Week1: Self Portrait

The concept:
For this assignment, I tried to implement some dynamic functionality while keeping the design visually appealing. So, I implemented two backgrounds that basically reflects my two main areas of interest, coding and design. The design background is a display of randomly-oriented “Fady” texts of different colors. The other background follows the same idea but displaying binary number instead. Also, another indicator of my identity is the text written on the hoodie that also changes by switching between both roles. A viewer can switch between the two backgrounds by clicking the two buttons on both sides of my character.

A highlight I am proud of:
The most important part of my portrait is the possibility to switch between both backgrounds. So, I am proud of this part of code that where I used functions to implement my idea.

code screenshot

The Sketch:

Future improvements:
While I am proud of doing this kind of art, I find the face doesn’t look like mine. So, some future improvements or recommendations include re-creating a character that looks more like me.