Sense of Music – User Testing

Today I conducted the the alpha version user testing of my final project, and I was more than happy to hear the reaction and feedback. The person did not know anything about my project except for the fact that it was connected to music. The reaction and a small part of the feedback can be found in the video below.

First of all, I want to note that I have not finalized my final project yet as some laser cutting as well as connection fixing need to be done. Nevertheless, the core functions that represent my overall idea work as intended. My friend emphasized that the controls are quite intuitive and he enjoyed the process of exploration of what each of the controls stands for. Moreover, he managed to combine the effects in a way that even I have never tried, which is certainly a great thing because it shows that the project incentivizes user’s curiosity and interest.

The thing I will work on in the next couple of days is the signs written on the panel that will prompt the purpose of the controls, because my friend, although explored most of the functions, did not pay attention to one of them. I will try to find a balance so as not to make the explanations too heavy to leave room for exploration. I have also decided, thanks to a recommendation from my friend, to borrow a set of headphones from the equipment center and connect them to my laptop during the IM showcase to create a more ‘ambient’ experience around my project by fully connecting the users with the music and the visualizations on the screen.

Overall, I loved to hear that my project is especially perfect for people who like music because it is exactly what I kept in mind when I was coming up with this idea for my final project. Music enjoyers are my target audience, so I will do my best to finish the project as I see it, and, hopefully, give a chance to many people to test it during the IM showcase.

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