Assignment #5 – Unusual Switch (Unconventional mask) by Marcos Hernández


For this week assignment, I have been thinking in how to properly implement it. I was thinking in using water, but none of the ideas that came into my mind were fun for me. I also think of using my eyes, but it was too uncomfortable, then I thought about the materials I had in my dorm, and I got reminded of the mask I have.

Not only that, but I have to admit that I generally do not come up with a plan, almost everything I do is spontaneous in a way. Therefore, following this methodology, I grabbed my mask and started in thinking in ways I can accomplish this task.


    • A 330-ohm resistor.
    • 1 LED light (in this case is red).
    • A breadboard.
    • One red and two black jumper wires.
    • An Arduino board with a 5V and GND output.
    • A mask.
    • Cooper.
    • Tape.
    • Glue.
    • Something to hold the mask in a place.


I needed to set up my Arduino first since, obviously, there would not be any result if it was not properly set up. Therefore, I created the basic connection that consisted in outputting 5V and GND with the use of the jumper wires, although only the red jumper wire was connected. The two black jumper wires were partially connected in order to create the bridge with the use of a conductive material; in this case, cooper.

The mask needs to be prepared in the following way, with the use of cooper and tape:

Also, make sure that the cooper not only is held with tape on the mask, but that the cooper is long enough to paste the male connections of the jumper wires.

Once everything was connected to the breadboard. A resistor was placed in order to receive the positive connection to send to the red LED, and the male connections of the black jumper wires were glued into the loose cooper:

As for the way to create the bridge, there are several ways in which you can approach this. The idea here is to put on the mask without relying on the hands, and for this, I first I made sure that the mask was sitting in one place with the help of a base (in my case, my lamp). Following this, I taped my nose with some cooper in order that, once I put my face into the mask, the taped cooper on my nose would create the bridge and light up the red LED.


Observe the following video to see how it operates:


I am new to the world of Arduino, and while this is not the most elaborate work, I had fun making it. Yes, not using my hands limited my possibilities, but this comes at the benefit of actually trying to be even more creative. I am curious to see what are the next projects in the course, since I have seen some videos involving this device, although most of them were at the software level; the hardware level is a bit unknown for me.

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