Rekas & Boamah-Powers: Ab3n


Back home, we usually play the trumpet, but when we came to the UAE, we couldn’t find any trumpets. So, we decided to create our own – an electronic trumpet. It works by using a light sensor for the blowing effect and regular buttons for playing the notes. The sound comes out from a speaker. Simple as that!

The circuit diagram looks a bit messy but it works 🙂

Circuit Diagram:


#include "pitches.h"

//set the pins for the button, buzzer, and photoresistor
int firstKeyPin = 13;
int secondKeyPin = 12;
int thirdKeyPin = 11;
int buzzerPin = 9;
int blow = A2;

// variables regulate when value is read
const long interval = 200;  
unsigned long previousMillis = 0;
int blowVal;

void setup() {

  //set the button pins as inputs
  pinMode(firstKeyPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(secondKeyPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(thirdKeyPin, INPUT_PULLUP);

  //set the buzzer pin as an output
  pinMode(buzzerPin, OUTPUT);

  // reads value on setup to avoid later error
  blowVal = analogRead(blow);

void loop() {

  // reads current time
  unsigned long currentMillis = millis();

  // checks if specified duration has passed
  if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= interval) {
    // updates time since value was read from sensor
    previousMillis = currentMillis;

    // reads value from sensor
    blowVal = analogRead(blow);


  // conditions to play specific notes
  if (blowVal <= 350) {
    if ((digitalRead(firstKeyPin) == HIGH) && (digitalRead(secondKeyPin) == HIGH) && (digitalRead(thirdKeyPin) == HIGH)) {
      tone(buzzerPin, NOTE_F3); 

    if ((digitalRead(firstKeyPin) == LOW) && (digitalRead(secondKeyPin) == HIGH) && (digitalRead(thirdKeyPin) == LOW)) {
      tone(buzzerPin, NOTE_G3); 

    if ((digitalRead(firstKeyPin) == LOW) && (digitalRead(secondKeyPin) == LOW) && (digitalRead(thirdKeyPin) == HIGH)) {
      tone(buzzerPin, NOTE_A3); 

    if ((digitalRead(firstKeyPin) == LOW) && (digitalRead(secondKeyPin) == HIGH) && (digitalRead(thirdKeyPin) == HIGH)) {
      tone(buzzerPin, NOTE_AS3); 

  if (blowVal > 350) {
    if ((digitalRead(firstKeyPin) == HIGH) && (digitalRead(secondKeyPin) == HIGH) && (digitalRead(thirdKeyPin) == HIGH)) {
      tone(buzzerPin, NOTE_C4); 

    if ((digitalRead(firstKeyPin) == LOW) && (digitalRead(secondKeyPin) == LOW) && (digitalRead(thirdKeyPin) == HIGH)) {
      tone(buzzerPin, NOTE_D4); 

    if ((digitalRead(firstKeyPin) == HIGH) && (digitalRead(secondKeyPin) == LOW) && (digitalRead(thirdKeyPin) == HIGH)) {
      tone(buzzerPin, NOTE_E4); 

    if ((digitalRead(firstKeyPin) == LOW) && (digitalRead(secondKeyPin) == HIGH) && (digitalRead(thirdKeyPin) == HIGH)) {
      tone(buzzerPin, NOTE_AS3); 

    if ((digitalRead(firstKeyPin) == HIGH) && (digitalRead(secondKeyPin) == HIGH) && (digitalRead(thirdKeyPin) == LOW)) {
      tone(buzzerPin, NOTE_F4); 



The light sensor passes value to the blowVal variable which uses either a high blow effect or a low blow effect. The part of the code that was a bit difficult for us was preventing unstable behavior we get in between the low blow and the high blow.  To solve this we used millis() to cause a frameRate reduction effect as used in p5 when reading the blow value.


Thank you!

