Assignment 3: Om Nom Nom

When I was brainstorming for an idea for this week’s assignment, I hit a brick wall. It’s like writer’s block but a coding edition. When I stumble across such obstacles, I disengage my mind and play mindless games. Consequently, I switched my PC on and clicked straight onto the Pac-Man icon. There I was, looking at my little yellow circle eating smaller circles, when it clicked, “I can just make my own game”.

Hence I was inspired to make “Om Nom Nom”, same concept and idea, with a few malfunctions.

While playing the game felt fairly easy, coding it was immensely hard. Trying to fix the Pac-Man’s mouth was starting to be a great challenge but I eventually came around it. But a code I’m particularly proud of is making the character follow the cursor wherever it goes, and setting the “food”, the dots, in a loop to be displayed and disappear when the Pac-Man eats it.

let pacMan;
let dots = [];

function setup() {
  createCanvas(400, 400);
  pacMan = new PacMan();
  //creating initial dots, food for pacman, and putting them into an array
  for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    dots.push(new Dot());

function draw() {

  //updating pacman's position based on mouse cursor's coordinates on the screen
  pacMan.update(mouseX, mouseY);
  //displaying pacman

  //running a loop to display the dots
  for (let i = 0; i < dots.length; i++) {

    //this checks when pacman touches the dots
    if (pacMan.eats(dots[i])) {
      dots.splice(i, 1); //remove dot
      dots.push(new Dot()); //add a new dot

//defining our pacman through class
class PacMan {
  constructor() {
    this.x = width / 2;
    this.y = height / 2;
    this.radius = 20;
    this.angleStart = 0;
    this.angleEnd = 0;
    this.angleIncrement = 0.05;
    this.direction = 1; 
    // 1 for opening, -1 for closing
    this.speed = 2;

  display() {
    fill(255, 255, 0);
      this.radius * 2,
      this.radius * 2,
      PI * this.angleStart,
      PI * this.angleEnd,

    //changing the angle to make look like pacman is opening and closing his mouth
    this.angleStart += this.angleIncrement * this.direction;
    this.angleEnd = this.angleIncrement * -this.direction;

    //change direction when the mouth is fully open or closed
    if (this.angleEnd <= 0 || this.angleStart >= 1) {
      this.direction *= -1;

  update(targetX, targetY) {
    //adjusting pacman's position towards the mouse cursor
    let angle = atan2(targetY - this.y, targetX - this.x);
    this.x += cos(angle) * this.speed;
    this.y += sin(angle) * this.speed;

  eats(dot) {
    let d = dist(this.x, this.y, dot.x, dot.y);
    if (d < this.radius + dot.radius) {
      return true;
    return false;

A part I think I could improve on is changing the direction of the Pac-Man’s mouth towards wherever the cursor is so that it’s mouth opens and closes towards the food it eats. Additionally, I’d like to add another code which makes the game a maze, the character has to go through it under a time limit, and the walls are a different colour so when the Pac-Man touches the wall, the game restarts.


Week 3 Reflection

As I consider the various viewpoints that the text have presented on the topic of interaction, I find myself drawn to the complex dance that takes place between user input and system response. Fundamentally, interaction is a dynamic exchange in which the user and the system participate in an ongoing cycle of input and feedback. This link forces us to reevaluate how we engage with commonplace items and technology, as well as how we understand interactive media.

As the reading demonstrates, the notion of interactivity encompasses more than just user participation; it also refers to a more profound and significant conversation between people and technology. It challenges us to reflect on the nature of our interactions, asking us to take into account not only the mechanics but also the purpose and result of these exchanges. Echoing the observations of my peers, I find the subjective character of interaction and the way it adjusts to the capabilities and requirements of its audience to be quite fascinating. This flexibility emphasizes how important careful design is to making experiences that appeal to a wide range of users and are both accessible and meaningful. Furthermore, the classification of interactive media into low, medium, and high levels of interaction provides a helpful framework for analysis. From the straightforward act of clicking a button at a pedestrian crossing to the intricate conversation with AI chatbots, it enables us to classify and assess interactions based on their depth and complexity. Every degree of interactivity presents different difficulties and chances for participation, highlighting the need for a sophisticated approach to interactivity design.

To sum up, the contemplations and illustrations presented throughout the class discussion enhance our comprehension of interaction. They force us to think about how our designs and interactions affect society more broadly, highlighting the importance of approaching interactive media with consideration and user-centered design. Our conceptual framework is expanded by this investigation, which also motivates us to innovate and push the limits of interactive design.

