Week 4 — Reading Reflection: Don Norman’s Ch1

I personally found Don Norman’s view on the design world and its rules valid. The main goal of a designer is to find innovative creative ways to make designs easier to use and efficient, so when something as simple as how to open a door gets too complicated I too would write about it.

What makes a good design is the level of how fast users understand how it works. However, nowadays Norman argues that as technology is developing design must play a role in easing the interaction between technology and people. This idea hits close to home, in every family gathering I am the designated technology expert whenever my grandparents want to post something on instagram or update their facebook status, it would be nice if these platforms would measure user experience and user feedback — which was also a principle of design that Norman wrote about. This issues of technology not being inclusive to those of older generations must be addressed because it is a global issues.

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