Rekas & Boamah-Powers: Ab3n


Back home, we usually play the trumpet, but when we came to the UAE, we couldn’t find any trumpets. So, we decided to create our own – an electronic trumpet. It works by using a light sensor for the blowing effect and regular buttons for playing the notes. The sound comes out from a speaker. Simple as that!

The circuit diagram looks a bit messy but it works 🙂

#include "pitches.h"

//set the pins for the button, buzzer, and photoresistor
int firstKeyPin = 13;
int secondKeyPin = 12;
int thirdKeyPin = 11;
int buzzerPin = 9;
int blow = A2;

// variables regulate when value is read
const long interval = 200;  
unsigned long previousMillis = 0;
int blowVal;

void setup() {

  //set the button pins as inputs
  pinMode(firstKeyPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(secondKeyPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(thirdKeyPin, INPUT_PULLUP);

  //set the buzzer pin as an output
  pinMode(buzzerPin, OUTPUT);

  // reads value on setup to avoid later error
  blowVal = analogRead(blow);

void loop() {

  // reads current time
  unsigned long currentMillis = millis();

  // checks if specified duration has passed
  if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= interval) {
    // updates time since value was read from sensor
    previousMillis = currentMillis;

    // reads value from sensor
    blowVal = analogRead(blow);


  // conditions to play specific notes
  if (blowVal <= 350) {
    if ((digitalRead(firstKeyPin) == HIGH) && (digitalRead(secondKeyPin) == HIGH) && (digitalRead(thirdKeyPin) == HIGH)) {
      tone(buzzerPin, NOTE_F3); 

    if ((digitalRead(firstKeyPin) == LOW) && (digitalRead(secondKeyPin) == HIGH) && (digitalRead(thirdKeyPin) == LOW)) {
      tone(buzzerPin, NOTE_G3); 

    if ((digitalRead(firstKeyPin) == LOW) && (digitalRead(secondKeyPin) == LOW) && (digitalRead(thirdKeyPin) == HIGH)) {
      tone(buzzerPin, NOTE_A3); 

    if ((digitalRead(firstKeyPin) == LOW) && (digitalRead(secondKeyPin) == HIGH) && (digitalRead(thirdKeyPin) == HIGH)) {
      tone(buzzerPin, NOTE_AS3); 

  if (blowVal > 350) {
    if ((digitalRead(firstKeyPin) == HIGH) && (digitalRead(secondKeyPin) == HIGH) && (digitalRead(thirdKeyPin) == HIGH)) {
      tone(buzzerPin, NOTE_C4); 

    if ((digitalRead(firstKeyPin) == LOW) && (digitalRead(secondKeyPin) == LOW) && (digitalRead(thirdKeyPin) == HIGH)) {
      tone(buzzerPin, NOTE_D4); 

    if ((digitalRead(firstKeyPin) == HIGH) && (digitalRead(secondKeyPin) == LOW) && (digitalRead(thirdKeyPin) == HIGH)) {
      tone(buzzerPin, NOTE_E4); 

    if ((digitalRead(firstKeyPin) == LOW) && (digitalRead(secondKeyPin) == HIGH) && (digitalRead(thirdKeyPin) == HIGH)) {
      tone(buzzerPin, NOTE_AS3); 

    if ((digitalRead(firstKeyPin) == HIGH) && (digitalRead(secondKeyPin) == HIGH) && (digitalRead(thirdKeyPin) == LOW)) {
      tone(buzzerPin, NOTE_F4); 


Week 10: Team Project

<How To Make an Instrument>

My Arduino project combines an ultrasonic distance measurement sensor, a switch button, and a buzzer to create an interactive instrument. The ultrasonic sensor, consisting of a trig pin (connected to pin 10) and an echo pin (connected to pin 11), is utilized to measure the distance between the sensor and an object. The setup initializes the pins and sets up serial communication. In the loop function, the sensor is triggered to emit ultrasonic waves, and the duration of the wave’s round trip is measured. The distance is then calculated in centimeters based on the speed of sound. Additionally, a switch button connected to analog pin A0 turns on the music when I press the switch button.


