Reading Reflection – Week #11

This week’s reading reflection was about “A Brief Rant on the Future of Interaction Design” by Bret Victor. I agree with the notion of tapping into the potential of human body and its capabilities. The technology nowadays heavily relies on vision and touch and the use of our hands, but I like the idea of offering more comprehensive technology that goes beyond simple touch and sliding your hand across a screen.

It could be argued that there are voice controls that could be especially useful for user with visual impairments, but they are far from the usefulness of vision and hands. A next step in voice controlled software could be achieved by the use of LLMs and Artificial Intelligence, but the author talks about the incompleteness of audio controls and its limitations in the follow-up article about his rant. Although the touch technology has its constraints, it is getting better by involving the pressure neurons in our hands, like incorporating 3d touch sensors in our screens which makes the situation a little better, but still far from the ideal the author talks about.

The author does not offer solutions for the problems of current technology, but advocates for a more thoughtful use of the capabilities of our hands. deviating from the topic of hands, I was thinking of going a step further, but not necessarily in the direction of using our bogy. We are somewhat stepping over the solutions tat could be offered by our body and going directly into the brain with “Neuralink”. Brain chips and their future would not require detailed technology that uses our bodies, as the controls would be directly supplied by our brain. However, I still think that using the untapped potential of just our hands would be a great step towards much more interactivity in human technology.

Week 11 Production – Paper Piano


While looking for ideas for the musical instrument,  I came across something called HID (Human Interface Devices). These are devices that can be used to substitute for Devices that are used to interact with the computer, such as a keyboard or a mouse.  Unfortunately , The Arduino UNO board that we use is not HID compatible. Why did we need this? because we wanted to do something unique and use something unconventional for the digital input part of the assignment. This is when we came across the MakeyMakey board by Sparkfun. Using this board, we can use anything with a weak conductivity as a button that send an input to the computer. We can then use the computer as an interface between Arduino and Makey Makey and use the output of Makey Makey as an input to the Arduino via the Serial.

Once we had this figured out, It opened great possibilities. For the purpose of this assignment, we decided to draw a piano on a piece of paper and use each part as a button ( so a sound plays whenever you touch the paper).

Technical Plan (Abstract overview)

For Arduino UNO
  • Takes input from the serial , and reads it
  • Converts the letter input to a corresponding frequency (taking digital input)
  • Offsets the frequency by reading the value on the potentiometer (taking analog input)
  • Uses tone function to play this frequency on the buzzer
For Makey Makey
  • Takes input from the paper buttons and send a keystroke to the keyboard corresponding to what button is pressed.
  • Presses enter automatically so that the keystroke is entered in the serial of the Arduino board.
Other Technicalities
  • We need to make sure that the piano sounds good , for this we will use notes corresponding to an actual scale . The default scale we are using here is the C major Scale on the 4th Octave consisting of the notes C , D, E ,F , G, A and B .
  • While drawing the piano , we need to make sure that the keys are separated and each key separately conducts electricity.
  • Use alligator clips properly and make sure the connections work
  • Since the Arduino board default firmware can only output 6 letters ( w,a,s,d,f,g),  we need to configure it to replace some other outputs with letters. Here, we have reprogrammed it to output ‘h’ instead of the Up arrow and used ‘ ‘ (Blank space) as an input as well .
To use:
  • Connect both Arduino UNO and Makey Makey to the computer
  • Upload Code on Makey Makey
  • Open new Window of Arduino IDE and upload code on Arduino UNO
  • Open the Serial monitor and click on it to place the computer cursor there.
  • Start taking input from Makey Makey


Code for the Arduino UNO board :
#include "pitches.h"
#include <Keyboard.h>

const int BUZZER_PIN = 8; // Pin for the buzzer
const int potentiometerPin = A0; // Pin for the potentiometer
const int duration = 200; // Duration of the tone

unsigned long lastPotReadTime = 0; // Variable to store the last time potentiometer was read
int offset =0;

void setup() {

void loop() {
// Read the potentiometer value only once every second
unsigned long currentTime = millis();
if (currentTime - lastPotReadTime >= 1000) {
offset = analogRead(potentiometerPin) / 3; // Offset the frequency based on potentiometer reading
lastPotReadTime = currentTime;

// Print the potentiometer value

// Check if there's any character available in the serial buffer
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
char receivedChar =;
int frequency = 0; // Frequency value for the tone

// Map received character to frequency
switch (receivedChar) {
case 'w': frequency = NOTE_C5; break;
case 'a': frequency = NOTE_D5; break;
case 's': frequency = NOTE_E5; break;
case 'd': frequency = NOTE_F5; break;
case 'f': frequency = NOTE_G5; break;
case 'g': frequency = NOTE_A5; break;
case 'h': frequency = NOTE_C6; break;
case ' ': frequency = NOTE_B5; break;
default: break; // Do nothing if character is not recognized

