For this week’s reading, the author discusses design in relation to disabilities. He specially talks about how the fashion industry has changed the perception of certain disabilities, purely based off of the design choices made to enhance the appearance of certain medical items. He used glasses as an example, stating that eyeglasses were once considered humiliating and undesirable, but that since the fashion industry/brands discovered a method to produce trendy and cool eyewear, glasses are now considered fashionable and stylish. This is a great example of positive framing (no pun intended) of a disability through its design, which not only offers a product for those with disabilities, but also allows indivsisuals with disabilities to seamlessly blend into society without feeling “different” from everyone else. What can become concerning about the fashion industry and its role in making certain medical items “fashionable” is its economic influence on these  products. These fashionable items become more expensive and leave those who actually need these items unable to afford them. This is extremely concerning and it begs the question of whether emphasizing aesthetic in the process of manufacturing these products is a good idea. Personally, I believe that the (aesthetic) design part of these items is extremely necessary because it not only allows people with disabilities to feel more at ease in society, but it also enables them to feel good about themselves. Of course, there must be a fair balance between usability and appearance, but looking good also makes you feel good.

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