Week 11: Final Project Proposal


For the final project I wanted to do something with drawings and LEDs. So I went with the simple idea of transferring a drawing in p5Js to outputs in LED patterns. I will play around with what other features I could add such as adding colour, brightness (using the alpha in p5Js), gradients, and more.

The project is aimed at entertaining the user, through lightings and real-time feedback as they explore the potential of controlling LEDs through drawing something on the screen.


For the user input of the drawings, I will use p5Js and prompt the user to draw something onto the canvas, providing them with colour options. I am also exploring the idea of taking a real-time picture of them and showing their silhouettes through the LED patterns.

As for the physical LED pattern, I will be using Arduino to map the pixels onto their corresponding LED. It will not be a one-to-one mapping as it would take an absurd amount of LEDs otherwise. For the latter idea of a real-time picture, I am planning on roughly mapping their outlines onto the LED.

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