int trig = 10;
int echo = 11;
long duration;
long distance;
int switch;

void setup() {
  pinMode(echo, INPUT);

  pinMode(trig, OUTPUT);


void loop() {
  digitalWrite(trig, LOW); //triggers on/off and then reads data
  digitalWrite(trig, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(trig, LOW);
  duration = pulseIn(echo, HIGH);
  distance = (duration / 2) * .0344;    //344 m/s = speed of sound. We're converting into cm

  int notes[7] = {261, 294, 329, 349, 392, 440, 494}; //Putting several notes in an array
  //          mid C  D   E   F   G   A   B

  switch = analogRead(A0); //defining switch as digital button

  if (distance < 0 || distance > 50 || force < 100) { //if not presed and not in front

    noTone(12); //dont play music


  else if ((force > 100)) {  //if pressed

    int sound = map(distance, 0, 50, 0, 6);  //map distance to the array of notes
    tone(12, notes[sound]);  //call a certain note depending on distance




The musical aspect of the project involves an array of seven notes, representing the musical scale from mid-C to B. When the conditions are met (distance within a certain range and sufficient force applied), the distance is mapped to an index in the notes array. The corresponding note is then played using the tone function on pin 12. The project incorporates conditional statements to determine when to play a note and when to remain silent, providing an interactive experience where the user can generate musical tones by manipulating the distance and switch parameters.


I used this video to learn about the distance sensor and the tips to make a code for the music notes. To enhance my project, consider implementing error handling for the distance measurements, such as checking for valid sensor readings or outliers. I believe that adding comments to clarify the purpose of specific code sections can improve code readability, making it easier for others to understand the logic behind each step. Additionally, I want to incorporate debounce mechanisms for the switch button to prevent false triggers. Experimenting with different musical scales or incorporating dynamic melodies based on changing sensor inputs could add depth and creativity to the musical aspect of my project.

week10.assignment – Creative Musical Instrument


For this group assignment, Shahd and I thought deeply about all the possibilities, and frankly, it was difficult to decide what to create. Nevertheless, after having a general idea of what sensors and switches we would like to implement into the project, we decided to create a “digital nature” musical instrument. Specifically, we decided to use photoresistors to measure the amount of light that was reaching our artificial flowers. If a flower is covered with a shadow, the instrument emits a lower-tone note. Adversely, if the flower were lit up with a flashlight or an LED, it would play a higher-pitched note through the piezo buzzer. We decided that the instrument would be controlled by a bee made out of cardboard on a stick that would land on the flowers and emit the “buzz.” However, during the creation of the instrument, another idea struck us, and we decided to add another way to control the instrument. For this, we decided to use the ultrasonic distance measuring sensor and make it play an octave of notes, depending on how close you place your hand, in intervals of three centimeters.


We began by constructing a basic circuit using just one photoresistor and the Piezo buzzer to see if our idea was going to work well or not. After numerous attempts to debug the code, we realized that the buzzer was not connected properly to the pin that was supposed to output the sound, so our main issue was solved. We proceeded to add an additional three photoresistors, four total, and I decided to extend their heights by soldering solid core wires to the “legs” of the sensor, varying their heights. Soon, we decided to add a toggle switch, which would transition into the second phase of the instrument, the distance sensor. Ultimately, the code was quite simple and used a variety of if conditions to control each sensor and the respective outputs sent to the Piezo. The code and video of the working instrument are below.

