Week 8 – BubbleSweeper


While exploring various methods for devising an inventive switch, I transitioned from the concept of utilizing a door to open and close a switch to envisioning a scenario where a frisbee, upon striking a target, completes the circuit and illuminates a bulb. My mind was brimming with numerous concepts, yet the one that particularly delighted me was the idea of crafting a game. After contemplating various potential game options, I settled on Minesweeper, a universally recognized game that can be enjoyed by individuals or groups. The optimal platform for realizing this game, in my view, is a bubble fidget toy, which features numerous bubbles resembling the grid of squares in a traditional Minesweeper game. One bubble is equipped with two wires, and when this bubble is pressed during the game, it connects both wires, thereby closing the circuit and activating the light resembling a bomb.

below is the image of the project (thought of making it look a bit commercial :p )

anyways, here’s the demo:


I wanted to feature two people play the game to show how it’s a blast for a pair of players, but you get the idea. It was a bit of a tough nut to crack at the beginning, Getting those wires in the right spots and dealing with that stubborn tape not sticking properly to the rubbery toy body made things way trickier than they should’ve been. But you know what? After a few trial-and-error sessions, I finally got those wires snug and secure.

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