if (frequency != 0) {
tone(BUZZER_PIN, frequency + offset, duration); // Play the tone
delay(duration); // Wait for the tone to complete
noTone(BUZZER_PIN); // Stop the tone
// for happy Birthday first two lines
Relevant Code for the Makey Makey board
To press enter (write newline) along with the character
void updateInputStates() {
inputChanged = false;
for (int i=0; i<NUM_INPUTS; i++) {
inputs[i].prevPressed = inputs[i].pressed; // store previous pressed state (only used for mouse buttons)
if (inputs[i].pressed) {
if (inputs[i].bufferSum < releaseThreshold) {
inputChanged = true;
inputs[i].pressed = false;
if (inputs[i].isKey) {
if (inputs[i].isMouseMotion) {
mouseHoldCount[i] = 0; // input becomes released, reset mouse hold
else if (inputs[i].isMouseMotion) {
mouseHoldCount[i]++; // input remains pressed, increment mouse hold
else if (!inputs[i].pressed) {
if (inputs[i].bufferSum > pressThreshold) { // input becomes pressed
inputChanged = true;
inputs[i].pressed = true;
if (inputs[i].isKey) {[i].keyCode);
// Print the key code before pressing Enter
#ifdef DEBUG3
if (inputChanged) {
2. To configure the outputs of Makey Makey
#include "Arduino.h"


- edit the keyCodes array below to change the keys sent by the MaKey MaKey for each input
- the comments tell you which input sends that key (for example, by default 'w' is sent by pin D5)
- change the keys by replacing them. for example, you can replace 'w' with any other individual letter,
number, or symbol on your keyboard
- you can also use codes for other keys such as modifier and function keys (see the
the list of additional key codes at the bottom of this file)


int keyCodes[NUM_INPUTS] = {
// top side of the makey makey board

KEY_UP_ARROW, // up arrow pad
KEY_DOWN_ARROW, // down arrow pad
KEY_LEFT_ARROW, // left arrow pad
KEY_RIGHT_ARROW, // right arrow pad
' ', // space button pad
MOUSE_LEFT, // click button pad

// female header on the back left side

'w', // pin D5
'a', // pin D4
's', // pin D3
'd', // pin D2
'f', // pin D1
'g', // pin D0aa

// female header on the back right side

'h', // pin A5
MOUSE_LEFT, // pin A1

#define SWITCH_THRESHOLD_OFFSET_PERC 5 // number between 1 and 49
// larger value protects better against noise oscillations, but makes it harder to press and release
// recommended values are between 2 and 20
// default value is 5

#define SWITCH_THRESHOLD_CENTER_BIAS 55 // number between 1 and 99
// larger value makes it easier to "release" keys, but harder to "press"
// smaller value makes it easier to "press" keys, but harder to "release"
// recommended values are between 30 and 70
// 50 is "middle" 2.5 volt center
// default value is 55
// 100 = 5V (never use this high)
// 0 = 0 V (never use this low

// MOUSE MOTION /////////
#define MOUSE_MOTION_UPDATE_INTERVAL 35 // how many loops to wait between
// sending mouse motion updates

#define PIXELS_PER_MOUSE_STEP 4 // a larger number will make the mouse
// move faster

#define MOUSE_RAMP_SCALE 150 // Scaling factor for mouse movement ramping
// Lower = more sensitive mouse movement
// Higher = slower ramping of speed
// 0 = Ramping off

#define MOUSE_MAX_PIXELS 10 // Max pixels per step for mouse movement



- you can use these codes in the keyCodes array above
- to get modifier keys, function keys, etc





Connections and Schematics


Images and Video


  • Could not use a direct serial communication between Arduino and Makey Makey because the Makey Makey has only 2 digital output pins. The work around to this was using the PC as an interface.
  • Had to find the right notes so that the piano would sound good , after a bit of experimentation , the 4th Octave of the C scale sounded very good so we decided to go with it.
  • Had to find a correct value for the potentiometer offset, which we found through some experimentation.
  • Had to find a way to enter the output of makey makey in the serial of Arduino UNO for communication . Used the Laptop keyboard as an interface for this.
  • Had trouble using analogRead and Tone together. So,had to use the concept ofBlinkWithoutDelay using mills() function to take analogRead input only once every second.

Reflections and Further Improvements

This could be improved by :

Adding more notes
Better range
Improving aesthetics
It could be possible to ground without using one hand so that both hands are free.
Since we are using tone(),  we cannot press multiple keys at the same time .
Overall, The project turned out very well. Exploring using a different board also using Arduino to make a project that is interactable in a creative way was a great experience. This inspires us to explore further and discover new types of boards and sensors.  We hope to use what we have learned in our final projects too .

Week 11 Musical Instrument – Hasibur & Vahagn

For this week’s assignment, we made a simple musical instrument using the Arduino. As part of the assignment, we used the button switch as the digital input and the potentiometer as the analog input. The Arduino plays a melody through a buzzer, and  4 LEDs light up in correspondence with the melody. By pressing the button, you can play the melody. The potentiometer allows you to control the length or duration of the melody.

