Concept & Design
For this Midterm Project I would like to create a game using everything I have learned so far in class. The game will be called “The Martian” and the objective of the game is to guide the Mars Rover through the treacherous terrain of Mars, collecting valuable resources and avoiding hostile alien spaceships and rocks on the surface. The player will have to navigate using keyboard and mouse as they progress through the game. In “The Martian” the player will experience the thrill of driving a Mars Rover on the surface of the red planet. With challenging terrain, hostile aliens, and valuable resources to collect, the game will offer hours of exciting gameplay. The use of p5.js will enable the creation of a visually stunning and engaging game.
Potential Design Elements
Complex part of midterm project
For me personally the most frightening or complex part of this midterm project is to implement a collision detection algorithm. The idea is to detect the collision between Mars Rover and other objects like valuable resources and hostile alien spaceships or rocks. I also have to somehow come up with an algorithm to distinguish between these various collisions with different objects. Because if the Mars Rover collides with valuable resources the Score should increase and if it collides with the rock or alien spaceship it should end the game and display the restart button. Also because I didn’t have any previous background in using sound and animation libraries I would have to test them out.
Implementation & Reducing the risk
Here I wrote some code for the collision algorithm between Mars Rover and Rock:
if(ufo$.isTouching(rover)||stone.isTouching(rover)) { console.log("end"); state="end"; ufo$.destroyEach(); stone.x=width+400; stone.velocityX=0; rover.visible=false;; textSize(30); textFont(font); fill("black"); text("The End",width/2,height/2); } if(mousePressedOver(switchBtn)) { sd=1;; } if(sd==1) { state="pause"; }
I also tried to implement the spawn of Alien Spaceships:
function spawnEnemy() { ufo=createSprite(width+50,Math.round(random(xp-100,xp+20)),80,80); ufo.velocityX=-5; ufo.addAnimation("ufo",ufo_); ufo.scale=0.2; ufo.lifetime=Math.round(width/3)+15; //ufo.debug=true; ufo.setCollider("circle",0,0,200); ufo$.add(ufo); console.log(xp); cx-=4; }