Ahmed & Abigail Final – Interactive Artwork: Fern Plant Robot Instrument Thing

Concept & Brainstorming
          So for our project, we wanted to do something artistic. The idea we have comes from the following piece of computer graphic art: Interactive Walls. The artwork is graphic and based on the software Max, but we thought it would look great if implemented with servo motors and multicolored panels in real life. The panels will be mounted to servo motors and be multicolored to look aesthetically pleasing. The panels can be made out of acrylic material or something lighter like thin plywood or cardboard. Due to restrictions of the Arduino Uno, we will only be able to use a maximum of 12 panels for our interactive artwork.
Concept visualization and further explanation can be found in Ahmed’s post
      We want the panels to depict a living, breathing, organism that reacts to different inputs; touch, noise, and input controls on a mounted panel. The artwork will have two speakers that will create a surround sound effect and output predetermined responses to different stimuli. The control panel for the artwork will have a few buttons that will change modes. Modes can be an ambient mode that makes predetermined patterns, music mode which will make the artwork react to music playing, and a touch mode that will allow the audience to touch the artwork and have it react to their inputs.
Additional Information
We also found the following code that may help us during the production of this project: Audio Reactive Program
Interactive Walls

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