in art.

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