#include "pitches.h"

const int BUZZER = 8;
const int ECHO_PIN = 9;
const int TRIG_PIN = 10;
const int FLOWER1 = A0;
const int FLOWER2 = A1;
const int FLOWER3 = A2;
const int FLOWER4 = A3;
const int SWITCH = A5;
int flowerSound = 0;
int LED=2;
long duration = 100;

int DARK_THR = 600;

void setup() {
  // initialize serial communication at 9600 bits per second:
  pinMode(FLOWER1, INPUT);
  pinMode(FLOWER2, INPUT);
  pinMode(FLOWER3, INPUT);
  pinMode(FLOWER4, INPUT);
  pinMode(BUZZER, OUTPUT);  
  pinMode(ECHO_PIN, INPUT);    // echo pin measure the duration of pulses coming back from the distance sensor
  pinMode(TRIG_PIN, OUTPUT);   // trigger pin output pulses of electricity

void loop() {
  int flower1 = analogRead(FLOWER1);
  delay(1);  // delay in between reads for stability
  int flower2 = analogRead(FLOWER2);
  delay(1);  // delay in between reads for stability
  int flower3 = analogRead(FLOWER3);
  delay(1);  // delay in between reads for stability
  int flower4 = analogRead(FLOWER4);
  delay(1);  // delay in between reads for stability
  int switchOn = digitalRead(SWITCH);
  delay(1);  // delay in between reads for stability

  // Serial.println(switchOn);  ///debugging

  if (switchOn) {
    //dark sensor = lower notes
    if (flower1 <= DARK_THR) {
      tone(BUZZER, NOTE_C3, duration);
    } else if (flower2 <= DARK_THR) {
      tone(BUZZER, NOTE_D3, duration);
    } else if (flower3 <= DARK_THR) {
      tone(BUZZER, NOTE_E3, duration);
    } else if (flower4 <= DARK_THR) {
      tone(BUZZER, NOTE_F3, duration);

    //bright sensor = higher notes
    } else if (flower1 >= 850) {
      tone(BUZZER, NOTE_G3, duration);
    } else if (flower2 >= 850) {
      tone(BUZZER, NOTE_A3, duration);
    } else if (flower3 >= 850) {
      tone(BUZZER, NOTE_B3, duration);
    } else if (flower4 >= 850) {
      tone(BUZZER, NOTE_C4, duration);
    } else {         
  } else { // if switch is changed to distance sensor
    int distance = getDistance();
    if (1 < distance && distance < 3) {
      tone(BUZZER, NOTE_C4);
    } else if (3 < distance && distance < 6) {
      tone(BUZZER, NOTE_D4);
    } else if (6 < distance && distance < 9) {
      tone(BUZZER, NOTE_E4);
    } else if (9 < distance && distance < 12) {
      tone(BUZZER, NOTE_F4);
    } else if (12 < distance && distance < 15) {
      tone(BUZZER, NOTE_G4);
    } else if (15 < distance && distance < 18) {
      tone(BUZZER, NOTE_A4);
    } else if (18 < distance && distance < 21) {
      tone(BUZZER, NOTE_B4);
    } else {

float getDistance() {
  float echoTime;                   //variable to store the time it takes for a ping to bounce off an object
  float calculatedDistance;         //variable to store the distance calculated from the echo time

  //send out an ultrasonic pulse that's 10ms long
  digitalWrite(TRIG_PIN, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(TRIG_PIN, LOW);

  echoTime = pulseIn(ECHO_PIN, HIGH);      //pulsein command to see how long it takes for pulse to bounce back to sensor
  calculatedDistance = echoTime / 55.2;    //calculate  distance of object that reflected the pulse in cm 
  return calculatedDistance;  

Ultimately, I enjoyed working on this assignment and believe that our project / musical instrument was successful in accomplishing the tasks that we wanted it to do. Nevertheless, there is much room for improvement. From a visual standpoint, a variety of different improvements could be made. For instance, creating an enclosure for the wires, Arduino, and breadboard leaving only the flowers, switch, and distance sensor for view. This would allow for the instrument to be more visually appealing. Additionally, instead of the Piezo buzzer, we could use a speaker for generating the notes more clearly, and perhaps the switch could make different types of notes (piano and guitar, etc…). There could also be a different approach in which two people can play the instrument simultaneously, but that would require 2 speakers and more complexities.

