Shaikha Alshehhi
Professor Aaron Sherwood
Assignment 1: Self-Portrait
January 25, 2021
Masterpiece (not really) :
1. To practice the usage of basic processing functions.
2. To explore the functionalities that processing offers
3. To have fun!
What I did:
The plan was to draw a vampire using the tools learned in class. I wanted to take a step further and use functions we did not take. I used the arc function for the mouth and hair. The ellipse functions helped with the eyes, face and blush. I used the circle function for the pupils and the triangle function for the hair. I tried putting on eyelashes, but I was not able to work the eyelashes of the left eye so I erased it :'(
size (640, 480); //background(0, 0, 119); //face shape fill(255, 249, 242); strokeWeight(2); ellipse(width/2, (height/2)-16, 175, 187); //left eye fill(255); ellipse(275, 210, 35, 20); fill(0); circle(275, 210, 10); fill(255); circle(274,208, 4); //right eye fill(255); ellipse(360, 210, 35, 20); fill(0); circle(360, 210, 10); fill(255); circle(359,208, 4); //hair fill(0); triangle(280, 125, 360, 125, 320, 200); triangle(285, 140, 240, 150, 260, 220); triangle(240, 140, 240, 300, 200, 305); triangle(355, 140, 400, 150, 380, 220); triangle(400, 150, 400, 300, 440, 305); stroke(0); fill(0); arc(320, 165, 173, 135, radians(200), radians(340), CHORD); triangle(240, 140, 280, 140, 240, 190); triangle(400, 140, 360, 140, 400, 200); //nose line(width/2, 215, (width/2)-5, 245); line((width/2)-5, 245, width/2, 245); //teeth line(290, 270, 300, 280); line(300, 280, 310, 270); line(345, 270, 335, 280); line(335, 280, 325, 270); //mouth fill(0,0); arc(318, 270, 85, 65, 0, PI, 30); line(275, 270, 360, 270); //blush right noStroke(); fill(200, 67, 110, 100); ellipse(270, 240, 35, 20); //blush left noStroke(); fill(200, 67, 110, 100); ellipse(365, 240, 35, 20);
That’s a scary shae not shae. Nice job.