WEEK 10 Reflection


A Brief Rant on the Future of Interaction Design:

Main points

  • We take for granted the importance of touch and how much we rely on our hands. Touch is one of the, if not the most important sense out of all five of our senses. 
  • Interactivity shouldn’t be confined to the press of a finger, but rather engage our entire bodies. Only then will we be able to progress into an era of true interactivity.

Follow up article:

  • From what I could gather in the response article, the author was emphasizing the importance of further developing the technology already at our disposal. Technology cannot remain stagnant, it needs to develop and advance with us. 
  • Again the author highlights that we must NOT neglect our bodies, allowing ourselves to create a future of total immobility. We should engage all aspects of our being and ensure that we give ourselves the chance to experience true interactivity. 

Personally, I find myself extremely scared of our future. The author mentions the possibility of complete immobility in the future due to our lives becoming too heavily reliant on external technologies. To me this is so dystopian to even think about. I don’t want every aspect of my life to be consumed by technology. I want to feel HUMAN and be HUMAN.

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