Week 3 – Reading Response: The Depth of Interactivity | Haziel

Chris Crawford’s analysis of interactivity in his article offers a thought-provoking perspective that challenged my traditional notion of what it means to interact with something or someone. His assertion that true interactivity encompasses listening, thinking, and speaking as key components highlights the depth and complexity of human engagement. The analogy of a conversation between the two people Fredegund and Gomer effectively illustrates the dynamics of these elements, emphasizing the importance of active participation and mutual understanding when we are creating a meaningful interaction.

Before reading Crawford’s insights, my understanding of interactivity was rather simplistic, limited to the idea of reacting or engaging with external stimuli. However, his examination reveals that interactivity is far more intricate, existing along a spectrum with different degrees of engagement. Inspired by this perspective, I can also see a connection between human behavior and design, as he underscores the need for designers and creators to consider the diverse levels of interactivity in their work, recognizing that each level offers unique opportunities for communication.

However, I also find myself wondering the extent to which his framework fully captures the richness of interactive experiences. Are there additional dimensions or elements of interactivity that deserve consideration? Furthermore, while the example of conversation illuminates certain aspects of interactivity, it may overlook other forms of interaction that occur in non-verbal or non-linear contexts.

Assignment 3 – Spinning Symphony | Haziel

My inspiration for this assignment was basically the forms and shapes we usually find around us. Whether it be through the whirlwind or even a simple whirlpool we see in the sink when draining the water, I wanted to created something related to spirals. Moreover, spirals are also inspired by one of my favorite astronomical objects: spiral galaxies. The beautiful spiral arms of these galaxies, stretching outward in what it seems to be a delicate movement, caught completely my attention and evoke a sense of wonder. Drawing from these natural phenomena, I aimed to create an interactive artwork that celebrates the harmony of spirals.

Keep clicking on the screen to create your Spiral Galaxy 🙂

In this project, when the mouse button is pressed, a new spiral centered around the cursor position is drawn on the canvas. The spirals consist of a series of connected points, creating a spiral pattern as they move outward. Each spiral has a random color and speed, creating a dynamic and varied composition. The spirals continue to evolve and interact with each other as the user interacts with the canvas. To create this effect, I challenge myself in creating new patterns, supported by tutorial videos on how to create the spiral effect, like this one.

class Spiral {
  // Constructor function to initialize a new spiral object with specified parameters
  constructor(x, y, radius, color, speed) {
    // Initialize object properties based on input parameters
    this.x = x; // X-coordinate of the center of the spiral
    this.y = y; // Y-coordinate of the center of the spiral
    this.radius = radius; // Radius of the spiral
    this.color = color; // Color of the spiral (as an array [R, G, B])
    this.angle = 0; // Initial angle of the spiral
    this.speed = speed; // Speed of rotation for the spiral

  // Display function to draw the spiral on the canvas
  display() {
    noStroke(); // Disable stroke (outline)
    fill(this.color); // Set fill color based on the color property
    let spiralSize = this.radius * this.angle; // Calculate the size of the spiral
    // Draw a small ellipse at a point on the spiral determined by the current angle
    ellipse(this.x + cos(this.angle) * spiralSize, this.y + sin(this.angle) * spiralSize, 5, 5);

  // Move function to update the angle of the spiral, causing it to rotate
  move() {
    this.angle += this.speed; // Increment the angle by the rotation speed

For future assignments, I would like to improve my understanding of object-oriented programming concepts and explore more advanced techniques for creating dynamic and interactive visual experiences. Additionally, I aim to delve deeper into the principles of design and incorporate more sophisticated visual elements into my projects, as well as sound and music to enhance the immersive experience of my projects. 

Production Assignment – Week #3

For this assignment, we were tasked with creating a generative artwork using Object-Oriented Programming. I wanted to use something we use everyday in our culture to create my artwork, and took inspiration from the Emarati Ghutra (Ghitra):

I tried to use its some of its colors (white, and the different shades of red) and shapes (zigzags, diamonds, checkered squares, etc) to create my artwork.

I created a class for the Ghutra elements, consisting of a constructor, display function, and changeColor function to change the color on mouse click.

class GhutraPatternElement {
  // Setup the constructor with the required attributes to draw the shapes
  constructor(x, y, size, color, shapeType) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
    this.size = size;
    this.color = color;
    this.shapeType = shapeType;

