Week 9: Chin Up (Unusual switch)

For this assignment, I wanted to create an unusual switch that didn’t use my arms or legs. I thought about different body parts and the next best part for me was my chin. I was then thinking of different conductors to complete the circuit and while I was eating at Indian By Nature, I realized I could use the aluminum foil.

The rest of the circuit was straightforward to create. The switch is created by having two pieces of paper that pop up from each other, to which I stuck some aluminum foil on either side, under which each jumper wire is inserted.



Overall, I am happy with the outcome. It’s nice to see the LED light up after being uncertain if it was going to work or not. Whenever I was struggling in between to get things to stay in place and work, all I had to say to myself was chin up!:)

I would like to further improve my project by adding different “pedals” for different body parts and connect them to separate LEDs.

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