Midterm Game

Introduction: Inspiration
For this project, I wanted to build something simple but, at the same time, attractive to create. As children, my sister and I used to play this game called “Barbie bike stylin ride” so much that it was our favorite. So along with creating a game for my midterm project, I wanted to live those cute childhood memories and enjoy making this game.

This is a simple rescue game. So the game is called Romeo and Juliet. As the game suggestes the main character our Romeo has to pass through all the obstacles and reach his Julliet. The obstacle course is mainly a bike ride but I’m also thinking of implementing a flying mode as well.

Future implementations
For now the project is just in the initial phase and I have to implement the buttons for playing the game, and for the instructions. I am thinking of either having different levels or increasing the speed of the game as the time increases. So the score for the game will according to the highest time the player is able to stay in game.

Most Frightening part
The collision detection is the most difficult part so far according to me.

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