Final Project Proposal

For my final project, I’m going to build something for this Zoom era. I get a lot of migraines and sometimes just need to put my head down during classes/meetings…but, I don’t want to fall asleep!

This contraption aims to detect when the user has put their head down and gently remind them to stay present. The user also will have the option to display the text of what is being said.

The Arduino program:

Input: when has the user put their head down. I will use either an ultrasonic sensor or use this Capacitor Sensor library to create a sensor using foil inside the pillow.

Output: gentle sound using piezo buzzer depending on input in Processing program, also sends signal to Processing program that user has put head down

(I would also like to explore creating vibrations as output but am not sure how to do this)


The Processing program (p5.js):

Input: signal from Arduino that user has put head down,  speech of class/meeting, time interval user wants to be reminded at

Output: display text of class/meeting, sends signal to Arduino of when to create sound/vibrations



The p5 program will have an alert: the user should only display the transcript if there is consent from the other participants in the Zoom call (ex: meeting is being recorded). The program will also not save the text anywhere and will be cleared from the screen after a certain time.

The P5 speech library I wanted to use (Thanks Aaron for the rec!) seems to be better than expected at recognizing names that aren’t typically used in English (it recognized a lot of my friends’ names and mine when I experimented), but it will definitely not be perfect, so I’m not sure whether to proceed with the name recognition alarm feature.

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