Week 8- Creative Switch


My Concept: When I was in the gym, the couch always would tell me to do the exercises to the fullest extent because I used to do only half of them. For instance, my pushups would be twice the distance from the ground than the right pushups. I wanted to create a tool that helps the user to control the right way of doing the exercise. Specifically, by sticking the aluminum folds at the right distance on each side of the arm, the user can control the way he is pulling the equipment by bending the arm. When the arms are completely bent, the foils touch each other and the bulb lights up. Hence, the user knows that he is correctly doing the exercise (he is fully bending his arm) when the bulb lights up. 

The video of my creative switch in work: testing creative switch

Process & Highlights: I have created a simple circuit with one resistor and one light bulb as we practiced in class. Then, I added the connecting wires which would be used as a switch, breaking and completing the circuit. First, I checked whether they worked by connecting the wires. When I was certain that my circuit was complete and the switch worked, I extended the wires by adding additional ones with the foil to make them wearable. After that, I added the aluminum foil to the ends of the wires and stuck the wires on my hands. 

Reflections: To be honest, this was the quickest assignment of Intro to IM because of my physics background in high school. Additionally, because I already had an idea, the implementation wasn’t a big issue. This project can be developed further by replacing the multiple wires with one long wire because these wires can easily be disconnected from one another, breaking the circuit. Additionally, I would replace the Arduino board with a more flexible, thus, wearable one. Furthermore, I would improve the aesthetics of the product, so it can be implemented and used in the market.

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