Control LED by light – Week 9

Control LED by light

I created a straightforward project demonstrating a simple light-activated switch using a photoresistor. A photoresistor, also known as a light-dependent resistor (LDR), changes its resistance based on the amount of light it receives. When it’s dark, the resistance is high; when it’s light, it is low.


  • Arduino Uno
  • Photoresistor
  • Resistor (10 kΩ)
  • LED
  • Resistor (330 Ω)
  • Jumper wires


  • Connect one leg of the photoresistor to the 5V pin of the Arduino and the other leg to a digital pin (e.g., pin 2) through a 10 kΩ resistor.
  • Connect the LED to another digital pin (e.g., pin 3) through a 330 Ω resistor.

Upload the following code to your Arduino:

int photo = A0;
int led = 7;

void setup() {
  pinMode(led, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
  int lightRaw = analogRead(photo);
  int light = map(lightRaw, 1023, 0, 10, 0);

  if (light < 6) {
    digitalWrite(led, HIGH);

  else {
    digitalWrite(led, LOW);

Future Developments

  • One potential future development for this project would be to create a more sophisticated light-activated switch that could be used in various applications. For example, the switch could turn on lights automatically when it gets dark or open and close doors or windows.
  • Another possibility would be integrating the switch into a more extensive system, such as a home automation system. This would allow users to control their lights and other devices with their smartphones or tablets.
  • Additionally, the switch could be made more user-friendly by adding features such as a dimmer switch or a timer. This would allow users to customize the switch’s behavior to suit their needs.
    Overall, this project has many potential future developments. With creativity and ingenuity, the light-activated switch could be used in various ways to make our lives easier and more convenient.I had a lot of fun with this assignment! It was really cool to see how a simple idea could be turned into a daily application that we can use to save electricity.

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