Final Progress Almost there!!

My final is going Really well. I have finally been able to find the right balance of code that i needed thank to the help of Nouf and Jack. i had to add a stop command after every sound to make it not repeat itself

if (!serialActive) {
    text("Press Space Bar to select Serial Port", 20, 30);
  } else {
    text("Connected", 20, 50);

   if (Contact2 ==1 && Contact3 ==0 && Contact4 ==0){
     if (Eaudio_played == 0)
         Eaudio_played = 1
  else if(Contact2 ==0 && Contact3 ==1 && Contact4 ==0){
    if (Laudio_played == 0)
    Laudio_played =1;;
  else if(Contact2 ==0 && Contact3 ==0 && Contact4 ==1){
    if (Daudio_played == 0)
    Daudio_played =1;;
    Eaudio_played = 0;
    Laudio_played = 0
    Daudio_played = 0


All that i have left is building the actual  project which as the professor said was not as easy as i had expected. I started off with a base of cardboard like shown.

I then tested it out with the animals i build

I then spent the whole day on the lab working on my build( special thank to Ahmed the lab assistant) where i made a stage and a platform from my animals to go on. I was unfortunately too focused and forgot to take pictures. I had crocodile clips hanging from the stage but the professor told me to switch it to using nails and have copper tape to complete the circuit.

Work left    

I am yet to add the screws and add some design aspect after that i will hopefully be ready to present

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