  // Display function to draw the shapes based on the attributes passed to the constructor
  display() {
    // Diamond Shape
    if (this.shapeType === 'diamond') {
      vertex(this.x, this.y - this.size);
      vertex(this.x + this.size * 0.8, this.y);
      vertex(this.x, this.y + this.size);
      vertex(this.x - this.size * 0.8, this.y);
    // Checkered Squares
    else if (this.shapeType === 'checkered') {
      rect(this.x, this.y, this.size, this.size);
    // Zigzags
    else if (this.shapeType === 'zigzag') {
      let numZigs = 10;
      let zigzagWidth = this.size / numZigs;

      for (let i = 0; i < numZigs; i++) {
        let x1 = this.x + i * zigzagWidth;
        let y1 = this.y + (i % 2 === 0 ? -this.size : this.size) * 0.5;
        vertex(x1, y1);
        let x2 = this.x + (i + 1) * zigzagWidth;
        let y2 = this.y + (i % 2 === 0 ? this.size : -this.size) * 0.5;
        vertex(x2, y2);

  // Function to change color on mouse press
  changeColor() {
    // Change the color only when the mouse is pressed
    if (mouseIsPressed) {
      this.color = random(colorPalette);

I used ChatGPT to generate the color codes for the different shades of red I used to avoid having to manually sample each color and waste time:

let colorPalette = [
  '#FFFFFF',    // White
  '#FF0000',    // Red
  '#990000',    // Dark Red
  '#FF6666',    // Light Red
  '#CC0000',    // Medium Red

Overall, this was the result:

Looking to the future, there are definitely many things I can change to improve this artwork and make it more aesthetic. Additionally, there seems to be a bug in my code that changes the shape color multiple times per each mouse click instead of just once.

Week 3 Assignment: The Ant Life

For this assignment, I had initially planned to create Agar Plate V2, but quickly found out that there would be very few ways to add more features and convert it to follow the guidelines of OOP without overhauling some major parts, so I decided to start from scratch. The bouncing balls example we did in class inspired me to do a project on generative art using ants.

Four Tips to Keep Ants out This Spring · ExtermPRO

Fig.: A column of ants, hard at work carrying food back to their colony

The patterns formed by scout ants searching for food and then leading worker ants to the food using pheromones always fascinated me. I wanted to replicate something along those lines in a generative art project. Because this was generative art, most of it had to involve randomness in initial positions, direction, and motions. I first got to work to converting the bouncing balls to ants. For this, I also converted my simple speedX and speedY parameters to be calculated from polar coordinates instead. The hope was that using angles instead of plain coordinate directions would allow better control over the behavior when reflecting off surfaces. I also finally figured out how to set up the collision between two objects in p5.js, which I implemented as below:

collide(other) {
  var d = dist(this.x, this.y, other.x, other.y);
  if (d < this.rad + other.rad) {
  return true; 
  } else {
  return false;
for (var j = 0; j < ants.length; j++) {
  if (i != j && ants[i].collide(ants[j]) && !(ants[i].collide(colony))) {
    ants[i].speedDir += PI/2;
    ants[j].speedDir += PI/2;

I was initially having the ants go in opposite directions when they met, but decided that having them bounce off 90 degrees instead better matched the behavior of real ants, who often exchange information about the presence or lack of food along their already searched path and move off in different directions instead.

This is the final result:

Finally, I decided to add a bit of randomness to the motion to avoid having them go in exact straight lines and be a closer match to ant-like motion.

Overall, there are many more things that I wanted to include in this project, but figuring out direction and the p5.js rotate() function took the bulk of my time. I had initially planned to have user interactivity in the form of sugar cubes they could drop, which would cause all the ants nearby to rush towards it. But, I had already tired of the math required just to figure out which direction the ants would be oriented in when they bounced off the walls, and I wasn’t too eager for further math. If I have more time in the future, I would love to revisit this project and improve upon it.

Reading Response – Interactivity and Others

How can we define interactivity? I realize that the word “interactive” has been overused by many things that involve some kind of human’s action in it. However, I believe that similar to the reading, the human’s interaction with any object must also result in a response from the object. Hence, the object is interaction. To some sense, this is similar to having a conversation where the speaker expects a response from the listener. Furthermore, as in the reading mentioned, the interaction is just not simply the meaningless communication between communicators but it must involve the process of thinking in related to the given subject. It is worth noting that the level between the subjects in the interactive conversation should be similar.

Another aspect that interests me is the notion of whether interactivity is subjective. While the reading is trying define the term interactivity universally, I would like the think that interactivity is subjective. It does not limit to the functionality of the interaction, but I would rather argue that some interactivity are designed to target a certain group of people. For example, any interaction that requires a response from the text/quote questions without audio support could not consider as interactive to the young children who have not studied how to read yet. Each design for interaction seems to target a certain subject group, or all, but it is certain that interaction is not universal in my opinion.

Reading response 2: The Art of Interactive Design

Even though we are studying “Interactive Media”, I didn’t ponder much about how interactivity should be defined until I read this article. Crawford’s definition, framing it as a cyclic process where two actors alternately listen, think, and speak, seemed interesting but not all-encompassing. His skepticism about labeling everything as interactive, especially in the context of books or movies, got me thinking. It nudged me to consider a spectrum of interactivity rather than a black-and-white definition.

