user testing

I just finished the prototype, so I haven’t added the sand on top of the platform yet. I’ll just add the sand on the day of the showcase.

I asked my friends to try it out, and I think they liked it (refer to the video above). I just told them how to control the robot (with arrow keys for now, just for testing, even though I have the mouse interaction already programmed). I think if I could incorporate a joystick in the project, it would really come together, and also its use would be very intuitive. But without mouse/keyboard input, there wouldn’t be any use for p5.js, so I had to keep it the way it is now.

Sometimes they would drive the ball off the edge of the platform, and so they suggested adding edges to the platform. I think the edges are important anyway because there’s going to be sand, and without edges the sand will just be everywhere.

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