Week 11 – Final Project Proposal


This project involves building a radar system using an Arduino, an ultrasonic sensor, and a joystick or buttons for control. The sensor data will be sent to p5.js, which will visualize the readings on a radar-like display, allowing you to detect objects in the surrounding environment.


  • Arduino: Controls the ultrasonic sensor and reads input from the joystick/ buttons.
  • Ultrasonic Sensor: Emits ultrasonic pulses and measures the time it takes for the echo to return, determining the distance to objects.
  • Joystick/Buttons: Provides input for controlling the servo motor that rotates the ultrasonic sensor.
  • Servo Motor: Rotates the ultrasonic sensor to scan the environment.
  • Computer with p5.js: Receives data from the Arduino and generates the radar visualization.


  1. Hardware Setup:
    • Connect the ultrasonic sensor to the Arduino.
    • Connect the servo motor to the Arduino.
    • Connect the joystick/buttons to the Arduino.
  2. Arduino Code:
    • Initialize the sensor, servo, and joystick/buttons.
    • In the loop function:
      • Read the joystick/button values to determine the desired rotation angle for the servo.
      • Rotate the servo to the specified angle.
      • Trigger the ultrasonic sensor and measure the distance to the nearest object.
      • Send the distance and angle data to the computer via serial communication.
      • Ensure wires connecting the sensor cannot get tangled.
  3. p5.js Sketch:
    • Establish serial communication with the Arduino.
    • Receive distance and angle data from the Arduino.
    • Create a radar-like display:
      • Draw a circular background representing the scanning area.
      • Convert the distance and angle data to Cartesian coordinates (x, y) on the display.
      • Draw points or shapes at the calculated coordinates to represent the detected objects.
      • Implement features like:
        • Different colors or sizes for objects based on distance.
        • Trail effect to visualize the movement of objects.
        • Numerical distance display.

Possible Additional Features:

  • Multiple Sensors: Use multiple ultrasonic sensors for wider coverage.
  • Sound Effects: Play beeps or tones that vary in pitch or frequency based on the distance to objects.
  • Object Tracking: Implement an algorithm to track the movement of objects over time.

Challenges and Considerations:

  • Sensor Accuracy and Noise: Ultrasonic sensors can be affected by environmental factors and may require calibration.
  • Visualization Design: Create a clear and intuitive radar display that effectively represents the sensor data.

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