Final Project: Sizzling Steak


As a child, I played lots of Nintendo games. And one of my favorite games among various Nintendo games was Cooking Mama. Cooking Mama is a game that consists of cookery simulation-styled minigames. By successfully accomplishing each stage of the minigame, the user ends up making a nice-looking cuisine.  Inspired by this game, I would like to create a game called “Sizzling Steak” where the user cooks a steak through three stages. The three stages that consist this game are the following: 

Buying ingredients from the Supermarket: 

In this stage, there would be obstacles and ingredients coming towards the user. By jumping using the button switch, the user should avoid the obstacles and collect the necessary ingredients. Once the user was able to collect 10 necessary ingredients, the stage will successfully end and move to the next stage. However, if the user was not able to successfully avoid the obstacles, the user would have to restart the stage. 

Putting the steak on the grill and cooking it:

In this stage, the user can control the fire intensity using the potentiometer. According to the fire intensity that the user chose, the flip time may be faster or slower. Once it is time to flip, the p5.js will send a signal to the arduino and it will lit up a LED light.  The user would have to flip the steak using the button switch. Here, the user has to flip as fast as she/he can. If the user pressed the button too late, the game would end. The user has to flip around 3-5 times perfectly to successfully end the stage and move to the next stage.

Putting the sauce on the steak: 

In the final stage, the user should squeeze the right amount of sauce on the steak. Here, a flex sensor will be utilized to measure the amount of sauce. The flex sensor will be inserted into a plastic sauce bottle. So, the user will have to squeeze the sauce bottle to play this game. If the user squeezes the bottle too much, there will be too much sauce placed and the user will fail the mission. The goal of this game is to squeeze the bottle with the right pressure and have the right amount of sauce. 

Inspirational images from Cooking Mama: 

Progress so far

So far, I have worked on the game logic of each stage of the game in three separate p5.js sketches. I didn’t put the game-ending conditions yet. 

Here are the links to the sketches: 

Stage 1:

Stage 2:

Stage 3:


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