Music Instrument


I think it was a challenge for us to find an idea for this project. Alex and I shared some videos of cool musical instruments with one another. We also tried to brainstorm some ideas and think of how to do it. We wanted to do something interesting, and creative. After a series of discussions, we finally decided to make a flower and bee instrument. This instrument plays different sounds if the bee comes to a flower, or if sunlight is pointed at a flower. Also, it plays sound when the bee is going to the flower. We did this by making a circuit that had a toggle switch, an LED, four light sensors, one distance sensor, and a piezo buzzer. Would it be cool if one could hear sounds emitted by a flower under different conditions?

Our instrument makes different notes with the interaction between the flower, bee, and light, which I like to think of as a musical narrative that delves into the natural world.


 We began by assembling the circuit and making the flower, bees, and light source.

It was confusing to make the circuit, but it worked out fine in the end. We decided to add a toggle switch to move from the distance sensor to the light sensor, this enhanced the user experience by allowing them to transition between the distance sensor and the light sensors. The light sensor and the distance sensor add different interactive experiences for the user, which I think engages them more.

#include "pitches.h"

const int BUZZER = 8;
const int ECHO_PIN = 9;
const int TRIG_PIN = 10;
const int FLOWER1 = A0;
const int FLOWER2 = A1;
const int FLOWER3 = A2;
const int FLOWER4 = A3;
const int SWITCH = A5;
int flowerSound = 0;
int LED=2;
long duration = 100;

int DARK_THR = 600;

void setup() {
  // initialize serial communication at 9600 bits per second:
  pinMode(FLOWER1, INPUT);
  pinMode(FLOWER2, INPUT);
  pinMode(FLOWER3, INPUT);
  pinMode(FLOWER4, INPUT);
  pinMode(BUZZER, OUTPUT);  
  pinMode(ECHO_PIN, INPUT);    // echo pin measure the duration of pulses coming back from the distance sensor
  pinMode(TRIG_PIN, OUTPUT);   // trigger pin output pulses of electricity

void loop() {
  int flower1 = analogRead(FLOWER1);
  delay(1);  // delay in between reads for stability
  int flower2 = analogRead(FLOWER2);
  delay(1);  // delay in between reads for stability
  int flower3 = analogRead(FLOWER3);
  delay(1);  // delay in between reads for stability
  int flower4 = analogRead(FLOWER4);
  delay(1);  // delay in between reads for stability
  int switchOn = digitalRead(SWITCH);
  delay(1);  // delay in between reads for stability

  // Serial.println(switchOn);  ///debugging

  if (switchOn) {
    //dark sensor = lower notes
    if (flower1 <= DARK_THR) {
      tone(BUZZER, NOTE_C3, duration);
    } else if (flower2 <= DARK_THR) {
      tone(BUZZER, NOTE_D3, duration);
    } else if (flower3 <= DARK_THR) {
      tone(BUZZER, NOTE_E3, duration);
    } else if (flower4 <= DARK_THR) {
      tone(BUZZER, NOTE_F3, duration);

    //bright sensor = higher notes
    } else if (flower1 >= 850) {
      tone(BUZZER, NOTE_G3, duration);
    } else if (flower2 >= 850) {
      tone(BUZZER, NOTE_A3, duration);
    } else if (flower3 >= 850) {
      tone(BUZZER, NOTE_B3, duration);
    } else if (flower4 >= 850) {
      tone(BUZZER, NOTE_C4, duration);
    } else {         
  } else { // if switch is changed to distance sensor
    int distance = getDistance();
    if (1 < distance && distance < 3) {
      tone(BUZZER, NOTE_C4);
    } else if (3 < distance && distance < 6) {
      tone(BUZZER, NOTE_D4);
    } else if (6 < distance && distance < 9) {
      tone(BUZZER, NOTE_E4);
    } else if (9 < distance && distance < 12) {
      tone(BUZZER, NOTE_F4);
    } else if (12 < distance && distance < 15) {
      tone(BUZZER, NOTE_G4);
    } else if (15 < distance && distance < 18) {
      tone(BUZZER, NOTE_A4);
    } else if (18 < distance && distance < 21) {
      tone(BUZZER, NOTE_B4);
    } else {

float getDistance() {
  float echoTime;                   //variable to store the time it takes for a ping to bounce off an object
  float calculatedDistance;         //variable to store the distance calculated from the echo time