Components Used

  • Arduino Uno
  • Breadboard
  • Jumper wires
  • Button
  • Potentiometer
  • LED (4 of different colors)
  • Buzzer
  • Resistors (330 ohms x 2)

#include "pitches.h"

#define BUZZER_PIN 12
#define ANALOG_PIN A0
#define RED_PIN 11
#define GREEN_PIN 10
#define BLUE_PIN 9
#define YELLOW_PIN 6
#define DIGITAL_PIN A1

int melody[] = {


int durations[] = {
  16, 16, 16, 16,
  32, 16, 8, 16,
  16, 16, 16, 32, 16, 8,

  16, 16, 16, 16, 32,
  16, 8, 32, 32, 32,
  32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 16, 8

bool isPlaying = false;

void setup() {
  pinMode(RED_PIN, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(BLUE_PIN, OUTPUT);

void playMelodyWithLEDs() {
  int size = sizeof(durations) / sizeof(int);

  for (int note = 0; note < size; note++) {
    if (!isPlaying) return;

    int duration = 1000 / durations[note];
    tone(BUZZER_PIN, melody[note], duration);

    int sensorValue = analogRead(ANALOG_PIN);
    float speed = map(sensorValue, 0, 1023, 1.3, 6.0); 

    int pauseBetweenNotes = duration * speed;

    int ledPattern[] = { RED_PIN, GREEN_PIN, BLUE_PIN, YELLOW_PIN };
    int ledIndex = note % 4;
    digitalWrite(ledPattern[ledIndex], HIGH);
    digitalWrite(ledPattern[ledIndex], LOW);



void loop() {
  if (digitalRead(DIGITAL_PIN) == LOW) {
    isPlaying = false;
    digitalWrite(RED_PIN, LOW);
    digitalWrite(GREEN_PIN, LOW);
    digitalWrite(BLUE_PIN, LOW);
    digitalWrite(YELLOW_PIN, LOW);
  } else {
    isPlaying = true;

The map() function is a hidden gem in this code. It’s a versatile function that remaps a range of values from one scale to another. In our case, the potentiometer reading (analog input) ranges from 0 to 1023. We use map() to translate these values to a range of speeds between 1.3 and 6.0. This allows the potentiometer to control the tempo of the melody playback.

The loop() function continuously checks the button state. If the button is pressed (digitalRead(DIGITAL_PIN) == LOW), the isPlaying flag is set to false, effectively stopping the melody. Additionally, the LED lighting is turned off (digitalWrite(RED_PIN, LOW), etc.). When the button is not pressed (digitalRead(DIGITAL_PIN) == HIGH), the isPlaying flag is set to true, and the playMelodyWithLEDs() function runs.

As we were integrating the LEDs with the melody, we struggled a bit. Initially, the LED light-up function was different, and it had a separate delay() for the individual LED to match with the melody. It did not work as expected. We realized after playing a note if we move to the separate LED function and delay there, the melody becomes very slow due to using 2 separate delays. So, we removed the LED function and used the same delay() for both the notes and LEDs.

Week 11 | Paper piano


While looking for ideas for the musical instrument,  I came across something called HID (Human Interface Devices). These are devices that can be used to substitute for Devices that are used to interact with the computer, such as a keyboard or a mouse.  Unfortunately , The Arduino UNO board that we use is not HID compatible. Why did we need this? because we wanted to do something unique and use something unconventional for the digital input part of the assignment. This is when we came across the MakeyMakey board by Sparkfun. Using this board, we can use anything with a weak conductivity as a button that send an input to the computer. We can then use the computer as an interface between Arduino and Makey Makey and use the output of Makey Makey as an input to the Arduino via the Serial.

Once we had this figured out, It opened great possibilities. For the purpose of this assignment, we decided to draw a piano on a piece of paper and use each part as a button ( so a sound plays whenever you touch the paper).

Technical Plan (Abstract overview)

For Arduino UNO
  1. Takes input from the serial , and reads it
  2. Converts the letter input to a corresponding frequency (taking digital input)
  3. Offsets the frequency by reading the value on the potentiometer (taking analog input)
  4. Uses tone function to play this frequency on the buzzer
For Makey Makey
  1. Takes input from the paper buttons and send a keystroke to the keyboard corresponding to what button is pressed.
  2. Presses enter automatically so that the keystroke is entered in the serial of the Arduino board.

Other Technicalities 

  • We need to make sure that the piano sounds good , for this we will use notes corresponding to an actual scale . The default scale we are using here is the C major Scale on the 4th Octave consisting of the notes C , D, E ,F , G, A and B .
  • While drawing the piano , we need to make sure that the keys are separated and each key separately conducts electricity.
  • Use alligator clips properly and make sure the connections work
  • Since the Arduino board default firmware can only output 6 letters ( wasdfg),  we need to configure it to replace some other outputs with letters. Here, we have reprogrammed it to output ‘h’ instead of the Up arrow and used ‘ ‘ (Blank space) as an input as well .

To use 

  • Connect both Arduino UNO and Makey Makey to the computer
  • Upload Code on Makey Makey
  • Open new Window of Arduino IDE and upload code on Arduino UNO
  • Open the Serial monitor and click on it to place the computer cursor there.
  • Start taking input from Makey Makey


Code for the Arduino UNO board :

#include "pitches.h"
#include <Keyboard.h>

const int BUZZER_PIN = 8;          // Pin for the buzzer
const int potentiometerPin = A0;   // Pin for the potentiometer
const int duration = 200;          // Duration of the tone

unsigned long lastPotReadTime = 0; // Variable to store the last time potentiometer was read
int offset =0;

void setup() {

void loop() {
  // Read the potentiometer value only once every second
  unsigned long currentTime = millis();
  if (currentTime - lastPotReadTime >= 1000) {
    offset = analogRead(potentiometerPin) / 3; // Offset the frequency based on potentiometer reading
    lastPotReadTime = currentTime;
    // Print the potentiometer value

