Week 12 Final Project Proposal

Finalized concept

In “The Heist,” players will be on a mission to crack a safe. Initially, I was contemplating a game related to an escape room, but I realized I needed to scale down the idea due to time constraints. Therefore, I opted for an aspect commonly found in escape rooms: a safe. Players will need to guess the correct digits based on hints to unlock the safe. In terms of technicality, when the game begins, Arduino receives a pre-determined three digit code from p5. This code is the key to unlocking the safe. A servo motor locks the safe box…lock function will set the servo to position 0 (lock position) & update locked status to true. Whereas the unlock function will set servo to position 90 (unlock position) and update locked status to false. Players will use a potentiometer to select digits ranging from 0 to 9. After choosing each digit, they press a button to confirm their selection. Further, the safe design will resemble a classic bank safe.

Arduino Program Description

1. Initializing Pins & Variables
– Assign pins for the servo, two buttons, and potentiometer. Specify the potentiometer’s pin and initialize its value, along with a boolean variable set to true and a digit variable to store potentiometer readings.
– Initialize the servo motor.

2. Loop Function
– Check conditions to determine whether to call the unlock or lock function.
– Read the state of the buttons and store it in a variable.
– Read the potentiometer’s value and map it to a digit between 0 and 9.
– Print the digit, button states (true/false), and the locked status (true/false) to the Serial Monitor.

3. Lock Function
– Set the servo to position 0 (locked position).
– Update the locked status to true.

4. Unlock Function
– Set the servo to position 90 (unlocked position).
– Update the locked status to false.

P5 Program Design


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