Low interactivity, for me, could be akin to interacting with a traffic light. While it responds to user input (pressing the button to cross the street), the interaction is limited to a predefined set of responses (changing the signal). Medium interactivity might resemble using a smartphone. While navigating through apps, users can input commands, receive feedback, and customize settings. The smartphone’s interface allows for a degree of personalization and responsiveness to user actions, but it still operates within the confines of preprogrammed functionalities. High interactivity can be exemplified by AI LLM chatbots since their capacity to comprehend intricate language inputs, showcase contextual understanding, respond coherently, and even generate creative content reflects a higher level of engagement. They can generate human-like text and personalized responses yet still lack the consciousness of a human being. However, it is starting to get borderline difficult to differentiate their responses from genuine understanding with bots like

Furthermore, Crawford’s distinction between user interface design and interactivity design struck a chord. It made me reflect on projects where the interface might be visually appealing but lacks the holistic experience that interactivity design aims to achieve. It aligns with my belief that interactive design should engage users not just visually but also cognitively. True interactivity is like a dance of ideas, not a one-way street.

Assignment 3: Dynamic Blend

(Click on screen)

For this assignment, I wanted to create a simple yet appealing and interactive artwork. When the user clicks on the canvas, a few balls of random color appear. These balls move independently, colliding and combining with other balls to form a new ball with the additive color of the two original balls, gradually filling the canvas with a visually striking pattern. I wanted to experiment with the Additive color theory and show how simple colors can create unexpected results.

I created a BouncingBall Class so that each ball is an object with the same properties. The part of the code I am most proud of is initializing the speed and direction for the ball using random and the ternary operator.

constructor(x, y, color) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
    this.color = color;
    this.radius = 20;
    //vaying speed and direction
    this.speedX = random(2, 4) * (random() > 0.5 ? 1 : -1); //50% chance of true and false; If the result is true, assigns 1, otherwise, assigns -1
    this.speedY = random(2, 4) * (random() > 0.5 ? 1 : -1);

Initially, only one ball was formed using each click, but to make it more interesting, I decided to create balls around the click location in a triangular formation. I used polar coordinates for this, similar to my previous assignment.

function mouseClicked() {
  let randomColor = color(random(255), random(255), random(255));
  //creating multiple balls around location
  let formationRadius = 60; //distance from click
  for (let angle = 0; angle < 360; angle += 120) { //3 balls at equal angles
    //polar coordinates for position
    let x = mouseX + cos(radians(angle)) * formationRadius; 
    let y = mouseY + sin(radians(angle)) * formationRadius;
    let backgroundBall = new BouncingBall(x, y, randomColor);

The only technical challenge I initially faced was making sure the two balls that collide create a new ball with their combined color and that the original balls disappear. The other challenge was to make it look aesthetically pleasing. This is why I decided to add the blurred trails for the balls.


I also wanted to highlight that final result was inspired from my initial idea: red and blue balls combine to make a growing purple ball.

(click on screen)
This idea was inspired by the same anime character in my portrait from the first assignment.

Overall, I am satisfied with my final output. It might not be as unique as I wanted it to be since it was also inspired by previous assignments we did in class. However, it looks visually pleasing and was fun to make. I would like to improve the artwork by creating a pattern in the background using the combined colors.

Assignment #3 – Reading Response – Are All Interactions Interactive?

After reading this text, it seems to me that there are two views on interactivity. The first is the overused, underunderstood meaning of interaction or interactivity, which Crawford criticizes. In that definition, interactivity bases itself on the premise that any person or object coming into contact with another object forms an interaction. The “interactive” rug, for example, is fitting, because the child logically “interacts” with the rug. Yet, the rug doesn’t return anything. That is the same for the fallen tree. In fact, in those cases, humans act or react, but do not interact. The other meaning of interact, which Crawford defines, claims that both entities should “listen, think, and speak” (that is, literally or metaphorically). But even when the two entities are capable of doing so, it doesn’t mean that they are doing it well. So, can “bad” interactivity be disregarded as interactivity altogether? Though bad, doesn’t it warrant already that the interactivity is present?

Another point that follows is that of interactivity design. Based on the aforementioned definitions, it is interesting to think about the role of the interactive designer. The latter, in “interactivizing” their design, acts on a computer. But then, can that be called interaction? Or is the interaction merely the exchange between the viewer and the final design? I believe that in a lot of cases, yes, we can say that the designer creating the design forms an interaction with the computer, but are there cases in which one of the three components of interaction lack?