  // Check if there's any character available in the serial buffer
  if (Serial.available() > 0) {
    char receivedChar =;
    int frequency = 0; // Frequency value for the tone

    // Map received character to frequency
    switch (receivedChar) {
      case 'w': frequency = NOTE_C5; break;
      case 'a': frequency = NOTE_D5; break;
      case 's': frequency = NOTE_E5; break;
      case 'd': frequency = NOTE_F5; break;
      case 'f': frequency = NOTE_G5; break;
      case 'g': frequency = NOTE_A5; break;
      case 'h': frequency = NOTE_C6; break;
      case ' ': frequency = NOTE_B5; break;
      default: break; // Do nothing if character is not recognized

    if (frequency != 0) {
      tone(BUZZER_PIN, frequency + offset, duration); // Play the tone
      delay(duration); // Wait for the tone to complete
      noTone(BUZZER_PIN); // Stop the tone
// for happy Birthday first two lines

Relevant Code for the Makey Makey board

  1. To press enter (write newline) along with the character
void updateInputStates() {
  inputChanged = false;
  for (int i=0; i<NUM_INPUTS; i++) {
    inputs[i].prevPressed = inputs[i].pressed; // store previous pressed state (only used for mouse buttons)
    if (inputs[i].pressed) {
      if (inputs[i].bufferSum < releaseThreshold) {  
        inputChanged = true;
        inputs[i].pressed = false;
        if (inputs[i].isKey) {
        if (inputs[i].isMouseMotion) {  
          mouseHoldCount[i] = 0;  // input becomes released, reset mouse hold
      else if (inputs[i].isMouseMotion) {  
        mouseHoldCount[i]++; // input remains pressed, increment mouse hold
    else if (!inputs[i].pressed) {
      if (inputs[i].bufferSum > pressThreshold) {  // input becomes pressed
        inputChanged = true;
        inputs[i].pressed = true; 
        if (inputs[i].isKey) {
          // Print the key code before pressing Enter
#ifdef DEBUG3
  if (inputChanged) {

2. To configure the outputs of makey makey

#include "Arduino.h"

  - edit the keyCodes array below to change the keys sent by the MaKey MaKey for each input
  - the comments tell you which input sends that key (for example, by default 'w' is sent by pin D5)
  - change the keys by replacing them. for example, you can replace 'w' with any other individual letter,
    number, or symbol on your keyboard
  - you can also use codes for other keys such as modifier and function keys (see the
    the list of additional key codes at the bottom of this file)


int keyCodes[NUM_INPUTS] = {
  // top side of the makey makey board
  KEY_UP_ARROW,      // up arrow pad
  KEY_DOWN_ARROW,    // down arrow pad
  KEY_LEFT_ARROW,    // left arrow pad
  KEY_RIGHT_ARROW,   // right arrow pad
  ' ',               // space button pad
  MOUSE_LEFT,        // click button pad
  // female header on the back left side
  'w',                // pin D5
  'a',                // pin D4
  's',                // pin D3
  'd',                // pin D2
  'f',                // pin D1
  'g',                // pin D0aa
  // female header on the back right side
  'h',      // pin A5
  MOUSE_MOVE_DOWN,    // pin A4
  MOUSE_MOVE_LEFT,    // pin A3
  MOUSE_MOVE_RIGHT,   // pin A2
  MOUSE_LEFT,         // pin A1
  MOUSE_RIGHT         // pin A0

#define SWITCH_THRESHOLD_OFFSET_PERC  5    // number between 1 and 49
                                           // larger value protects better against noise oscillations, but makes it harder to press and release
                                           // recommended values are between 2 and 20
                                           // default value is 5

#define SWITCH_THRESHOLD_CENTER_BIAS 55   // number between 1 and 99
                                          // larger value makes it easier to "release" keys, but harder to "press"
                                          // smaller value makes it easier to "press" keys, but harder to "release"
                                          // recommended values are between 30 and 70
                                          // 50 is "middle" 2.5 volt center
                                          // default value is 55
                                          // 100 = 5V (never use this high)
                                          // 0 = 0 V (never use this low

// MOUSE MOTION /////////
#define MOUSE_MOTION_UPDATE_INTERVAL  35   // how many loops to wait between 
                                           // sending mouse motion updates
#define PIXELS_PER_MOUSE_STEP         4     // a larger number will make the mouse
                                           // move faster

#define MOUSE_RAMP_SCALE              150  // Scaling factor for mouse movement ramping
                                           // Lower = more sensitive mouse movement
                                           // Higher = slower ramping of speed
                                           // 0 = Ramping off
#define MOUSE_MAX_PIXELS              10   // Max pixels per step for mouse movement



- you can use these codes in the keyCodes array above
- to get modifier keys, function keys, etc 





Connections and Schematics


Images and Video



  • Could not use a direct serial communication between Arduino and Makey Makey because the Makey Makey has only 2 digital output pins. The work around to this was using the PC as an interface.
  • Had to find the right notes so that the piano would sound good , after a bit of experimentation , the 4th Octave of the C scale sounded very good so we decided to go with it.
  • Had to find a correct value for the potentiometer offset, which we found through some experimentation.
  • Had to find a way to enter the output of makey makey in the serial of Arduino UNO for communication . Used the Laptop keyboard as an interface for this.
  • Had trouble using analogRead and Tone together. So,had to use the concept ofBlinkWithoutDelay using mills() function to take analogRead input only once every second.

