Week 11 reading: A brief rant on the future of interactive design

I always hear rants all about the future of technology, how it’s not the best for the coming generations. Nonetheless, this is the first time I come across an article that has such good arguments on this matter. The writer explicitly and very intricately shows us the objects that require the use of our hands. I found it impressive how he is so aware of the tactile sense, how our hands respond to each object with every movement. This would not be present when everything is within a tap or a swipe of a finger. While the writer makes valid points about this topic, I still don’t see how some of these objects will be replaced by technology in the future, such as opening a jar or drinking water.

While “Pictures under Glass” looks cool and all, I see why the writer is not happy with it. As shown in the video and the images below it, it seems too much, as if it is controlling people’s lives. It’s nice to have everything very easily accessible like that, but will become very disappointing once people forget how to do simplest things, like tying shoelaces.

Overall, I agree with almost everything that was mentioned in this article. We all use phones/laptops/other technologies in our daily lives and cannot imagine what today would look like without them. As the writer said, an iPad or an iPhone is not too bad for now, but will definitely be something to worry about in the future when they start to take over everything.

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