  //send out an ultrasonic pulse that's 10ms long
  digitalWrite(TRIG_PIN, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(TRIG_PIN, LOW);

  echoTime = pulseIn(ECHO_PIN, HIGH);      //pulsein command to see how long it takes for pulse to bounce back to sensor
  calculatedDistance = echoTime / 55.2;    //calculate  distance of object that reflected the pulse in cm 
  return calculatedDistance;  


The code was simple, we created a nested if condition so that when the switch is on the light sensors (the flowers) would play different notes. The notes change in pitch from low to high depending on whether the bee is on the flower of the light source. Then when the switch is off we move to the distance sensor where the bee moves displaying different sounds. These notes are played with a difference of 3cm in distance. For the distance sensor, we play a whole octave of notes.


 Reflection and Future Improvements:

 I enjoyed making this assignment, but I believe there is room for improvement. There is much more that can be done and improved so that the sound is clearer, and the instrument is more interesting. It would be cool if it were a dual-player instrument, which means that the distance sensor and the light sensor play the sounds at the same time. It is a little more complicated to do and would need more time. On the aesthetics aspect, canceling all the wires in a box would be neater, and safer for users, thus providing an appealing look. I believe there is space to enhance this project in terms of functionality and look; however, this project was a challenge technically but sparked our imagination.

Elora and Saiki Rave Bot: This Hits Hard On Mute

The Final Project:

Saiki and I decided to make a rave bot. It looks like this:

And here is our video.

The Process:

We didn’t really know what to expect going into it. We knew we wanted to make a theramin with an ultrasonic sensor, so we started from there. We tackled the breadboard first. And we ended up with:

First, we connected the sensor, the speaker, and the potentiometer, which controlled the volume. Then, to add the digital component, we added a button and the changing LED light into the mix. If you press the button, the LED starts looking like a strobe light. There ended up being a lot more wires than I expected. See below:

Which brings me to my favorite and most challenging part of the code. The entire code is on Saiki’s post since we coded everything on his laptop. But I took a screenshot.

We kept fiddling with the ‘if’ values until we got the effect we wanted. After all that, we put the circuit into a box and started spray painting everything to get that graffiti rave effect. All in all, this was a super fun project. Honestly, the sounds the speaker was making doesn’t sound that different from the noise music scene today. I came away feeling proud of what we accomplished.

week 10: Reflection

I agree with Bret Victor about how our hands are essential for interacting with things. He talks about the problems with the “Picture Under Glass” idea, where we use our hands to touch a flat screen. But I think things have changed now because of new technologies like augmented reality, virtual reality, and haptic (touch) devices. While touchscreens are good, we shouldn’t only depend on them. We should look into new ways that make using computers feel more natural and easy, like haptic feedback. This can make our computer interactions more exciting.  Just think about being able to feel the texture of something in a virtual world or moving it around with your hands – when you think about it , how is that even possible? there’s a million of “how’s?” in my head but i guess we will wait and see. Instead of picking just one way, we should try to use different ways together to make the computer experience the best it can be. Combining touch, voice, and visuals can give us the most amazing and easy way to use computers all over.