Reflections and Further Improvements

This could be improved by :

  • Adding more notes
  • Better range
  • Improving aesthetics
  • It could be possible to ground without using one hand so that both hands are free.
  • Since we are using tone(),  we cannot press multiple keys at the same time .

Overall, The project turned out very well. Exploring using a different board also using Arduino to make a project that is interactable in a creative way was a great experience. This inspires us to explore further and discover new types of boards and sensors.  We hope to use what we have learned in our final projects too .





Week 11- Our Musical Instrument

Project description:

This project involves using LEDs, buttons, a potentiometer, and a buzzer to create a fun and interactive experience. Below is a summary of how it works and what was learned.

Key Components:

  • Breadboard and Arduino UNO: These are the main platforms where the components are set up.
  • LEDs: Light up when a button is pressed to show visual feedback.
  • Buttons: Each one is linked to a specific LED. Pressing a button lights up the LED and makes a sound.
  • Potentiometer: Adjusts the sound’s pitch from the buzzer.
  • Buzzer: Produces sounds that change tone based on button presses and the potentiometer setting.
  • Resistors: Uses both 330-ohm and 10k ohm resistors to control the current.



const int redLED = 6;
const int greenLED = 5;
const int yellowLED = 7;
const int redButton = 12;
const int greenButton = 11;
const int yellowButton = 13;
const int potPin = A2;
const int buzzerPin = 3;

void setup() {
  pinMode(redLED, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(greenLED, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(yellowLED, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(redButton, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(greenButton, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(yellowButton, INPUT_PULLUP);

  // Initialize Serial for debugging

void loop() {
  // Read potentiometer value
  int potValue = analogRead(potPin);
  // Map potentiometer value to a frequency range (e.g., 100 Hz to 2000 Hz)
  int frequency = map(potValue, 0, 1023, 100, 2000);

  // Check each button and activate the corresponding LED and buzzer
  if (digitalRead(redButton) == LOW) {
    digitalWrite(redLED, HIGH);
    tone(buzzerPin, frequency);  // Play buzzer at mapped frequency
    delay(100);  // delay
  } else {
    digitalWrite(redLED, LOW);

  if (digitalRead(greenButton) == LOW) {
    digitalWrite(greenLED, HIGH);
    tone(buzzerPin, frequency + 100);  // Slightly higher pitch for green button
    delay(100);  // Debounce delay
  } else {
    digitalWrite(greenLED, LOW);

  if (digitalRead(yellowButton) == LOW) {
    digitalWrite(yellowLED, HIGH);
    tone(buzzerPin, frequency + 200);  // Even higher pitch for yellow button
    delay(100);  // Debounce delay
  } else {
    digitalWrite(yellowLED, LOW);



Watching the LEDs light up and hearing the buzzer change pitch was very rewarding. It’s fascinating to see how basic parts and some coding can create a captivating interactive experience. Adjusting the buzzer’s pitch with the potentiometer was particularly enjoyable, as it required fine-tuning to get pleasant sounds and smooth transitions between pitches.


  • Debouncing: Making sure the buttons only register a single press at a time was challenging. The project uses simple delays now, but could benefit from more advanced debouncing methods.
  • Sound Complexity: Currently, the buzzer only creates basic tones. Using sound libraries like Mozzi might allow for more complex sounds.


  • Light Patterns: Could add flashing or fading lights for more visual appeal.
  • Multiple Tones/Melodies: Using libraries to generate more detailed sounds.
  • Interactive Games: Creating games based on pressing buttons and keeping time.
  • LCD Display: Adding a screen to display instructions or scores.

Week 11 Reading Reflection

For this week’s reading, I read “A Brief Rant on the Future of Interaction Design” by Bret Victor and the response article. Both articles left me with a lingering sense of dissatisfaction. Both shed a harsh light on the limitations of our current interaction paradigms, particularly the dominance of “Pictures Under Glass” interfaces. These flat, touch-based systems, while undeniably convenient, leave a significant part of the human experience untapped: our sense of touch.

Prior to this reading, I hadn’t truly considered the depth of information conveyed through touch. Victor’s words prompted a newfound awareness of the absence of tactile feedback in my daily interactions with technology. Scrolling through endless feeds on my phone or navigating menus on my laptop suddenly felt sterile and one-dimensional. The simple act of picking up a book and feeling the weight of its pages, the satisfying click of a pen against paper—these experiences, once taken for granted, now hold a newfound significance.

The articles sparked a desire for a more holistic approach to human-computer interaction (HCI). Victor’s vision of a “dynamic medium” that engages multiple senses, not just sight, resonates deeply. Imagine manipulating virtual objects with the same dexterity and finesse we use with physical ones. Imagine feeling the texture of a 3D model or the resistance of virtual clay as we sculpt it. Such interfaces hold the potential to revolutionize not just how we interact with technology but also how we learn, create, and explore the digital world.

