I want to build off of this code that was on ml5js. I need to train the program to recognize the different hand gestures (rock, paper, scissors).
I started with the Arduino part of the ‘rock, paper, scissors’ game, by trying to build a reward system. When the project is complete, the green LED should light up whenever the user wins a round, and the red LED should light up whenever the user loses a round. And if the user wins the game (eg. wins 5 rounds before the computer) he/she receives candy that is hidden under the box (video link below).
#include <Servo.h> Servo servo; int servoPos = 100; int gameOver = 1 ; int gledPin = 2; int rledPin = 4; int winloss = 1; void setup() { servo.attach(9); pinMode(gledPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(rledPin, OUTPUT); Serial.begin(9600); } void loop() { if (gameOver == 1){ servoPos = 20; servo.write(servoPos); } servoPos = 100; servo.write(servoPos); if (winloss == 0){ digitalWrite(rledPin, HIGH); } else{ digitalWrite(gledPin, HIGH);} delay(2000); }