Week 10 – Musical Instrument

Cat Composer

By Sneheel & Angela


While working on this project, we went over several ideas on how we would make an instrument. One thing we discovered in our ideation process was that both of us had previously made projects that centrally involved cats. Thus, with some more tinkering around – we came up with “The Cat Composer”! The Cat Composer is an all in one musical instrument that can play a variety of simple tunes such as “Hot Cross Buns” and “Mary Had a Little Lamb”. It consists of 2 switches to control 2 beat-making servo motors, a distance sensor to control the notes (C, D, E, and G), and a turning potentiometer to toggle between octaves. Additionally, we incorporated a speaker from the IM Lab inventory to make a better sound than the provided buzzer. This instrument is best played with two people, one to play percussion/toggle between octaves, and one to play the notes.

However, with a bit of practice it is completely possible to play it by oneself! Note: In order for the distance sensor to receive a steady input and play the correct notes, it is best to play not with one’s hands, but with a larger piece of material.

Demonstration Video

Code & Highlights:

The toughest part in the coding process was to ensure that the distance sensor worked exactly as we intended. For example, an issue that we ran into early was the abrupt changing of tune at the border values. Since the sensor isn’t accurate to the exact cm. It would then fluctuate between two tunes. We corrected this by instead using a 5-value moving average. This makes transitions significantly smoother (and the experience much more enjoyable!!)

unsigned int measureDistance() {
  const int numReadings = 5;  // Number of readings to average
  const int maxChange = 150;   // Maximum acceptable change in cm between readings
  static unsigned int lastAverage = 0;  // Store the last valid average distance
  unsigned long totalDuration = 0;

  for (int i = 0; i < numReadings; i++) {
    digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
    digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);

    totalDuration += pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);
    delay(10); // Short delay between readings

  unsigned int currentAverage = (totalDuration / numReadings) * 0.034 / 2;

  // Check if the change from the last average is within the expected range
  if (abs((int)currentAverage - (int)lastAverage) <= maxChange || lastAverage == 0) {
    lastAverage = currentAverage;  // Update the last valid average
    return currentAverage;
  } else {
    return lastAverage;  // Return the last valid average if the current reading is an outlier

Room for improvement:

We can improve our project significantly given more time!

Firstly, we would love the diversify the sounds our project can generate. In our research we discovered that instead of simply using tone() we could perhaps use some other sound generating function. We would love to try this!

Regarding the hardware implementation, the provided potentiometer is too hard to turn and often messes with the wiring. Instead we would love to use a better/larger potentiometer that allows us better access.

Similarly, another change we would like to do is to use a single Arduino Board and breadboard rather than our current 2 board solution. This will make the project more cohesive. Even though this seems easy enough to implement, we let our current design be as of now to simplify our approach.

Lastly, the ultrasonic distance sensor often gives outlier readings. As discussed in the highlight section, we tried our best to resolve this issue, however it still persists. We have some more ideas to remedy this. But we believe that given the scope of this project this was unnecessary. However, we would love to do this in the future.

Week 10: Reading Response

“My child can’t tie his shoelaces, but can use the iPad.”

I would like to write about the problem of using touch screens starting from the young generation these days. In the passage, the interesting part for me was that ” A child can’t understand Hamlet, but can understand Cat In The Hat. Yet, it’s Shakespeare, not Dr. Seuss, who is the centerpiece of our culture’s literature.” Today, tools that are dumbed down for children’s minds or children’s bodies are called “toys”. The younger generation using iPads more than books comes with a few concerns. Firstly, reading on screens might not be as good for understanding as reading from a real book. Also, the quick and fun stuff on iPads can make kids want more instant rewards, possibly leading to addiction-like behavior. iPads can make it easy to switch between apps and do many things at once, which could make it hard for kids to focus. The lack of a real, hands-on experience with books means missing out on a unique way of learning. Lastly, relying too much on iPads might limit kids from experiencing different things. I believe it is important to find a balance between screen time and other activities for healthier development.