However, the question remains: how do we bridge this gap between our current state and Victor’s ambitious vision? The answer lies not in simply discarding touchscreens but in building upon them. Perhaps the integration of haptic technology could provide simulated textures and feedback, enriching the interaction experience. Imagine a sculptor feeling the resistance of virtual clay under their fingertips as they mold it, or an architect being able to manipulate a 3D building model with the same ease they would a physical one.

Beyond touch, could future interfaces incorporate other senses like smell or even taste? While these concepts might seem far-fetched, they highlight the exciting possibilities of a multi-sensory HCI future. Imagine a virtual tour of a vineyard where you can not only see the rolling hills but also smell the grapes ripening in the sun. Or imagine experiencing a historical event through a VR simulation that incorporates the sounds and smells of the time period.

The articles also raise a crucial point about the role technology should play in our lives. Technology should not aim to replace existing interactions or diminish our physical capabilities. Instead, it should act as an extension of ourselves, enhancing and amplifying our skills. The future of HCI should strive to create a seamless and intuitive connection between the physical and digital worlds, one that respects and leverages the full spectrum of human senses and capabilities.

As Victor aptly argues, the choice for the future of interaction lies with us. By fostering research into advanced materials, haptics, and multi-sensory experiences, we can pave the way for a future where technology doesn’t just serve us but empowers us to interact with the digital world in a richer, more meaningful way. By prioritizing human potential and embracing the full range of human senses, we can move beyond “Pictures Under Glass” and create a future of truly immersive and interactive technology.

Week #11: Yaakulya’s Reading Response

Reading 1:

After reading “A Brief Rant on The Future of Interaction Design,” I find myself questioning the direction of future technology. The author’s firsthand experience in designing real prototypes brings credibility to their skepticism towards futuristic interaction concepts portrayed in videos. This makes me wonder about the reliability of visionary ideas depicted in media compared to practical implementation. For instance, the author emphasizes the importance of considering human capabilities in interface design, which resonates with my own experiences of struggling with certain digital interfaces that seem disconnected from natural human interactions.

Moreover the author talks about how current ideas for future technology don’t fully consider what humans are capable of. He mention that the way we interact with devices now, like touching screens, might not be the best way. The author thinks we should pay more attention to how we use our hands and bodies in everyday tasks, like making breakfast or tying shoelaces. This made me think about how we usually use technology and if there might be better ways to do things.

I wonder if the author is biased because they used to work in interaction design, so they might have strong opinions based on their experience. But it also seems like they have good reasons for their opinions, like their knowledge of how real prototypes work. Reading this made me realize that maybe we need to think more creatively about how we design technology. Instead of just sticking to what we know, we should consider what humans are naturally good at and how we can make technology work better with that. This raises questions for me about how we can encourage more innovative thinking in technology design and whether there are already ideas out there that we’re not paying enough attention to.

Reading 2:

After reading the responses to the author’s rant on the future of interaction design, I’m struck by the importance of acknowledging problems even without offering immediate solutions. In this reading, I agree with the author because the author makes it clear that identifying issues is the first step towards finding answers through research and innovation. This makes me think about how society often expects instant solutions without recognizing the complexity of the problems we face. It also raises questions about the role of patience and long-term thinking in addressing technological challenges.

One interesting point raised in the reading is the comparison between current technology like the iPad and historical innovations such as the Kodak camera. The author suggests that while these technologies are revolutionary in their own right, there’s still room for improvement and innovation. This made me reflect on the idea that just because something is good now doesn’t mean it can’t be better in the future. It prompts me to consider how we can continue to evolve and refine technology to better serve human needs and capabilities. This analogy also prompts me to consider how today’s revolutionary advancements, like the iPad, might be stepping stones towards even greater developments in the future. However, the warning against complacency and the call for dynamic, tangible interfaces remind me that progress should not stagnate. It also makes me wonder what steps we can take to ensure that future technology continues to evolve in ways that enhance human capabilities rather than limiting them.

Pavly Halim – Week 11 Reading

Reading Bret Victor’s “A Brief Rant on the Future of Interaction Design” was a wake-up call. It made me question the direction we’re heading with technology and the limitations we’re placing on ourselves by focusing solely on “Pictures Under Glass.” Victor’s point about our hands resonated deeply with me. We interact with the world through touch, manipulating objects, and receiving feedback through our fingertips. Yet, many of our current devices ignore this fundamental aspect of human capability. They offer a flat, sterile experience that limits our ability to connect with the digital world truly.

The examples he uses, like tying shoelaces or making a sandwich, were eye-opening. These everyday tasks highlight the incredible talent and nuanced control we possess. It seems almost absurd to think that the future of interaction should involve simply sliding our fingers across a screen.
Victor’s call for a more ambitious vision that embraces the full potential of our bodies and our senses is inspiring. I imagine a future where we interact with technology more naturally and intuitively, using gestures, movement, and touch to manipulate digital objects as if they were physical. This reading has challenged me to think differently about interaction design. It’s not just about creating interfaces that look sleek and futuristic; it’s about designing human-centered experiences that leverage our innate capabilities and allow us to interact with the digital world in a natural and empowering way.

I believe the future of interaction lies beyond the screen in a world where technology seamlessly integrates with our physical reality and empowers us to create, explore, and connect in ways we can only begin to imagine.

