Generative Artwork Bifrost

Concept and Inspiration

In this assignment we had to create a generative artwork using Object-Oriented Programming elements such as arrays and objects. In this project I tried to recreate the mythological rainbow bridge Bifrost.  In Norse mythology, the Bifröst (also known as the Bifrost Bridge or the Rainbow Bridge) is a bridge that connects the realm of the gods Asgard to the mortal world Midgard. The Bifröst is depicted as a rainbow bridge that shimmers and changes colors. The concept of the Bifröst has been influential in works of fiction, inspiring elements of magic and fantasy in various forms of media. I tried to create an immersive experience of traveling using this Bifröst bridge, and tried to depict how it would look like from inside.

Draft 1

First I created a white stars on black background with an immersive movement. After testing out various angles and parameters for speed and size I integrated rainbow background change and increased the speed.

Final Version

In this assignment I paid extra attention to the structure, clarity, and organization of my program. I made use of functions as needed to organize structure of my program and tried to assign meaningful names for variables.

Code of Project

var star = []; // array to store all the stars
var numOfStars = 200; // number of stars to be displayed
var speed = 8; // speed at which stars move
var backgroundHue = 0; // hue value for the background color

// the setup function is called once when the program starts
function setup() {
  createCanvas(600, 400); 
  for (var i = 0; i < numOfStars; i++) {
    star[i] = new Star(); // creates new instances of the Star object and adds them to the star array

// the draw function is called repeatedly until the program is stopped
function draw() {
  backgroundHue = (backgroundHue + 1) % 360; // updates the hue value for the background color
  background(backgroundHue, 100, 100); 
  for (var i = 0; i < numOfStars; i++) {
    star[i].update(); // updates the position of each star
    star[i].show(); // displays each star

// the Star object constructor
function Star() {
  this.x = random(0, width); 
  this.y = random(0, height); 
  this.z = random(0, width); // z-coordinate for the star (used for the 3D effect)
  this.h = random(0, 360); // hue value for the star color

  // updates the position of the star
  this.update = function () {
    this.z = this.z - speed; // reduces the z-coordinate to move the star towards the viewer
    if (this.z < 1) {
      this.z = width; // if the star goes off the screen, it reappears at the back
      this.x = random(0, width); // new x-coordinate
      this.y = random(0, height); // new y-coordinate
      this.h = random(0, 360); // new hue value

  // displays the star = function () {
    noStroke(); // removes the stroke around the star
    fill(this.h, 100, 100); 

    // calculates the x-coordinate and y-coordinate of the star on the screen
    var sx = map(this.x / this.z, 0, 1, 0, width);
    var sy = map(this.y / this.z, 0, 1, 0, height);

    // calculates the size of the star based on its z-coordinate
    var r = map(this.z, 0, width, 32, 0);
    ellipse(sx, sy, r, r); // draws the star as an ellipse

Challenges and Improvements

Creating a believable rainbow effect for the stars and the background can be challenging. It requires careful use of color gradients and blending modes to produce the desired visual effect. Another improvement can be made to star movement. Implementing realistic star movement can be difficult, especially when it comes to creating a 3D illusion on a 2D canvas. It’s important to carefully consider the equations used to move the stars, as well as the way they are drawn on the canvas



In this assignment we had to use our previous knowledge gained in class along with for() and while() loops to create a simple work of art. I decided to go with the for() loop and create some type of symmetrical work of art with some additional features as ability to change the background color by clicking the mouse and moving animation. This artwork is composed of a grid of black dots connected by white lines, which move with an oscillating animation and are framed by a changing background color.


This artwork explores the concept of symmetry and movement. The grid of black dots represents order and stability, while the moving white lines create an element of motion and energy. The constantly changing background color further emphasizes the sense of dynamism and highlights the symmetry of the artwork.

My initial in-class work was static and did not contain any kind of additional features as background change and movement of lines.

Draft 1

Highlight of some code

To create the basis if the artwork I first used for loop to create some symmetrical grid using small rectangles. The below code depicts the code:

for (x = m; x <= width - m; x += m) {
    for (y = m; y <= height - m; y += m) {
      rect(x - 1, y - 1, 3, 3);
      stroke(255, 100);

After creating the basis, I started to draw the lines connecting the rectangles from different coordinates. The lines move in a circular, oscillating pattern around the grid of black dots, creating an interesting visual effect. A highlight of some code that I am particularly proud of is this circular movement of lines in oscillating pattern utilizing  sin(frameCount / 20) * 20 and  cos(frameCount / 20) * 20.

// Symmetrical lines with animation
   line(x, y, width / 2 + sin(frameCount / 20) * 20, height / 2 + cos(frameCount / 20) * 20);
   line(x, y, width / 2 + sin(frameCount / 20) * 20, 0 + cos(frameCount / 20) * 20);
   line(x, y, 0 + sin(frameCount / 20) * 20, height / 2 + cos(frameCount / 20) * 20);
   line(x, y, width / 2 + sin(frameCount / 20) * 20, height + cos(frameCount / 20) * 20);
   line(x, y, width + sin(frameCount / 20) * 20, height / 2 + cos(frameCount / 20) * 20);


After some reflection on my project I identified couple of ideas for future improvement. Future improvements to this artwork could involve adding more elements to the grid of black dots, such as circles and other shapes, as well as introducing more colors to the background and adjusting the speed and intensity of the lines animation. Additionally, it could be interesting to experiment with different musical styles and incorporate sound into the artwork to further emphasize the sense of motion.

Homework-1 Self-portrait



In this assignment we had to create our self portrait using functionalities of p5.js that we learned during the class. The task was enjoyable as it involved manipulating various shapes to create a visually appealing and coherent composition.

I started by creating a rough sketch, focusing on my face as the starting point. Drawing the face, eyes, and nose was not difficult as they could be easily represented with an ellipse and triangle. I had some issues adjusting the parameters of the arc to create a smiling face. I figured out manipulation of Pi to get perfect arc for my mouth using below code:

arc(200,230, 50, 30, TWO_PI + QUARTER_PI, PI - QUARTER_PI); //smiling mouth


For the background I chose sunny Abu Dhabi weather and created a sun using ellipse and blue sky using background color. For me the challenging part of this assignment was creating the body and hair of the self portrait. I used rectMode(CENTER); to center the rectangles and created the neck before the face so that it won’t be overlapping the face.


rectMode(CENTER); //centering the rectangles
rect(200,280, 35, 40) //creating neck before face

rect(200,345, 120, 95) //creating the main body


For the hair I used arc function and new parameter OPEN to get the best result. It took a lot of time to figure out the PI angles and adjusting it to fit the face. The below code draws the hair:

arc(width/2, height/2, 120, 150, PI+.4, -.4, OPEN); //drawing the hair


At the end as a final touch of authenticity I recreated one of my hoodies with NYUAD sign and Class of 2025 text. Overall, it was an amazing experience!