Thus, to solve this kind of problem coming from touch screens, creating brain interfaces for kids should focus on making learning fun and balanced. These programs should help with reading, thinking, and problem-solving, while also making sure kids don’t spend too much time on screens. It’s important to give rewards in a fair way, so kids feel good about their achievements without getting too hooked. Making the programs interactive and including things to see and hear can make learning more exciting. Encouraging movement and using different senses is also good for helping kids develop important skills. These programs should cover a lot of different subjects and work together with teachers to make sure they’re helpful for learning. Parents should be able to check on what their kids are doing and guide them, making sure they use the programs responsibly. And most importantly, these programs should be for everyone, considering the different ways kids learn and where they come from so that every child can enjoy and learn from them.

WEEK 10 – Piano / Synthesizer


Piano / Synthesizer

For this project, our goal was to craft a musical instrument within the constraints of limited resources. Despite the restricted options, we brainstormed various concepts and ultimately settled on developing a hybrid piano/synthesizer. To accomplish this, we repurposed buttons as keys by integrating two types of sensors, analog and digital. Using a breadboard, we configured the keys and delved into the coding phase. Each button was programmed to generate distinct notes, connected to a borrowed speaker from the IM lab for clearer and better sound quality.

As we progressed with the initial setup, the need for an analog sensor arose. We incorporated a potentiometer, not to alter the current, but as a knob to modulate the notes produced by the four buttons. The potentiometer’s range was segmented into three sections, and within the programming loop, an ‘if-else’ construct acted akin to cases, adjusting the notes played in response to the potentiometer’s adjustments.


The Code

#include "pitches.h"

const int speaker = 12;

const int tone_G = 2;
const int tone_A = 3;
const int tone_B = 4;
const int tone_C = 5;
const int tone_D = 9;
const int tone_E = 10;
const int tone_F = 11;

int buttonState_G = 0;
int buttonState_A = 0;
int buttonState_B = 0;
int buttonState_C = 0;
int buttonState_D = 0;
int buttonState_E = 0;
int buttonState_F = 0;

int potPin = A0;
int potVal = 0;

void setup() {
 // iterate over the notes of the melody:
 pinMode(tone_G, INPUT);
 pinMode(tone_A, INPUT);
 pinMode(tone_B, INPUT);
 pinMode(tone_C, INPUT);
 pinMode(tone_D, INPUT);
 pinMode(tone_E, INPUT);
 pinMode(tone_F, INPUT);

void loop() {
 // no need to repeat the melody.

 potVal = analogRead(potPin);

 buttonState_G = digitalRead(tone_G);
 buttonState_A = digitalRead(tone_A);
 buttonState_B = digitalRead(tone_B);
 buttonState_C = digitalRead(tone_C);
 buttonState_D = digitalRead(tone_D);
 buttonState_E = digitalRead(tone_E);
 buttonState_F = digitalRead(tone_F);

if (potVal < 341)  // Lowest third of the potentiometer's range (0-340)
 if (buttonState_G == HIGH) {
   // play the sound
 else if (buttonState_A == HIGH) {
   // play the sound
 else if (buttonState_B == HIGH) {
   // play the sound
 else if (buttonState_C == HIGH) {
   // play the sound


 else if (potVal < 682)  // Lowest third of the potentiometer's range (0-340)
   if (buttonState_G == HIGH) {
   // play the sound
   tone(speaker,NOTE_A4); //random note not matching the name
 else if (buttonState_A == HIGH) {
   // play the sound
   tone(speaker,NOTE_B4); //random note not matching the name
 else if (buttonState_B == HIGH) {
   // play the sound
   tone(speaker,NOTE_C4); //random note not matching the name
 else if (buttonState_C == HIGH) {
   // play the sound
   tone(speaker,NOTE_D4); //random note not matching the name



   if (buttonState_G == HIGH) {
   // play the sound
 else if (buttonState_A == HIGH) {
   // play the sound
 else if (buttonState_B == HIGH) {
   // play the sound
 else if (buttonState_C == HIGH) {
   // play the sound