Week 11: Musical Instrument – Eli & Pavly


This project explores the interaction between LEDs, buttons, a potentiometer, and a buzzer to create an engaging sensory experience. Let’s break down the idea and reflect on the process.

Components and Functionality
Arduino UNO
LEDs: These provide visual feedback based on button presses.
Buttons: Each button is associated with a specific LED. Pressing a button activates the corresponding LED and triggers a sound.
Potentiometer: controls the pitch of the sound produced by the buzzer.
Buzzer: generates sound based on the button press and the potentiometer’s readings.
330-ohm resistors (3)
10k ohm resistors (3)





const int redLED = 6;
const int greenLED = 5;
const int yellowLED = 7;
const int redButton = 12;
const int greenButton = 11;
const int yellowButton = 13;
const int potPin = A2;
const int buzzerPin = 3;

void setup() {
  pinMode(redLED, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(greenLED, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(yellowLED, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(redButton, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(greenButton, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(yellowButton, INPUT_PULLUP);

  // Initialize Serial for debugging

void loop() {
  // Read potentiometer value
  int potValue = analogRead(potPin);
  // Map potentiometer value to a frequency range (e.g., 100 Hz to 2000 Hz)
  int frequency = map(potValue, 0, 1023, 100, 2000);

  // Check each button and activate the corresponding LED and buzzer
  if (digitalRead(redButton) == LOW) {
    digitalWrite(redLED, HIGH);
    tone(buzzerPin, frequency);  // Play buzzer at mapped frequency
    delay(100);  // delay
  } else {
    digitalWrite(redLED, LOW);

  if (digitalRead(greenButton) == LOW) {
    digitalWrite(greenLED, HIGH);
    tone(buzzerPin, frequency + 100);  // Slightly higher pitch for green button
    delay(100);  // Debounce delay
  } else {
    digitalWrite(greenLED, LOW);

  if (digitalRead(yellowButton) == LOW) {
    digitalWrite(yellowLED, HIGH);
    tone(buzzerPin, frequency + 200);  // Even higher pitch for yellow button
    delay(100);  // Debounce delay
  } else {
    digitalWrite(yellowLED, LOW);

Seeing the LEDs light up and hearing the buzzer’s pitch change in response to my actions was incredibly satisfying. It’s amazing how these simple components, combined with code, can create such an engaging experience.
I particularly enjoyed the challenge of mapping the potentiometer’s value to the buzzer’s frequency. Finding the proper range to create pleasing sounds and ensuring smooth transitions between pitches was a fun puzzle.

– Debouncing: Ensuring buttons register single presses can be tricky. The current code uses simple delays, but more robust debouncing techniques could be implemented.
– Sound Complexity: The buzzer produces simple tones. Exploring libraries like Mozzi could enable more complex and engaging soundscapes.

Potential Enhancements
Light patterns: Explore blinking or fading LEDs for more dynamic visuals.
Multiple tones/melodies: Utilize libraries to create richer audio experiences.
Interactive games: Design games based on button presses and timing.
LCD display: Incorporate a display to show instructions or scores.

Week 11: Our Musical Instrument “Turntable” – Yaakulya & Luke

Concept : This project is a creative exploration into the realm of music and interactivity. Inspired by the dynamic role of a DJ, we have created a turntable that allows users to listen  two globally popular songs: “Despacito” by Luis Fonsi and Daddy Yankee, and the “Mario Theme Song” by Koji Kondo for Nintendo. The project aims to provide a simple yet enjoyable experience, blending Western and Eastern musical influences.

Objective: The primary objective is to design an interactive turntable that allows the user to play and switch between two distinct songs using a digital switch and an analog potentiometer, emulating the experience of a DJ.

Components we used:
Arduino UNO
Potentiometer (Analog Sensor)
Push Button (Digital Sensor)
Miniature Speaker
10k Ohms Resistor

Implemented Code with comments:

#include "pitches.h"

#define BUZZER_PIN 9
#define BUTTON_PIN 7

// Melody for the first song
int melody1[] = {

// Note durations for the first song
int noteDurations1[] = {

// Melody for the second song
int melody2[] = {

// Note durations for the second song
int noteDurations2[] = {

// Flag to indicate if a song is currently playing
bool songPlaying = false;
// Variable to store the previous state of the button
bool lastButtonState = false;

// Setup function to initialize the pins
void setup() {
  // Set the buzzer pin as output
  // Set the button pin as input with internal pull-up resistor enabled

// Loop function to continuously check for button presses and play melodies
void loop() {
  // Read the current state of the button
  bool buttonState = digitalRead(BUTTON_PIN);

  // Check if the button is pressed and it was not pressed in the previous loop iteration
  if (buttonState == LOW && lastButtonState == HIGH) {
    // Toggle the song playing state
    songPlaying = !songPlaying;

    // Start or stop playing the selected song
    if (songPlaying) {
      // If the potentiometer value is less than 512, play the first melody; otherwise, play the second melody
      if (analogRead(POTENTIOMETER_PIN) < 512) {
        playMelody(melody1, noteDurations1, sizeof(melody1) / sizeof(int));
      } else {
        playMelody(melody2, noteDurations2, sizeof(melody2) / sizeof(int));
    } else {
      // If the song was playing, stop playing it

