Week 8: Create an Unusual Switch


Since the assignment was to create a switch that didn’t rely on using hands, I came up with the idea of using feet instead. The way this switch operates is that when your feet, covered in socks, make contact with each other, it triggers the LED to light up. I love collecting cute socks, so I thought it would be a fun and an entertaining feature to have the socks themselves light up when they come into contact with one another.


This is how the switch works:


This is the setup of the switch:

Process & Highlights 

The components used in constructing this switch include an LED, wires, an Arduino Uno, a breadboard, aluminum foil, tape, a resistor, and a pair of socks. The setup employs a basic series circuit configuration, featuring an LED and a resistor. To increase the contact area, I used aluminum foil to cover the wire ends attached to the socks. When these wire connections on the socks come into contact with each other, it activates the LED, causing it to illuminate.


I thoroughly enjoyed working on this assignment, and there’s definitely ample space for additional creativity. One exciting idea is to attach wires at various points on the socks and incorporate multiple LED lights in different colors. This way, diverse foot movements would trigger various colored LEDs, adding another exciting layer to the experience.


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