  // Update the last button state for the next iteration
  lastButtonState = buttonState;

// Function to play a melody
void playMelody(int melody[], int noteDurations[], int size) {
  // Iterate over each note in the melody
  for (int thisNote = 0; thisNote < size; thisNote++) {
    // Calculate the duration of the current note
    int noteDuration = 1000 / noteDurations[thisNote];
    // Play the current note on the buzzer pin
    tone(BUZZER_PIN, melody[thisNote], noteDuration);
    // Wait for the duration of the note
    delay(noteDuration * 2);
    // Stop playing the note
    // Add a short pause between notes
    delay(noteDuration * 0.1);

Code Logic:

The code begins by defining the pin numbers for the buzzer, potentiometer, and button. The buzzer pin is where the speaker is connected, the potentiometer pin is where the potentiometer (for selecting songs) is connected, and the button pin is where the push button (for controlling song playback) is connected.

  • In the setup() function, the buzzer pin is set as an output, and the button pin is set as an input with an internal pull-up resistor enabled. This configuration ensures that the button pin reads HIGH when the button is not pressed and LOW when it is pressed.  Moreover two melodies are defined (melody1 and melody2), each represented as an array of note frequencies. Corresponding to each melody, two arrays (noteDurations1 and noteDurations2) define the duration of each note in the melodies.
  • In the loop() function, the code continuously checks the state of the button. When the button transitions from HIGH to LOW (indicating a button press), the code toggles the songPlaying variable to start or stop playing the selected song. If songPlaying is true, the code reads the potentiometer value to determine which melody to play. If the potentiometer value is less than 512, it plays melody1; otherwise, it plays melody2. If songPlaying is false, it stops playing the melody by calling noTone() on the buzzer pin.
  • The playMelody() function is responsible for playing a melody. It takes as input the melody array, note duration array, and the size of the melody. Inside the function, it iterates over each note in the melody, calculates the duration of the note, plays the note using tone(), adds a short delay between notes, and then stops playing the note using noTone().

Video Demonstration:

Images of the circuit:

Schematics Sketch:

Circuit connections from above Schematics diagram.

1) Potentiometer Connections: The potentiometer is crucial for song selection and control. It has three pins: two for power and one for the signal. The outer pins are connected to the 5V and GND (ground) terminals on the Arduino to provide it with power. The middle pin, which is the wiper, is connected to the analog input A0 on the Arduino. As the user turns the knob of the potentiometer, the resistance changes, and the Arduino reads this as an analog value, allowing the user to blend between the two songs.

2) Button Connections: A push button is used to start or stop the song playback. One side of the button is connected to the digital pin 2 on the Arduino. The other side is connected to the GND terminal on the breadboard. A pull-up resistor is not necessary as the Arduino’s internal pull-up resistor is used in the code to avoid floating values when the button is not pressed.

3) Speaker Connections: The speaker, which outputs the sound, has two wires. The positive wire is connected to digital pin 8 on the Arduino. This pin is set up in the code to deliver a pulse-width modulation (PWM) signal that creates the audio tones for the songs. The negative wire from the speaker is connected directly to the GND terminal on the breadboard to complete the circuit.

4) Power Connections: The breadboard’s power rail is used to distribute the 5V and GND connections to the potentiometer and the button. Wires run from the 5V and GND pins on the Arduino to the power rail on the breadboard.

With this setup, the user interacts with the button and potentiometer to control the playback of “Despacito” and the “Mario Theme Song”. The code on the Arduino processes the input signals and triggers the speaker to play the appropriate song based on the state of the button and the value from the potentiometer.

What does the Analog and Digital Sensor do in this circuit? – Schematics:

The code and circuit are structured to respond to the interactions with the potentiometer and the push button:

1) Button Press: Initiates the playback of “Despacito” or stops the current song.

2) Potentiometer Rotation: Facilitates the blending from “Despacito” to the “Mario Theme Song.” and vice versa.

The user must press the button to start playing “Despacito.” They can then rotate the potentiometer to initiate the “Mario Theme Song” by pressing the button again. This interaction can be repeated to switch between the two songs.

Challenges & Reflections:

1) Connecting the buzzer, potentiometer, and push button to the Arduino board together proved to be trickier than anticipated. We encountered issues with loose connections, incorrect wiring, and misplacing the digital pin assignments. Later then, we carefully reviewed the circuit diagram and schematics to double-checked each wiring connection, additionally we also  referenced the Arduino documentation and class slides to ensure we understood the purpose and functionality of each sensor working nature.

2) When testing the circuit, we noticed inconsistencies in melody playback. Some notes were not playing correctly, and there were unexpected pauses between notes and some notes are repeating itself. To troubleshoot this issue, we reviewed the code related to melody playback and examined the arrays containing note pitches and durations. We  adjusted the timing parameters and experimented with different delay values to ensure smooth transitions between notes.

Future Improvements:

1) To create a vibrant atmosphere that mimics a mini club, we aim to incorporate LEDs that flash in sync with the music notes.

2) To provide a more DJ-like experience, we intend to program more songs and add a crossfade effect, allowing one song to ease into the other as the potentiometer is turned, instead of multiple switches.